Yeah...so I THOUGHT I would be going to school today. Heheh, NOT THE CASE.
As you all know I have type1 diabetes. Not a fun disease, and one with no cure.
So right after I posted earlier this morning, I went to check my blood glucose and take the injections. Well, the highest my monitor reads is a blood glucose of 599- which is extremely high as it is. (Mind you, the normal blood glucose for anyone is about 94)
So...yeah, my monitor read HI
Hi..meaning, over 600+
O.O Holy Crap, I was like, freaking out, ^^"
That blood sugar is so freaking high, I should have been passed out.
So..instead of school. I am currently in the E.R posting. ^^'
They're gonna keep me sadly, ; ;
And this isn't fun because I took a whoopin' 20 units of insulin 2 hours ago, and my sugar still reads HI
It's not fun, 'cause this is like...life or death. And since when is that ever fun?
Why or why did I have to get sick on
Ryo's B-day!?
; ; This is Ryo Puffs Happy day! XD
Well...I'm getting really dizzy, so I guess I'll rap this up, say a prayer I'll get out of here!! (And that my blood glucose isn't gonna kill me, ^^")
I'll try and chat tonight...but ti depends on if they freaking,
1. Get me in a room
2. Get a IV started
3. I feel like it, XD