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Full Time Slacker/Writer/Artist/Otaku
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Ryce Shirogitsune
um...breathing? O_o
Anime Fan Since
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currently currently One Piece and Shaman King
To be a published author and first female Manga artist from America
sleeping, writing, drawing, slacking, reading
sleeping, drawing, writing
Saturday, November 6, 2004

Man, this weekend is doing pretty well so far. I've even seen 5 episodes of Shaman King today (Saturday block thing on cartoon network). But what I just can't stand is the fact that CN ruins 'em by putting their stupid logo in the corner of ze episodes.
I mean, who want to see that when yer trying to watch one of yer shows?
They could 'least make et go away after awhile or somethin.
Damn, yo. Just Damn.
For one frickin time, i have. no. homework. that's like....impossible 'er something OO
Note that i am extremely glad that i get to just take up space all weekend, but it's strange for mah teachers to not give me any homework.
I get a new schedule on monday (end of ze marking period)! But there's now a new social studies and science teacher and there's a slight chance that i'z might get one of 'em. But i like mah s.s. teacher, Mrs. Mieriniki (don't even try to pronounce et), and mah Science teach, Mrs. Wilkins, dude (eep, evil word ><) And Mrs. Wilkins likes japanese stuff! Almost NO ONE likes that stuff!
Trust me. I still can't convince this one guy that i'm not reading the book backwards because et's a manga. Then again, he also thinks i'm gay so i guess nothing get's through him.
Don't ask. Just. Don't. Ask.
Moving on...
I finally got out of cooking! woohoo!
I seriously hated that class, yo.(i like saying "yo". Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo!) we mostly learned about nutrients and cooking safety rather than actually cook. but we did make one hell of a smoothie.
(If yer a guy, don't read this next part. If yer a pervert, be mah guest, because you obviously don't care.)
But the worst part was that when we we're learning (*cough*boring*cough*) about minerals and crap, Mrs. Krug (cooking teach. come one, keep up w/ me!), said that girls need twice as much iron as boys because we loose a certain amount of blood each month, i sware on mah Shaman King volume 4 manga, that every boy on that classroom was laughing at all the girls. I even think they laughed at us when we were walking down the hallway.
(Okay, you boys can read now. If yer a boy and already read et, i promise that i will hunt you down, rip out your vocal cords and shove them back down your throat if you tell ANYONE else *snaps rope*)
No offence 'er anything, but i know that every single boy is a pervert. et really depends on what level they're at. Seriously, you should hear what the boys at mah school say.
well, once i end this pretty much pointless post, I hav'ta say that i will be posting ze first chappie of mah book "Samurai: Echoes in the Wind" soon.
Fear me and mah insane typing ways!
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