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myOtaku.com: Koneako

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Running out of time....
Don't have time to post....gotta go, but Hi! I love you all!
-About Yourself -100 Questions-
- General Info -
Hair color?:brown
Happy with it?:yes
If not, what would you change it to?:a darker shade of it
Eye color?:brown
Happy with it?:kinda...
If not, what would you change it to?:blue
Skin color?:white, not bleach white, but not tan
- Favorites -
Color?:Maroon and teal
Food?:anything spicy
Animal?:neko >^^<
Fast food?:um...I donno,
TV Show?:Any anime that's not completly dripping with blood, like Naruto or Bleach.
Actor?:Huh? I'm in the world on anime, not regular movies, but I guess Johnny Depp
Actress?:Huh? I'm in the world on anime, not regular movies, but I guess...Miley Cyrus
Movie?:The Lord of the rings series is pretty cool
Shoe brand?:like I care aslong as they are comfty
Cat?:calicos or tabbys
Board Game?:clue
Video Game?:Wow 0.0 I have no idea! That's like asking my fav anime! Maybe FinalFantasy or KH?
- Usernames -
On Aol or AIM?:Don't have
On MSN or MSN Messanger?:Don't have
On Bzoink?:Don't have
On LiveJournal?:Don't have
On Blurty?:Don't have
On Neopets?:Koneako
- This or That? -
Coke or Pepsi?:pepsi
Black or White?:white
Summer or Winter?:winter
Spring or Fall?:fall
Mountains or Plains?:plains
Rock or Pop?:rock
Jeans or Khackis?:jeans
Shorts or Capris?:capris
Message Boards or E-mail?:E-mail
Some good friends or a lot of bad ones?:some good ones
TV or computer?:computer (thatnk YouTube!)
Cordless phone or cell?:cordless
MSN or AIM?:I guess I don't care
Survey or Quiz?:survey
Pink or Red?:red
Christmas or Easter?:christmas
Read or Write?:write
Take or Create?:create
Flower or Weed?:flower
Pizza or Antelope?:pizza
- Love Life -
Have you ever had a girlfriend/boyfriend?:no
Do you currently have a girlfriend/boyfriend?:no
How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had?:0
Does your girlfriend/boyfriend give you presents?:no
- How Many -
Pairs of Shoes?:4
Musical Instruments?:1
Buckets of Lard?:what?
Hair brushes?:dang..I alwase loose them...14
- Talents -
Can you sing?:yep
Can you dance?:I'm not sure...
Can you decorate?:yeah
Can you type fast?:oh yeah!
Can you train animals?:maybe
Can you write?:yes
Can you read fast?:fastest at my school
Can you sharpen pencils?:yes
Can you paint?:yes
Can you draw?:Heck yeah!
- Random -
Name a random song.:wind
Name a random TV show.:naruto
Name a random food.:ramen
Name a random person.:amber
Name a random animal.:neko
Name a random holiday.:b-day
Name a random cartoon character.:tenten
- Family -
Do you have siblings?:yes
Do you get along with them?:sometimes
Do you live at home?:yes
Are your parents divorced?:gonna happen (yes!!)
- Are you.. -
In love?:no
Glad you took this survey?:yep
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