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myOtaku.com: Kokutan-Ookami

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Yesterday was really fun! We had to go strait to the movie after school, but we still had an hour once we got there. So we played a few games of DDR while we waited for people!^^ I havn't played for a few months so I really sucked, I lost all the balence I once had! T.T But it was nice to finally play again!^^ After DDR we got our traditional green tea and then some pizza (my bf was hungry). When people finaly came we went to the movie and the theater was empty. It's a really small, old theater in our mall...I don't know if I said this, but Piraits wasn't out yet so we went to see The Last Mimsy.

I'm a bit sad though because my boyfriend has to leave on a family trip for spring break and he's having family issues...I hope it turns out alright!

Today I have a guard show at my very own school!^^ It's going to be fun because I'm going to know a lot of people in the crowd! I really hope I have a good day with my riffle though, it would be really embarresing to drop! ^^" Another school has to come and practice at our practice area because there school (were they practice) caught on fire. I really hope there ok! That would really suck to have to go through that! Well I need to go eat!


Quote of the Post:
"Look hot! You want me in bed!!" ~Guard people (trying to get someone to preform)

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