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Somewhere over the rainbow trying to find my Uncle Lucky. Ya know the redhead in the commircial? Yeah, that's me..
Member Since
Troublemaking ninja who hates the Muffin Man who constantly deals with lonlieness.
Real Name
Rishi-kun, Rishi-chan, Little One, Hey You, Annoying Kid....Lots of em. :P
Getting high off of cheese and french fries......Attacking a port o pottties... Drawing sharpie on gin-chan's face and getting away with it....Um, lemme see....My irregular sleep pattern... I can stand out in the bitter cold for more then an hour
Anime Fan Since
Can't remember.a very very very long time...ish
Favorite Anime
NARUTO, Pokemon, Azumanga Daioh, and FRUBA! But I read anything and everything!
Mangaka, pulling the fire alarm at my school someday and catching the muffin man! Damn muffin man........
Drawing, causing all hell to break loose, riding the elevator at my school and roleplaying with my best friend Squee-Neji, drawing sharpie alll over people's faces. :D
Drawing, attacking port o potties (PM me to hear the whole story) and being able to psycologicly scarr people (like Neji)
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Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Just a poem i wrote
BAKA Woman!!!
This is actually a true story.....Kinda......Not really. But it is funny. I hope ya’ll like it! It’s just me on about 5 sugar packets.
She puts on her mask,
Which is just an old Spanish book cover
And tucks in her chesnut hair.
Until no one can see it.
She takes off her glasses
And her green-grey-blue eyes sparkle.
Like the mischivious little devils they are.
In just two and a half minutes
She changes from Kioko Natakshia
An ordinary 7th grader
To Baka Woman!
Defender of happieness,
Baka Woman cheers up her friends
And creeps them out just a bit.
She is a BAKA
And an IDGIT
But her friends love her for who she is.
What is Baka Woman’s next mission?
Well, from way back when in 7th grade!
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Got grounded!
I'm grounded! No internet till Saturday cuz I got straight B's! -_- My mom is reaaaaaaly strict on grades!
I'm at school on the school computer cuz i have a free period. Why? Because i was suppost to go to heath but the teacher there told me that they forgot about me (since i'm in adapteve PE, for retard kids) and here i sit (kneel) in hte library.
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Saturday, January 20, 2007
hello! just rambling about, im going to call meh long lost friend who i care about deeply and was sent to a rehab. a while back. i miss her!
another thought, i made a little kid curse. yesterday was stage makeup day in theratre arts. i got a knife stab, a wolf bite and blood down my face. when i showed a first year, he was like HOLY $HT!!!!!!!! it was hillarious! My mom could hear him from the other side of the parking lot!
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naruto naruto naruto naruto naruto
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Thursday, January 11, 2007

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The port o potty story
It belongs to my best friend, Sarah-onee-san.....I decied since she's a better writer to write the port o potty story
The sky is brilliant and the sun is blazing. I sit in the sunshine, my dark hair whipping around me in the wind. My Math homework sits before me, finished, with the corners constantly being blown. The beautiful weather is taunting me; my soul is aching and although it is such a nice day, inside my heart it is raining.
I twirl a sterling silver locket between my fingers and a deep sigh whispers through my lips.
“What will happen next?” I wonder aloud. She loves him…Linda loves Joey…I still can’t believe it or accept it; maybe I just don’t want to. Using the fingernail on my index finger, I open the locket and with silent tears in my eyes, I gaze at the photograph within. She’s so beautiful…her golden hair shining like the sun above me today, her crystal-clear, sky-blue eyes as entrancing as the shockingly vivid sky. I love her. I truly do. Not only because she is so lovely, but because she is also intelligent, friendly, lovable, sensitive, caring, unique and simply the most amazing individual that I have ever had the luck to meet. Now she is slipping away from me and there is nothing I can do. I hope Joey can make her happy, but if he hurts her, so help me God, I will make the remainder of his life a living hell. It is bad enough that he hurt me all the times that he did, but he ought to do nothing but make Linda untroubled from now on.
“Sarah!” I heard two happy, gleeful voices shouting. I looked up just in time to have all of the wind knocked out of me by an over-enthusiastic hug (aka, glomp.) I closed the locket and it shut with a snap.
“Hi, Sarah!” My friend Mary exclaimed with an excited wave. She then pulled the other girl, Alisha off of me, “Look! Look, it’s Kenney!” She thrust her arm out and pointed at the boy she liked, Kenney Sills, as he and the rest of the Track and Field team ran three laps.
“What’s wrong, Na-no-da?” Alisha asked inquisitively, using one of my nicknames. Alisha had pale skin, tawny hair, blue eyes, braces and an infectious laugh and smile. Alisha had gotten brain damage when she was really small, but that hardly had any effect on our friendship. It was her cheerfulness, optimism, cleverness, outspokenness and friendliness that draw us together. Alisha is very original, for example, she has strange nicknames for all of her friends, she calls reading to ‘swee’, she calls hugging ‘glomping’ and she uses the small phrases of Japanese that she knows even when there is no reason to.
“Whaddya think is wrong?” I asked her, sounding a little irritated.
“Oh, Linda and Joey-kun? C’mon, Sarah-Chan, I know what’ll make you feel a little better.” Alisha jumped back, readying herself to perform. She cleared her throat loudly, “Oooooooooh! I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Weiner! Yes, that is what I’d truly like to be…” I couldn’t help but smile as Alisha walked like an Egyptian, discoed, Bunny-Hopped and did the twist in about 30 seconds flat.
Mary and I found ourselves singing along and laughing. Mary had straight, nut-brown hair, a narrow face, greyish eyes and a longing to be loved quite like mine. Mary was a total romantic and she, like I, wanted desperately to be cared for. Kenney didn’t return her affection and she didn’t know how to make him understand the depth of her devotion. Then she stopped laughing, “Where’s Kenney?
Alisha shrugged and I said that I didn’t know. Mary gave a sad little whine, “Kenney!”
“Maybe he’s in da’ Porto-Potty!” Alisha said humorously, “Want me to go see?’
“Huh?” Mary said, bewildered by Alisha’s offer.
“I’ll go check!” Alisha began running down the hill to where the portable toilets were.
“Did she just say that she would check?” Mary asked me.
“I think so.”
“Hey look there he is!” Mary said, pointing happily, “He just took off his sweatshirt so we didn’t see him.”
“Oh. What about Alisha?” we looked down the slope where our friend was knocking on the wall of the toilet.
“Oh my GOD! What is wrong with that girl?!” Mary cried.
The door opened and a kid looked out. Alisha hid. The door closed and she threw herself against it. Another boy from the lacrosse team heard the banging and he came to see what it was. The kid who was trying to go to the bathroom came out again. He saw the lacrosse-player and he pushed him thinking that he was the culprit, but he pointed at Alisha who then pointed somewhere towards the field. She ran back up to us giggling uncontrollably.
“I can’t believe you did that!” Mary said, “Who did you say did it?”
“What!” Mary shouted, “Nice!” She hugged Alisha.
“Yay! Glompy glompy glompy glomp glomp a googa glomp!” Alisha chanted, “Glompy glomp da’ Sarah!” She pulled me into the hug too, hitting my head and Mary’s together by accident.
“Ouch.” I rubbed my head, but I was smiling. My sadness had melted away and I was so thankful that my friends had come and swept me out of the pit of despair and self-pity that I was wallowing in before.
People you love may stab you in the heart
People that you call your friends will stab you in the back
But the people that are you’re real friends won’t stab you at all
Because they don’t even carry knives.
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Meso igito.....I fuhgot about da story....OK, here goes....
I was bored one day with my two best friends....
They were talking about romance and crap....No intrest to me.....
They were wondering where a hot guy went.....Then, suddenly.......
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Stupit idgitness.........
How to make a Kioko |
3 parts friendliness
1 part courage
5 parts ego |
Method: Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add curiosity to taste! Do not overindulge! |
Personality cocktailFrom
How to make a Naruto |
3 parts pride
3 parts courage
5 parts instinct |
Method: Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Top it off with a sprinkle of caring and enjoy! |
Personality cocktailFrom
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Port o potties
A subject that recalls various memories of my seventh grade!!! Woo.....I wanna talk about it! Wooo yay S.H.I.T!!!!!!!
But before I do that......
I HAVE A NEW CURSE WOOOOORD!!!!!!!! Damn hole ass.......Yes.........I maede it up when I was trying to curse out my ex-boyfriend who was harassing me.......HATE HIIIIM!!!!!! DAMN HOLE ASSSSSSSS!!!! -_- I am just hyper..........
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AHHHH Scary guy!!!! >__
OK....Scary post...Rated PG....
I was shopping last night....When some old guy winked at me~!!!! >_< It was kowai!!!!!!
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