Birthday 1995-02-10 Gender
Female Location Yuma Arizona Member Since 2005-12-28 Occupation Waitress ._. LOL Real Name Rachel
Achievements Honors, Pre- college credit, the best friends eva Anime Fan Since Since I was born! Favorite Anime Ouran High School Host Club, Bleach & Death Note Goals Survive my teenage years, O_o' Hobbies Writting, reading, graphic arts, sketching and video games Talents Art and Writing Koneako
Thursday, May 24, 2007
My friends:
Curent Mood:
^^ Hello! First off, I am NOT almost done with middle school, more like Elementary school, *laughs* I don't think that person knew I was only 12! Or that 6th grade is in elementary in Arizona, oh well! ^^
I had a chat with my friend Mariah yesterday, and the funniest things happened! First off, she said the twins from OHSHC were "Hawt" which made me laugh my head off, though none the less-it is totally true!
But that's not the funniest part. She likes....Tamaki. And called him "hawter" then the twins which kinda made me turn to stone. Tamaki? I understood his looks, Mariah likes that type, but if she knew his personality, well....I bet that'd be just another completly different story. ^^ And on top of that, she likes; HaruhiXTamaki which I guess is fine with me since I think Hikaru is better off with Kaoru anyway, but if fandrom went with HikaruXHaruhi, I would totaly be grabing Kaoru for myself. *sneeky sneeky*
Yeah, I am hyper right now:
Today was a pain at school, the biggest pain I have ever had in my brain. We had to take the middle school entry exams, which weren't so bad, the problem was that stupid medical test our teacher gave us which in this case; this specific test is only usually used in college. So for us 6th graders, it was pretty hard,
I think one if my friends on MyOtaku is mad at me, I really don't know why if they are, but they sure are acting that way in my opinion. And that makes me depressed because I'm not mad at that person, and I feel very bad is I did something to hurt them. Expeacially because they havn't told me this if this indeed, is the case.
This is my favorite depression mode/act and on top of that, how I feel almost all the time.
Yeah, so anyway....I'm back to deleting my account again, I'm just...*stressed out and crying*
Here are some thankyou's because I don't know what I am going to do this time:
Angel Zakuro: Everything with my site! You are totally a sensei! And someone who I can alwase turn too for help,
Anime Kitten: For letting me know that I am not alone and just beong there for me,
CloudyBoy: For being my first friend on MyOtaku! I truely am in you're debt for everything, thankyou for being a big-sister to me.
DoctorMister: For putting up with those requests, I am thankful I could turn to you. You're an awsome person and someone everyone should get a chance to be friends with!
Kaoru Hitachiin: Thankyou so much for putting up with my stupid additude! You're an awsome person, and I am so very glad that I was able to meet you, I don't even think I deserved as much as to being able to meet such an awsome and kind person like you.*or any of my friends* And on top of that being willing to be my first Onii-san, I wanted people to look up too, and as I found many sisters, I only obtained two brothers, so thankyou so much!
KirbysDouble: You're advice was really great! Though some of it I can't possibly hope to use, maybe it will help others one day?
Lutaru: For being someone just to beable to have some fun with.
SasukesAngel: For being a big-sis to me! I enjoyed so much with you, and am happy I shared all those times with you, you are a great friend, and Chimiko is such a cute charatcer, ou did a great job editing her!
~For some of my friends I couldn't come up with alot to type because I am just so greatful it's hard to put it into words, and sometimes when you are stressed out it effects you're brain too,
this may not be my last day on MyO, but this is a warning I may be leaving, thankyou all for everything!!! I think I'm done, oh yes! I rememberd too put these Amv's I found of Tamaki and Haruhi up for Mariah, ^^' sorry,