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myOtaku.com: Kokutan-Ookami

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Before I head out the door
Yesterday turned out to be a bad day. Before class even started something went wrong with my boyfriend. And so I was worried throughout the day until I could talk to him in 6th hour.

My friend Nanshippo was also having a bad day. But when she's in a bad mood it's really scary. Sometimes she can't really stop herself (or so it seems) and so she gets very violent. Even when she's joking around with one person, if anyone buts in she screams at them. it's kinda weird and scary! (and can hurt! x.x)

So throughout the day everything seemed off and I was just in the middle of it. But I think it will get better today!^^


Quote of the Post:

"Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win." ~Bernadette Devlin

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