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Full Time Slacker/Writer/Artist/Otaku
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Ryce Shirogitsune
um...breathing? O_o
Anime Fan Since
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currently currently One Piece and Shaman King
To be a published author and first female Manga artist from America
sleeping, writing, drawing, slacking, reading
sleeping, drawing, writing
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Let'z zee how many ppl hug Kokuei in vone veek!!

give Kokuei more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
in ze great vords of Yami Loni, "damn, yo. damn".
ye think zat after zelebrating barebly any 'ealth 'omevork zat i would 'of zought zat i vould ztill get more oo.
damn. now'z i'm ztuck vith a Native American research vreport about the Comanches! and zat's not even ze begining, for ze whole vreport is 400 point @_@!!
vell, ze good part iz zat we get to make dream-catcherz and totem-poles and shtuff like zat.
but, zat'z not all. my great, great gradmothers were really Cherokee[sp?] indianz! and mah own grandma knowz all 'bout the Comanche tribes so i'm pretty set ^ ^
man, does anyvone know how to get'z vreally popular vreally fast? i've only had 88 visits fer crying out loud!!! if ye know, plz tell!
before i go'z and do'z mah 'omevork, i just vanted to know if any of ye'z noticed ze new chatter-box and new look ^ ^
I found ziz on PsychoMerry's site:
You're too big of a fan
You know your obsessed with Harry Potter when...
Bold those that apply. try to get your parents to let you camp out by the mail box after your 11 b-day. sleep in the cuboard under the stairs until you are 11 when you live in the smallest room. try to tell your parents that they are your aunt and uncle who hate you. tell your parents to send you to an old neighbor whenever they are going out. write up a report card for yourself saying you turned the teacher's wig blue because he/she gave you homework. try to cut a scar in your forehead, and recut it because it goes away. talk to your shrink about this and end up drawing a milky pen scar. swear that the picture hanging above your bed just moved. start referring to the books in first person *looks around nervously* are suspended from school on the first day of school because on your supply list it said to "wear school uniform" and you show up wearing Hogwarts Robes.
...Your away messages on AOL read: - They say the away message chooses the wizard and -Quidditch Practice, Wood needs his star (chaser, beater, etc)
...You've written a Harry Potter and the Lost Novel and have already picked your outfit for the movie premiere
...your list of why you're obsessed originally was only supposed to have 3 reasons and now it's grown to 29 *well....*
...the only websites in your favourites folder are Harry Potter websites. *of course:)* have programmed your computer to the REAL English language, so that when you type up your reports your teachers think you spelt everything wrong and that you have extremely bad grammer*this becomes extremely annoying after a while...* paint an egg gold, take it to a bath and try to hear voices that tell you about the 2nd Triwizard Tournament task.'re at a hotel and raid the kitchens at midnight, hoping to find some house-elves. play chess and wait hours and hours for the pieces to move when you say "E4" *stares pointedly at the ceiling* go looking into all basins, seeing if they are pensieves. *i thought i found one once...* missed several days of school/work after you finished the fifth book citing a "death in the family" *sigh of relief...i was already out of school* print out pictures of everyone at Hogwarts and frame them like they were family can't read Harry Potter in libraries or other quiet places because you've been known to randomly cheer or cry or loudly comment on what your reading and scare/anger people around you *wistles and looks in the other direction*
...when Microsoft Word Processor tells you that "Quidditch" and "Parseltongue" aren't words, you right-click on the word and press "Add To Dictionary" *this just proves taht I have a wide vocabulary...*
Whenever you turn on a flashlight, you mutter "Lumos" *yes...well....*
Someone asks you, "Are you serious?", you say, puzzled, "No, I'm (insert name here). *other people find this annoying I've found out*
You were in the hospital for a while for smashing your nose via a King's Cross Station incident I won't get into...
You suggested to your gym teacher that your class play Quidditch instead of baseball, and just couldn't figure out why he or she was sending you to the school psychiatrist...
When people make fun of you, you shout spells at them.
The reason people make fun of you is because you shout spells at them.
Did I mention you wear black robes to school every day?
You have a pet owl.
You wish you had a pet owl.
You have a stuffed owl that you keep in a birdcage.
You feed your stuffed owl bird seed every day.
You shout to your pet owl: "You look too thin! Eat! Eat!"
Every time you do something bad, your parents immediately punish you by taking your Harry Potter stuff away.
You have the American copies of the books, the American paperback, the books on tape, the English copies, and even some in Spanish *I'm learning much better than I ever did in school:)*
And then there are the copies that you actually read.
You have a Harry Potter website.
You have written over 10 Harry Potter fanfics.
If someone says a number somewhere in the vicinity of where you're standing, you'll immediately recite from heart exactly what is on that particular page.
Of every Harry Potter book.
Including the one in Spanish.
You walk around with your nose in a Harry Potter book all the time, and are known to repeatedly cry out: "WHY, Ron, WHY?? You KNOW you like Hermione! Why must you torture yourself?!" *hell freakin yeah, lol*
Your godfather, after suffering through many an attack of Godfather, Part 2 recicitations, has had to convince you that his name is NOT Sirius Black so stop calling him that.
You've got a cat and/or a rat and you named them Crookshanks and Scabbers.
Or else, you've got a bunch of animals named after every single character. *They just breed like always, don't they?*
Hold on, I'm not done yet! You've got a lizard named Norbert.
You've had to convince many people that Norbert is a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon and NOT an iguana, thank you very much.
You've got a dog you named Fluffy.
You actually took Fluffy down into your secret lavatory (hee hee) and performed quasi-Frankenstein operations on him that involved digging up the ol' pet cemetary...
You made your own wand.
You made dolls of the HP gang.
You never talk about anything but Harry Potter
People refer to you as "That Harry Potter kid" *the musketeers do*
You went as a Quidditch player for Halloween.
You draw a lightning bolt-shaped scar on your forehead every day.
When people ask what grade/school you're in, you, without thinking, immediately reply: "Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, 3rd year."
You never stop to correct yourself.
You know more about Quidditch than any actual, real-life sport.
You've made plans for a Quidditch amusement park ride, with the broomsticks and balls sort of hanging from the ceiling like in bumper cars.
Your idea is actually plausible.
In a role in your school play, you unknowingly recited lines from Harry Potter.
You scoff at everyone who calls the first book 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone' instead of 'Philosopher's' because that is so unfanish-like.
You scoff at people who call the first book 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone' because it is so politically incorrect. It's Sorcerperson's Stone.
You scoff at people who do anything 'cause, heck, scoffing is FUN! Scoff, scoff, scoff!!
All your friends kind of avoid you because they're sick of Harry Potter. *that is so freakin sad, lol*
In history class, you heard the word 'alchemy' and unabashedly announced: "Heeeeeyyyyyyyyy!"
You blew up a toilet at school and blamed it on Fred and George.
You wrote an essay called 'Witch Burning in the Fourteenth Century Was Completely Pointless-discuss.'
Your teachers have gotten used to the Harry Potter thing and just don't care any more.*I personally consider this a good thing, ms kue went crazy!*
When you scratch 'Nimbus 2000' in your regular old broom at home, in the hopes that will make it fly.
You believe JK Rowling writes about Hogwarts from her own experience. *i freaknig seriously believe this*
You can hum the soundtrack in your sleep - and at sleepovers, you really drive your friends mad. *shit i own all three soundtracks, no touching*
You act out random scenes from the bookin the middle of class at school - very loudly - and at a time when nobody else is talking.*way backl in the 8th grade.*
You've dressed up as Harry Potter every Halloween since you can remember, and you still do - even though you're 23 years old.
You trot around telling people (very loudly) that your last name is Potter (even though it's not, or maybe it is) and that yes, you're related to THAT Potter - he's your second cousin.
You have a VERY serious crush on one of the actors that played in the film, even though he doesn't remind you at all of the character*TOM FELTON*
You visit Harry Potter fansites many, many times a day, looking for anything new in the news about Harry. *GUILTY!!*
You memorise the lines from the books and you even memorise the spells and stuff.
When you go to school, ask people if they like Harry Potter or not, and when they don't, you attempt to put a spell over them.
Whenever you see the word abbreviation "JK" (Just Kidding) you automatically think of JK Rowling.
You actually think of Harry when he invited Cho Chang to the Yule Ball when your future date asks you very quickly going down the hall during school, "Youwannagothedancewithme?"
You discuss Harry Potter with any and everyone. And that's EVERYONE.. doesn't matter who.*poor people, save urselfs*
When you buy your own feather quill pen.
When you carry around a wooden stick with you, and often point it at things and mutter a random spell.
When you insult someone, you call them a mudblood.
You believe that anyone that does magic is from Hogwarts or another wizarding school (ex. Durmstrang)
When you meet a really really really mean teacher, you accidently call the teacher Professor Snape.
You pretend to brew potions.
You start to speaking in a British accent, even though you aren't even part British.
You start talking about Quidditch - even to Muggles!
You say that you will marry one of the Harry Potter characters some day.
You were just so disappointed that you didn't get a letter from Hogwarts before you started grade 6. *still am...sniff*
You keep insisting that you're a squib when you can't get "Wingardium Leviosa" to work.
You dress up and pretend to be a wizard at night.
You imagine what you would do if Hagrid told you that you were a witch/wizard
When you get mad at a sibling, you challenge them to a duel, and before they can answer, you hold up a pencil and yell, "Wingardium Leviosa!", and they look at you like you just said something stupid.
You tell your friends that you're in a hurry because you're off to the Chamber of Secrets for a cup of tea with your fanged servant.
You check the toilet for Moaning Myrtle before sitting down.
You accidentally (or purposely) call your teachers "Professor."
You start calling your mom "Mum," and proclaim everything to be "wicked" and "bloody brilliant."
You flinch every time someone says 'Voldemort.' *proud to say that I've over come MY fear...*
You yell "Enemies of the Heir, Beware!" whenever you see graffiti on the bathroom walls.
You actually considered graffiting your school to say "Enemies of the Heir, Beware"
You check the pesticide aisle of your local Home Depot for Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent.
You grab your mom's tea cup, look into it, then scream and say, "It's the Grim!"
You refuse to drink any thing but pumpkin juice.
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