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Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Heeeeeerrrre's Johnny!
I don't even want to know how long et's been since I last posted. And et's not even because I've been anywhere! I've just been lazy XD (psst...tell me what I missed~~!)
Anyway, I've been enjoying my Spring Break for the past 4 days and still have 4 days to go. But the bad thing is I'm not going anywhere. Bleh. I tried talking my parents into letting us go to the Big Mall but all they said was maybe. Maybe.
Has anything happened in The Otaku? All I do now is check ef there's any new fanart/e-cards/wallpapers for Shaman King and ef not I leave. Good thing I didn't get any messages or I'd been screwed O_O
Oh! Before I end this post - Yami Loni, I haven't been to yer house for at least 2 months, could ye fill me in on anything that happened in yer life that I missed. And no - I'm not a stalker -_- I just wanna know.
Arigato, Loni-san!!
Ja ne!
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Friday, January 28, 2005
*gift wrappers fly everywhere* *gasps* OH MY GOD! I LOVE ET!
Yep. Today is my Birthday! *Dances* Happy day, happy day......muahaha.
I recieved a new alarm clock yesterday, and today I got a little, silk red take-out box shaped purse filled to the lid with fortune cookies! Now, this is getting off the subject, but my fortune of the day was:
Do not contend with
someone who has nothing to lose
Which means that I shouldn't argue with someone who has nothing to lose. And so far, I haven't argued with a single person today.
Anyway, I also got a poncho and Budda statue made by my Grandma (with 10$ in ze card!) and a picture scrapbook and new clothes from my Aunt. My otoosan (father) was gonna give me a PS2, DDR game, DDR Dance-Pad, AND ze PS2 Shaman King game, but he's gonna wait till next week when he gets paid. So by next weekend, I'll be subbmerged in my room with my new videogames!!
Well, I'll thank everyone who wishes me a Happy Birthday for turning 13 and I can't wait till tomorrow 'cuz I'm going to the mall AND to Walden Books.
And yes, I know I've just wasted 5 minutes of my time just typing a pointless post and a rather short one too, but at least ye took ze time to read et, right?..........right...?
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
And Your Virus Test Result is....! *stares at screen, shocked* O.O.......*slowly tips back on chair and faints*...
I say neh, meh! I shan't come to the horrible fate that is.....
Of course. I couldn't just get the simple "I love you" virus that just shuts down yer computer or myself eating my kaasan's vegies with no complaints, oh no...I just HAD to get, not just 1, but 2 trojan horse viruses! Out of all the horrible things, i had to get them.
does anyone know how to get rid of a trojan horse virus with my little laptop still safe and sound? because that stupid virus system doesn't show me how to get rid of them. PLEASE TELL ME!! that's the reason why i had to first get rid of my laptop so et could be fixed, use my dad's big, old computer with a broken cooler, and then come back to my laptop. I DON'T WANT TO GET MY LAPTOP WHIPED AGAIN!!! *cries*
please, tell me how to get rid of them!!
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Thursday, January 6, 2005
That, my friend, was the question that I was asked about a million times today at my new school, Calhoun Middle School. And let me tell ye, after hearing that and answering with either "Uh...", "Um...", or "Bangor, Pennsylvannia," et gets tiring. BUT! At least I've made a bunch of new friends ^ ^
Oh, and yes, I've survived the three drive to Texas! And to put et shortly, ET WAS VERY LONG!!! I usually ran out of good CDs to listen to after about two hours we hopped into the car. So I decided to either read a little of my mangas or zone-out, or play my Gameboy Advance.
But what was worst of all was that I kept having to push Turbo, the stupid dog, down just so he would sit. I sware, that dog has A.D.D. and OCD, obsessive compulsive dissorder. And he needs doggy downers so he can shut up!!
Even after living here for a couple days, ye'd think we'd have the truck unloaded. Well, nope! We haven't even gotten half-way through! But at least I get to stay with the dogs up in the gameroom and all I need to do is watch TV and keep them quiet. Oh! Also on the trip, my other dog, Xena, was like an angel. She never made a sound, and she pretty much slept the whole time.
Anyway, more about my new school. I've already told ye 'bout the whole dress-code thing, so I won't need to waste my time explaining that. Well, it seems that I had to wait only, oh say, 30 minutes in the main office until I got to go to my classes, which I got to miss my first 2. My day is as follows:
- First Period: Keyboarding
- Second Period: Reading
- Third Period: Enhanced Science
- Forth Period: Enhanced English
- Fith Period: Art
- Sixth Period: Math
- Seventh Period: Enhanced History
I miss Study Hall!! ;_; I loved to waste my time doodling!
Ah well, I still enjoyed the rest of my day, besides Math. Did they put me in the right class? Because et sounded like Juberish to me.
Well, I'd type more, but my shower is calling.
So my rubber-ducky shall be taking all the messages while I'm in the shower ^ ^
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Saturday, December 25, 2004
Merry to the Christmas, yo.
Yep. Today's Christmas. Watch as I piss, moan, and bitch as always.
Nothing new with me, except a lot of boxes and bags everywhere. But et still doesn't look finished. Man, did ye ever notice that when yer living somewhere, et doesn't seem like much, but when ye move, et seems like yer house is overflowing w/ shtuff? Et's like that for me. And the moving truck is coming on Tuesday! These people could have given us more time, but I am moving in 5 days; the 30th. God, moving is so stressful.
(Yes, more bitching ans moaning) Like lastnight, I was up for 3 hours just unloading our attic. And ef ye knew me (then that means ye is a stalker), then ye would know that I am NOT athletic. (even though I have barely any fat [no offence to anyone out there who thinks they're over-weight]) But! I still went up and down the stairs for 3 hours just unloading the attic. And et's gonna get worse by Sunday. On Sunday, my dad is gonna (probably) load my files from my giant computer to my laptop. Even though I have to wait a half-an-hour to an hour, yo. What the hell am I supposed to do then?! And most likely after that, my laptop is gonna be put in a little bag so I can immediatly go on my laptop once we arrive in Texas.
(Okay, I've stopped whining now) But I did get to open my presents YESTERDAY because then that way, we can immediatly pack 'em up. But sometime in January, I'll have a big Christmas. Here's what I got in my little Christmas:
-2 Japanese Calenders (I seriously needed one)
- Pink, Japanese, fabric flip-flops
-Black, Japanese slippers (they're so warm!)
-A map of Japan (I can use et when I move there!)
-A giant, Calvin and Hobbes comic book (geez! that thing is really thick!)
-A Japanese jewelry box
Yes! I've always complained about my other sketchbooks 'cuz the pages had little bumbs all over them, ruining my pics. But now that the pages are flat (and that the sketchbook has a built-in bookmark so I won't hav'ta go fishing through to find my last pic!) I'll have tons of fun drawing and coloring! Now all I need are Pastel-coloring pencils and the newest version of Photoshop and I'm set!!
Well, this'll probably be the last post fer 'bout a week until I update again. But I do have a jounal which I also write in, so I'l include all the info on the trip in there ion my next post.
Please! Even though I won't be here, message me whenever something new happens to ye or in theotaku!! Arigato!
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
Glick Salich Grishtaag!!
Most people would not know what that said. Unless ye could speak Dutch (German) or ye is Dutch. And ef ye is German, message me! I always wanted to me a German otaku XD
When I watched FMA (Full Metal Alchemist) on ze tube last night, I fell into a swirl of great depression and blinding anger. I knew that Tucker guy was insane. I mean, he used his #!@&*ing daughter and his dog and fused them together just so he could pass some stupid test! His own daugther!!! What's up with that?! He definitly deserved that beating from Ed. I would have even done et myself. But that knew cerial killer killed the daughter! WZF?! Was ze creator of FMA on CRACK when he made that episode? Who knows. ;_; But et was so sad!! *cries*
Sometime during this week, my dad is going to transfer everything on my computer to my laptop. But there's one little problem. Does ye know how much shtuff I've saved of this box with chips in et? A lot. So much so that it'll take my dad hours just to transfer. Hours; plural word people. And then he'll have to load my Outlook (E-mail), my Internet Explorer, and my AIM. All when I'm at school! Another benefit to spend the day at ze hell-hole that is school.
I bet ye people are getting tired of my complaining. Therefore! I shall fill this next paragraph with more facts about ze place I'm moving to; (blank), Texas.
I've recently found out from my kaasan that at my new school, I shall be leaving at 8-somethin and I will have a 45 minute drive to my school. More excuse to listen to music on ze bus! When I come home, it'll be about 4:20pm. That's surprising to my family because my niisan and I usually come home at 'bout 2:55pm. 4:20pm and 2:55pm. Do ze math.
Onto the clubhouse in my soon-to-be neighborhood. In ze clubhouse, I will have:
- A sauna
- A jacuzy
- A huge pool
- A huge swirling slide
- A rentable videogame room
- A theater
- and friends ^ ^
I can't wait to move! Only 11 more days!
P.S. I will be celebrating a little X-mas on ze 25th ^ ~ and then a big one sometime in January near my b-day! B-day presents AND X-mas presents!
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
"New York, New York!"

I just can't stop from being merry. It's like the Eagles lost and my arch nemesis, Erin Qually, finally croaked! Oh, happy, happy, I am. I might even sing. But I shall not. Because that would cause me great embarrassment and I don't want that on my happy night!
Ye must be wondering why I, Kokuei, am so very, very happy. Kokuei is going to New York for a field trip! Whoop!! All the shopping and mugging ye can get!
The way ze field trip will work is I'll go to my school at the regular time, which is 6:55am, and then leave (on charter buses! more detail later) at 7:40 and arrive at New York at either 10:00am or 10:30am. Once we're there, I'm gonna ask my chaperone if I can go with a different group. Yes, I am able to do that. Okay, once that's finished, basically we can go off and do whatever we want in New York. I'm planning on going to ze Walden Books there and buying some mangas! And maybe a suvenior or two.
Then at 1:00pm, the 7th grade will meet up at the Rockafell Center to watch "The Christmas Spectacular." We were supposed to watch "A Christmas Carol" but now they're not showing it anymore.
After the hour wait and the 2-or-so hours of the show, we'll immediatly head back to the charter buses. A charter bus is a really big bus with cusioned seats, Tvs, and a bathroom in the back. Say it with me, "Sweeeeeet." We're supposed to bring a snack because we won't be stopping of the way back and we'll get back at the school by 7:30pm if the traffic isn't bad.
And that's about what's going to happen tomorrow. I'll tell ye in detal what happened on the trip on Thursday because I'll be pooped when I come back @_@
Wish me luck and Muffins!
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Saturday, December 11, 2004
a......aa..........AAAAAACHOOOO!......*looks down at keyboard*......ew. -_-
Not. Once. Not once, in all of the time I've been here at theotaku, have I ever seriously humiliated myself so badly with other people secretly laughing at my error.
But there was this one time....No, let's not get into that.
To make things clear, al this week I've!..................Done absolutely nothing. Nothing! About 2 days after I had put up my post and complained to my mom 'bout all that crap that I had in my previous post, she corrected me in saying that, really, I'm pretty much gonna do nothing besides donate the shtuff I don't want and help load ze truck. That's et!!
I'm sooooo embarrassed ><.....
But, nothing really did happen this week, but I am going to one of my friends parties tonight! Everyone say, "PARTEH!"
Tee-hee. Well, it seems that I only have 8 days of school left........till I leave to go to another school. And living on Pizza and Chinese won't be so bad afterall, now that I think about it.
Gotta get going. Gotta finda present for ze b-day parteh tonight.
....What?! Ye thought that I'd just show up at a party w/ NOTHING??!
"And we here at X-Play give this special post a 2........outta 5."
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Sunday, December 5, 2004

Nyaaaaaaaaaa~~~! >< I can’t stand et!! Too much streeeeeesss!!!
Ze reason why I’m freaking out is that I never thought of ze actual process of getting to Texas. And let me tell ye, et ain’t pretty. In fact, I’m stressing even more just by typing et!
What’s going to happen is my Kaa-san (as well as my niisan and I) are going to go through ze house, starting with ze attic and working our way down (ze basement is gonna be ze worst -_-), and donate everything we don’t want. Trouble is, we have a lot of shtuff. I mean, a lot. I can’t already hear my Kaa-san’s nagging ‘bout my room, and we’re not even starting till next week!
”Why do you still have this?!”
”You have way too much stuff in your desk, Ryce.”
”Why ze hell is this in here?! It’s supposed to go in your brother’s room!”
;_; And that’s just ze beginning of et. Once we’re done w/ that, we’ll shove et all in ze mudroom and wait for ze donate-peoples to come by and pick et all up. Yayness.
After that, ze real stressful, obnoxious, time-consuming packing begins. While my dad is of in Dallas trying to set everything up and doing his job (and making money), ze rest of my family will be packing. But thank Kami-sama that I’ll be in school most of ze time. Whew. >< But I’ll still have to work my ass of as ze family go-get-‘er and ze-person-who-helps-load-ze-moving-truck. First, my Kaa-san will order all of ze boxes (I mean, come on. Ye didn’t seriously think that we’d pack ze truck without boxes, did ‘ja?!). We’ll then pack up ze attic and leave ze attic boxes in well…ze attic. Then we’ll do ze same process w/ ze basement, ze parlor, and ze den. Then we’ll pack up ze dining room, ze pantry, ze kitchen, and any little things in ze downstairs bathroom and put all of those boxes in ze mudroom.
And we’re not even half-way done! After all of ze downstairs is done, we’ll then start on ze second floor via where all ze bedrooms are. I just hope that my teachers will be nice for ze next two weeks and not give me any homework, !_! I mean, how can ye do ye’s homework ef all ye’s shtuff is packed up?! (INCLUDING ze computer?!)
Okay. We’re finished packing ze house. Now all we gotta do is wait for dad to come back!........................................................................................Wait, I see something, yes! There he is!
Once dad comes back, we should have ze entire house packed (“With no help from ye, thank ye very much!”). Then ze moving truck comes and we load et. Blah blah yack yack and so forth.
Now et’s ze 29 (and yep, we didn’t celebrate x-mas!) and we’re all packed and WHAT do we do?! Why, Kaa-san and dad leave to sigh ze papers for ze closing of ze house! Leaving me and niisan to play Go Fish or whatnot and watch ze animals (5, thank ye). Once my Kaa-san and dad come back, et’s off for a 3 day trip! Driving 9 hours a day! Woohoo!
No, seriously. I’ll be in my Kaa-san’s car with one of our dogs, Xena ze start one, and our cats, Sassy (mine!) and Chance (niisan’s!). While my niisan is in my dad’s car with my other pet, Pun’kin ze annoying kitten, and my niisan’s dog, Turbo ze blonde one. No offence to blonde otakus, but he IS stupid.
So, now we’ve been on ze road for 3 long days and et’s a Monday and now we’re at our house. Well, even though ze moving trucks leaves before us, they’ll get to us on Thursday or Friday. That’s means 4 or 5 days living in an empty house and living off of pizza and take-out.
But ze WORST part is that I still have’ta go to school with absolutely NO IDEA what’s going on and absolutely NO preparations! Sure, I packed my backpack with all my school stuff, but I need more notebook paper, better pencils, and an actual clue as to what’s going on! But at least I can wear whatever I want for ze first week because I’m a new student XD (cuz ze school has a strict dress-code: Girls have’ta wear black or blue pants, Capri’s, or skirts, a polo shirt tucked in, and dress shoes. Bleh, I say, bleh.)
And all is finally right in ze world when ze moving truck finally arrives and we get all our stuff back ^ ^
Yay. And my Kaa-san says that since I’m in a new community (which is building their own movie thearter, Dunkin’ Donuts, pet shop, library, etc.) that I can get a job in pet-sitting while my niisan does baby-sitting !(sucks fer him XD) But I’m only going to pet-sit for 3 years (when I’m 15) and then I’ll work at ze movie theater! Once they’re done building et.
Yep. That’s pretty much what’s gonna happen for ze next month. And sorry for all ze complaining, but I’m so STRESSED!
But ef I still have my computer up and running next Friday, I’ll do a small update at ze bottom of this post. So, next Friday, come back to my site and look for something that looks like this:
December 10, 2004 ~ Friday
~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~!
~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~, ~~~ ~~
~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ `~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~!
Except all ze ~~~ will be words and et’ll be longer. Hopefully.
Well, I promised all my teachers X-mas cards before I leave so I better get started.
Remember, come back to my site on Friday to check ef I updated! And ef I didn’t, then it’ll be safe to know that my computer has been packed or I was killed by a sniper rifle. Heh.
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Saturday, December 4, 2004
*Cough* *Cough* *HACK!* *Cough* *Cough*

That's is basically what I've been doing. Coughing and hacking. And all because of my allergies. >< Stupid Ragweed.
Faust finally came back! Yes! XD And the look on Manta's face was priceless when Faust was holding him. "B...b-bad i-idea..."
Yeah. And some African guy named Joco who tells entremely bad jokes (but I thought et was hysterical when Joco put that dress on Ren). And I can't believe that Lyserg went w/ ze X-laws! Even though I knew et was gonna happen anyway. Ah, ze wonder of spoilers ^ ^. But still, Lyserg shouldn't've joined them! They're creepy for Kami-sama's sake!
But, ^ ^ I did get my Jan. Shonen Jump yesterday with a free YGO card in et so I'm happy. Ze card is:
Archfiend of Gilfer
When this card is sent to the Graveyard, you can activate its effect. You can then equip it to a monster on the field, and this card will be treated as an Equip Spell Card that decreases the ATK of the equipped monster by 500 points.
ATK/2200 DEF/2500
So, basically this monster kicks ass. And et's so pretty that we shall et my presious! *purrs*
Yes. I send we. Keyli likes to play ze YGO game too!
Well, I gotta get to work on either my homework, or ze x-mas cards I need to make, or my character bios (please, tell me which one ><)
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