Birthday 1995-02-10 Gender
Female Location Yuma Arizona Member Since 2005-12-28 Occupation Waitress ._. LOL Real Name Rachel
Achievements Honors, Pre- college credit, the best friends eva Anime Fan Since Since I was born! Favorite Anime Ouran High School Host Club, Bleach & Death Note Goals Survive my teenage years, O_o' Hobbies Writting, reading, graphic arts, sketching and video games Talents Art and Writing Koneako
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
All done!
There we go! All done! My new theme! ...Now, if you'd please excuse me, I have a TON of homework to do, and I really want to eat a yogurt...Oh yeah! This video, it's from "Air", and I have to say, I am totally hooked!!! I LOVE that anime series!!!! 1 week from now, I'll be changing my theme to "Air", but if you REALLY want to see the best "Air" site, and "Air" fan around...I suggest seeing my "sensei's" site. Angel Zakuro.
Takshi's bf is neji...I am so dissapointed in all of you, but it's okay. I guess it was harder then I thought. Any suggestions for a new theme? I do 2 different anime per month. What should March's be? Comments (2) |
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Song of day: I have no idea...
Pic of day: Chibi Fruba gang!
2nd pic of day:
Pic of day: I'm TenTen and Hau is Sasuke. Yep! I beat him at everything!
Ah...I am sick, so I have to stay home from school today. So, I was watching Fruba in bed this morning, and I thought Kyo! So, that's my new theme. I only got 2 comments on yesterday's post. And, nobody guessed the question of the day. So since I have nothing else to type, I'll retype that. But question of the day form yesterday.(Takashi has a boy-friend! Hey! That can be the question of the day! I'll give you a hint: Who is my favorite-favorite-favorite ninja? If Takashi represents me? Who would my bf be? ^-^ ) To guess the correct answer, you'll have to read everything below VERY carefully. Why? Because someone guessed Kakashi for their answer when I had said he was my character's older bro. Here is yesterday's post: ~everyone knows what fan-fiction is.(Well no, duh!) Well I'm weird to the point that everytime I get hooked on an anime, or more like when it fist comes out, I make up my own character for the series that fit's right in. And I'm serious aout "fitting in" with my Naruto kunoichi I made up. It was as if she belonged right there originally. Okay, I know "Takashi/Takeshi" are boy names...but I like it sooooo much! It's really cute! Now then let's get started. Takashi is a kunoichi who started at age 11 as a "link" ninja. This is a ninja who "links" two squads together. She therefore linked my two favorite squads. Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke to...TenTen, Neji and Lee.
^-^ Okay, She is also Kakashi's younger sister. Oh, and check this out! You know how Takashi is also spelle Takeshi. And Kakashi can perhaps be spelled Kekashi. Key letter:E. Depending on how Kakashi was spelled, I would spell Takashi that way. Any how as I watch episodes of Naruto, I get idea's for my fan-fiction. For example. Naruto has the 9-tailed fox within him. The destoyer of the village. And Takashi has a neko spirit within her, whic is kind so to speak...the god of the fire country. Takashi can control when to let kurouneko,(the "god" within her, keyword: neko at the end of her name.)out, and that's usually never because Takashi is so strong. But, her and Kurouneko are even close friends. That's because since they share a body, they share a heart, soul, and mind. Kurouneko has to respect and know that Takashi is kinda suffering from all this. And because they understand eachother's feeling's so greatly. thaey bond close and become very good friends. Imagine being friends with a god! Oh, it get's better! Takashi has a boy-friend! Hey! That can be the question of the day! I'll give you a hint: Who is my favorite-favorite-favorite ninja? If Takashi represents me? Who would my bf be? ^-^ If you can get that riddle right, I'll let you know more about this later. I have at least 30 stories that link all my idea's together. Tell me in a comment, post or E-mail if you want to here one. Buh-Bye! Comments (2) |
Monday, February 19, 2007
Song of day: from Fullmetal Alchemist Conqeror of Shamballa, well, that's what I was going to play, but it won't give me any codes on imeem.(Pic of day: I'm TenTen and Hau is Sasuke. Yep! I beat him at everything!
Tenten "vs" Sasuke by ~mistyblossoms on deviantART
So, anyhow, I was watching Naruto Saturday, and even though most of you already figured this out, I'm gonna post it anyway. Okay, so it started when Gaara said "What joy to be able to defeat someone who injured me this badly!" And I'm on my couch and it like, "hit" me. Orochimaru could care less about his "plan" or the "hidden leaf village" or even gaara. Remember when he was fighting Sarutobi-Hokage? He said his next pray would be Sasuke, and he would take him when he was strong enough. You see? It all revolves around Sasuke. Gaara is just like pop-quiz fighting to get stronger without much of warning. Destroying the hidden leaf village would most likely leave Sasuke upset that he wasn't "strong" enough and that he would never beat Itachi with this level of strength, so he would go off with Orochimaru. Like I said, it all revolves around Sasuke. Okay, enough of that everyone knows what fan-fiction is.(Well no, duh!) Well I'm weird to the point that everytime I get hooked on an anime, or more like when it fist comes out, I make up my own character for the series that fit's right in. And I'm serious aout "fitting in" with my Naruto kunoichi I made up. It was as if she belonged right there originally. Okay, I know "Takashi/Takeshi" are boy names...but I like it sooooo much! It's really cute! Now then let's get started. Takashi is a kunoichi who started at age 11 as a "link" ninja. This is a ninja who "links" two squads together. She therefore linked my two favorite squads. Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke to...TenTen, Neji and Lee.
^-^ Okay, She is also Kakashi's younger sister. Oh, and check this out! You know how Takashi is also spelle Takeshi. And Kakashi can perhaps be spelled Kekashi. Key letter:E. Depending on how Kakashi was spelled, I would spell Takashi that way. Any how as I watch episodes of Naruto, I get idea's for my fan-fiction. For example. Naruto has the 9-tailed fox within him. The destoyer of the village. And Takashi has a neko spirit within her, whic is kind so to speak...the god of the fire country. Takashi can control when to let kurouneko,(the "god" within her, keyword: neko at the end of her name.)out, and that's usually never because Takashi is so strong. But, her and Kurouneko are even close friends. That's because since they share a body, they share a heart, soul, and mind. Kurouneko has to respect and know that Takashi is kinda suffering from all this. And because they understand eachother's feeling's so greatly. thaey bond close and become very good friends. Imagine being friends with a god! Oh, it et's better! Takashi has a boy-friend! Hey! That can be the question of the day! I'll give you a hint: Who is my favorite-favorite-favorite ninja? If Takashi represents me? Who would my bf be? ^-^ If you can get that riddle right, I'll let you know more about this later. I have at least 30 stories that link all my idea's together. Tell me in a comment, post or E-mail if you want to here one. Buh-Bye! Comments (2) |
Saturday, February 17, 2007
The change
Song of day: Fantasy(hikaru no go)
Certificate of Marriage This is to certify that Neji Hyuga and Koneako were married on February 17, 2007 Marry Your Favorite Character
Video(s) of day:
Konnichiwa everyone! Welcome to my new emproved site! I posted little goodies for you above, 'cause I'm not going to type or say much, but one thing I am going to say is Thankyou sooooooooooooooooooooo much for everything you have done for me angel zakuro! I am truely in your debt! Comments (4) |
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Song of day: Tora no uta
Pic of day:Misuzu
Konnichiwa everyone! Hey, I see a pattern in my post's. It's turning out to be every other day. Anyhow, I hope everyone is well. My new theme will start in two weeks time. Today was absolutly FREAKY! So, it was valentines day, as many of you may know...>0< Yeah, and I had like 5 boys ask me out and I'm like ^-^' I'm not ready for a relationship yet...please get away from me. It was scary. Well, I gotta go do my homework. Buh-Byes! Comments (1) |
Monday, February 12, 2007
Song of day: Butterfly kiss
Pic of day:(I have no idea so I'll name her)Minami
Hello everyone! Sorry I didn't post yesterday, but I was playing the Inuyasha D.S game that I got for my birthday. It's really cool and really dosen't focus on Inuysha at all. Alright,so you are an american girl named Janise who moved from america to japan, befriended kagome, attacked by a demon, met a powerful monk named seh, jumped into bone eaters well, reuninted with kagome, and learn that you are the daughter of kumhui, which means you have the power of a god. But anyway, it was really cool. I need to go play the game so I gotta go! I hope your day is like a bubblegum bath! ~Koneako Comments (1) |
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Happy happy joy joy!!
Song of day: TenTen's theme!!
Pic of day:TenTen ^-^
Question of day: eye color and hair color?
My answer: Lightbrown, brown.
"Happy happy joy joy!!!, Happy happy joy!" Hmm..For some reason I've been singing that song, ^-^ Anyway, I know I've already done tenten for a pic and song, but today
b-day and I thought I should post my favorite ninja! I kinda feel bad for tenten, she doesn't own alot of screen(as in showing up on naruto alot)and just cause she didn't win to temari, alot of fan's now treat her like crap!(so i'll treat you like that! *evil glare*, but only to those that dislike tenten. Anyway, one of my best buddies, cloudyboy, sugested I do Midna from zelda twillight princess for my new theme. But I can't find a bg picture of her! Makes me mad...but, as soon as I do I'm thinking of doing that. Thanks for the idea cloudyboy! Oh, I have decided as TenTen_kunai for my new site, but I'll come to this one a heck more then the other one,but, that's cause koneako is my home. Well, since today is my b-day I get a party, but what suck's is that none oof my otakan friend's can come. But, that's okay. You guy's are alwase in my heart so, wherever I am, you kinda come along! My party's mt 1:00 mt time, and it's 9:54 right now. I better go get ready! I hope everyone's day is a bubblegum bath! ~Koneako Comments (1) |
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Song of day: Hyrule field(twilight princess)
Pic of day: Link(he's so cute!)
I'm so head is killing me!!! Agh! Anyway, again nithing really happened. And there's nothing to talk about. My Neji theme will be changing in a week or so, and my site won't be scrolling, but I don't think that matter's. Any idea's for a new theme?(And a tenten or neji user name?)
Song of day: Breaking the habits(linkin park)
Pic of day: "brother's"
Hello! Again, I hope everyone is well. Today was just...WRONG! For those of you that remember about the post about my friends bf,1/2 of this post is about something they did that got the hole 6th grade in trouble.(You cn alwase look in "archives" if you forgot.) So, we got in the classroom and around 7:54 my teacher Miss Brokaw started giving us a DISGUSTING lecture. Apparently(spelling check)my firend Alex was..uh.."kissing" her bf at lunch, any sexual activity at all is banned from our school, and if you are caught doing any hugging,kissing, or...uh...>.< anyway, you're suspended. And...Alex was caught "french kissing" (It's all so wrong! Remeber, Alex her bf and I are only in 6th grade here!) and miss Brokaw gave us a huge talk on unaproprate activity. And at the end of it, she said "Would any of you like to go to a restraunt and see me making out with someone?!?!" And everyone in my class was like O.O and >0< it was a total shock! So, yeah, eeewww! Changing subject. About the new account I'm making...any idea's on name's? I still havn't decided. Mabey the TenTen_kunai or TenTen_kunoichi, or...mabey kunai_ofThe_Kunoichi, Oh, Ooccoo the third got in out of school suspension today.(That's MyOtaku account. He's my 2nd younger bro) Yeah, he BIT someone. I's all too strange. Comments (2) |