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myOtaku.com: Koneako

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hey! It's 6:30pm for me right now, sorry it took so long to post, but I has softball practice after school, and our coach is my homeroom teacher. Ugh...This is such a drag...Sorry, I didn't keep Temari as a BackGround for even a day, I got of the phone with my anime buddie, and we both like Neji, she asked me if he were real and asked me to marry him....what I would say! 0.0 What kind of a question is that!?! I mean...First off, he's not even real...and then, well...Ugh, I just think that was going way____ over board! Of corse, if I had asked her that same question adding Gaara, she'd be screaming "Yes!" no second thoughts whatsoever.
Well...the AIMS starts tomorrow. And I have now figured out for 6th graders, it's deciding if we go to middle school or not!? Now, if we are already afraid of the AIMS thinking we may not pass Arizona standards, and then you tell us it also counts if we're moving on to middle school...what do you think that does to us? ...Oh well, there's nothing I can do about it. Guess what?! Sorry, I am an easedropper sometimes, but...anyway, my stupid father came over the other day, and I heard him and my mother dicussing a divorce!!! Yes!!! No more beatings maybe, please?! I mean...how can you possibly hurt a kitten? T-T Make's me feel sad and unwanted. That also reminds me, my brother, Hau-the cow, his name was supposed to be Haru, we just forgot the "r". And my name, Koneako, was ment to be Koneko, this is just how I spell it, K-o-n-e-a-k-o to give it...um..."origianallity". As comfronted, I don't have time to comment on anyones posts, because I'm sneeking! I just can't seem to get away form you all! But none the less, I love all of you!!! *hugs* Buh Bye!!!
~TenTen lover Koneako

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