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locked in my mind "help me" *ecoo ecoo* *comes apon a tv,oh look a tv, turns on the tv oh look inuyasha is on YAY,sits down and starts watching it*
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Thursday, July 26, 2007
sorry if i havent been on or been posting or commenting but i got a job and i cant go on the computer very often. im getting paid $10 per hour so if i work from 9-5 thats 8 hours so like $400 a week and since im under 18 and dont get paid enough i dont get very much tax on it so i get $400 instead of less and i finally got my socal insurance number and the card YAY. so ill try to comment but if i dont its cuz im to tierd from working and i have to stare at a computer all day so my eyes and head hurt T^T anyway ill try to get on to comment and respond to guest book entrys. you have to watch the video above it is HALARIOUS
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Monday, July 16, 2007
if i dont comment on peoples sites very often please forgive me cuz i wont be on the computer very often but ill try to comment on peoples site at least once a week if not more. ive been so board lately there is nothing to do hopefully i will find something to do but i might get a job so i wont be board and ill get some money YAY it kills two birds with one stone
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
here are some pictures of wonderland it was so fun but for lunch i got chicken fingers and fries and it was $10 can you belive it soo expencive T^T 
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Friday, July 6, 2007
so tomorow im going to wonderland. ill try and get pictures but im not promaseing anything. so i got a new phone yesterday *does happy dance* its a black LG flip phone and its so kool i love it. so i wont be posting or commenting on anyones site tomorrow cuz i wont be here ^.^
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Thursday, June 28, 2007
you know how people say you learn something new everyday, well someone once told me, once you learn something new you can go to bed i love that i i agree with it 100%. so ive been home from skool for a week and im soo board but at least tomorrow i should get some manga cuz i ordered them from chapters and they said they would arrive between 1-4 days and i ordered them on tuesday so they should be here on friday and i got 4 of them but since they arrive on the weekend i will have already read them by monday oh well at least im getting manga i was so happy i could get 4 at once and i could cuz for my birthday i got 2 gift cards to chapters 1 for $25 and 1 for $30 but i spent them all at once and now i only have $7.50 out of the $55 i got but oh well
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Wednesday, June 27, 2007
ssssssssoooooooo its 1:27 AM where i live and im not suposed to be on right now cuz if my mom caught me she would kill me or worse take the computer lol. so skool is out and my exams are done for the year YAY im so happy YAY *PARTY at my house PARTY at my house* so since no ones on right now im leaving right now im watching BONES YAY BONES its my al time favourite show i LOVE BONES YAY BONES anywhoim tierd so im going to bed now *ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz* WHAT *jearks awake when someone hits me* hey stop hitting you evil squrils 0.o did i just says that well i did just have some cake and chips so ya good night ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz
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Friday, June 22, 2007
YAY skools out for 2 MONTHS YAY i only had one exam this semester it was english i only had 1 cuz in gym no exam, tech no exam and in math you technichly do have an exam but its called an EQAO but i think thats only in the country i live in but im not sure. tomorrow im having a sleepover for my birthday and me and my friend are gonna watch anime all night long its gonna be so funny cuz my other friend doesnt like anime and shes also comming over so me and my friend will make her suffer by watching anime (even though i dont know how watching anime can be suffering) BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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Monday, June 18, 2007
YAY skools out in 2 days YAY but i will miss people during the summer that i only see at skool T^T. no one probably knows wat this is but im going to wonderland on july 7th with my friend it will be so fun i go every year for my birthday and im also haveing a sleepover on saturday the 23 for my birthday, but my birthday is on the 24 but its a sunday and i cant have it then cuz my mom has work on monday so ya thats why its on the 23. and im going to wonderland on july 7th cuz its less busy during the week =P so there wont be very long lines, theres this spongebob ride there and me and my friend kelsey go on it like 5 times we go there cuz it in 4D, its 4D cuz its 3D and the seats move, so its 4D its funny cuz you have to be straped in by seat belts, i got this really kool belt at wonder land it a SEATBELT belt like in a car its so kool im gonna get another on when i go YAY. any way i wont bore you anymore with my super long posts so until i post again bye bye
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Saturday, June 16, 2007
i have gone swimming more in the last week that i did last year. my birthday is comming up soon YAY *PARTY*. skool is getting out for me soon but before skool gets out i have exams T^T. so ya i nothing else to say really so bye bye
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007
ok so yesterday i went swimming so i left skool at last period and my mom said i could but apparently i was soposed to call her when i got to the pool cuz it was at a friends house but i dont remember her saying that. so she was mad cuz she didnt know where i was cuz i didnt call her cuz i didnt remember saying that wow that was alot of cuzes anyway she said i wasnt getting anymore manga and i was like NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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