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Full Time Slacker/Writer/Artist/Otaku
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Ryce Shirogitsune
um...breathing? O_o
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currently currently One Piece and Shaman King
To be a published author and first female Manga artist from America
sleeping, writing, drawing, slacking, reading
sleeping, drawing, writing
Thursday, November 18, 2004

OMG! Oi actually DREW something! OO...
amazing, ne? And et's really good too (if Oi do say so, moiself). But et's just a random character. Nothing special. And Oi'm deciding weither to ink or not. Ink? Or not to ink? Zat is ze question XD
Anyhoo, once moi dad comes back from Dallas (w/ moi souvnier(sp?), zank you!) Oi'll ask him ef be can scan ze pic so Oi can post et up on numerous sites zat Oi am a member of. Cuz Oi'm just cool like zat, yo. [(c) Yami Loni]
Man, "damn" can't even describe how Oi feel. Whenever Oi post a journal "entry" like zis, et always comes out as "blah", not "not blah". Oi'm not even zat funny! And yet, people who are like...3 years younger than me, come up with stuff zat people say zat's "LMAO" material, man! (no offence if ye really is younger than me.)! But Oi guess et comes as no surprise cuz mah dad is ze funny one.
Oi'm damn mad zat Bush won. Yes, Oi know zis is late. And do Oi care? No. As Oi was saying, Oi'm just damn pissed, yo, that Bush won (all pointy objects are to stay more than 15 feet away from Kokuei [(c) Yami Loni]). He does look better, Oi'll give 'im zat much. But the guy's a frickin hoe! Kerry even SOUNDED smarter than 'im! And now Oi'm moving to 'is hometown. Yayful-ness.
Yep. You heard me right. Oi'm movin to Dallas, Texas in June. Moi dad's zere right now, but 'e'll be back next Wednsday...and zen 'e'll leave sometime in January ('e'd better send me a present! ><) and 'e'll come back in June to help us pack. Good news: Oi'll be moving away from the rat-hole known as (blank) and will be moving to Texas. Bad news: O have'ta collect some million addresses from all mah peeps at school so Oi can mail 'em and zerefore still know of their exsistence. Oi did spell zat right, didn't Oi?
Anyway, before Oi end zis pretty much useless entry, Oi must say zis: WATCH FULL METAL ALCHEMIST, DAMNIT! et's pretty much one of ze most mo'frackin[(c)Yami Loni] animes ever! And Ed is hot so ef yer a girl, et gives you twice as many reasons to watch et!!!
This seeminly random post has been brought to you by (c) WEAPONS R' US: The only place where you can get great deals on weapons of mass destruction! Our new special guest: George W. Bush!
P.S. ef ye would like to comment 'bout ziz entry, just PM (private message) me.
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