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myOtaku.com: Koneako

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My friends:
If you're button isn't here, PM me, and I'll get it from you! If you don't have a button, PM me and I'll make you one!

Clubs:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Curent Mood:a

*laughs* I was also surprised you all took the time to read that question survey yesterday! And I really enjoyed everyones answers, it really helped me learn on how you all really think of me, ^^ So yep! I thought that was a good idea!
And on top of that, I now know a buddie of mine has the same B-day as me! But, I guess he gat's to claim it since he was born first, but! I was born at *pulls out birth certificate* 10:30pm! :3

Well, school is getting interesting. Graduation is in two weeks, so that'll be wierd....um....yeah, that and everyone is starting to break up with their "b/gf" and during this stage, I'm just kinda like; "You don't think you're just a few years young to have that going on? I mean, at least the age of 14 if not more, but 12??!!"
My words: STUPID

Yeah, so anyway's. I made three of my friend's buttons, because I've known them for a while, and I don't have a button for them...so, yeah...^^ here they are, but because they are a little messy, I might play with them later;





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