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somewhere only I know. or do I ? Maybe you know? STOP STALKING ME!!!.....but seriously, I'm in my mind...Kooland.yep.
Member Since
town idiot? no, not quite fitting. um, green team idiot? no,no....ah! The FAMILY idiot. MHM. I'm not putting my self down, just poking fun at me. There ain' nothing wrong with that. Right?...RIGHT?
Real Name
Lauren but seriously you can call me Koo or Koo-chan instead. Lauren only means laurel bush. Koo means koolaid. and in koo's opinion, koolaid tis better than flowers. *nods*
hm. Actually getting through singing in the talent show without fainting. ^^ and making the honor roll and stuff.
Anime Fan Since
eh,5th grade is when i learned what it was called but i have liked it since kindergarten or first grade.
Favorite Anime
BLEACH!!!Fruits Basket,FullMetal Alchemist,Naruto,D.N.Angel,several others i like.
learn how to cook more than just PASTA AND FROZEN DINNERS.and toast. ><
Figure skating,drawing,singing,writing,internetting(woot).
uh...see above.(yesh,internetting.seriously)
| Koolaid-chan
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Monday, October 29, 2007
I'M ALIVE *breathebreathe*
Alright, so first off the concert was so kickass it was unbelievable! I loved it <3 *moshmosh* I was down on the floor jumping up and down like crazy and my mom was like "HUH?" xD
And when Breaking Benjamin was playing the lead singer was being carried across the crowd and singing when all of a sudden he yelled "Don't take off my shoe!" To some person in the crowd xD.
Now, to the title. Apparently my mom called Tay saturday night because nobody knew where I was. Then it escaladed into everybody thinking I was dead. :<<<< So once again I'm alright and I'm so sorry for worrying you :< But...I even can't remember where I was saturday night xD AHAHA....hah. Yeah...
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Gaming club
Comment response time!
E-123: Aw poor Jeff >: From what I heard Friday was really SOMTHIN'.
Soez we had gaming club today, and wow was it packed. It was really awesome though. I was just like "DDR Fanatic Mode" xD. And then I cuddled Jeff then more DDR then more cuddling and then glomping Emily, and Sarah and everybody. GAWD IT ROCKED. I'm going to bring my DDR mat next week, though, the one I used I kept stepping off of. It was kinda hard :< I need some more DDR practice too, I haven't played it enough lately.
Well, I best be off. I'm going to a haunted hayride with the girl scouts. They're supposed to be really cool so yay! ^ ~
Have a great day everyone!
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Sunday, October 21, 2007
Comment responses :>
Master_Hiko: Aw that's too bad. >: Hopefully you'll get to go to the next dance though! And thanks, I've been much better the past few days. ^^''
edchan: *hugs back* Awww I'm sorry I worried you D: But I'm ok now!! <3
HelenaValentine: Oh dear. o.o I'm glad he's ok! Aye, I've been drinking LAKES worth of water! I mean, I've had a Jones soda once or twice, but it was the first time I'd had soda in about 2 weeks, and I drank water right afterwards. :3
I'll do the tag next post, I'm just being lazy :P.
I've had such an off week. I've only spent one full day at school. xD You already know what happened Monday, what with the ambulance and such. Tuesday I woke up at 3:30 with a terrible head cold. I went to school though, and went home early, during fourth block. Then, I woke up at midnight feeling crappy on Wednesday, so I stayed home. Thursday, I felt a little better, but still kinda bad. Soez I went to school anyway, and felt better as the day went on. Then FRIDAY morning I woke up unable to breathe, and my throat was throbbing, and I was coughing like nuts. So I stayed home >:. Thursday was the only full day I had. I feel much better now though. Still having a bit of throat pain, but it's loads better.
*sigh* I am writing four different fanfictions right now. '-' One Harry Potter one, one Kingdom Hearts, one Fruits Basket, and one LKaw and ORder: Special Victims Unit. It's gonna take me awhile to fijnish all of them. I keep getting ideas out the WHAZOO!!! ˆ-ˆ' I uess I'll leave you be then ^^''' Have a great day!
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Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Alrighty here.....
Soez Saturday night was the homecoming dance, and it was uber awesome!!! Until....I passed out. >: It was outta nowhere! Then yesterday
I passed out again! They took me to the hospital and strapped me into a bed in the er and did a bunch of tests. They think i MIGHT be dehydrated.....And that's pretty much all. Everybody at school knows me as the girl who passed out. >:
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Friday, October 12, 2007
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Monday, October 8, 2007
give it yer best shot : D
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just guess if u dont know : D
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Saturday, October 6, 2007
Hullo thar stranger ^ ~
Soez, how are you guys? I haven't been doing too much, just downloading some music. I found some wonderful classical versions of disney songs. <333 lol. I like disney too much : P
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Wednesday, October 3, 2007
bored D:
Take this survey
What song has captured your mind lately? "All Around Me" by Flyleaf What TV show do you catch regularly? Law and Order SVU <3 What book really has lately engaged you? none in particular. cept harry potter did, before it ended D: What movie do you find yourself re-watching? hp movies and when i get it, transformers <33333 Has someone in your life become a new and surprising friend? alura from school was more of an acquaintace but now i consider her a friend. Is there a book/film/piece of music from your childhood you still have? the first hp bool, and my first cd ever(britney spears DDD:) and....for film, i have a recorded version of The Pebble and The PEnguin. an adorble movie ^^ What is something that is over-rated lately? Britney this. Britney that. In the words of Chris Crocker: "LEAVE BRITNEY ALOOOOOOOOOOONE!!!!!!" 'Nuff said. What is the best kept secret in music you NEED to share? i don't know. D: What comfort food has been important to you of late? lasagna? i guess. What place is your hiding place? my room. Do you collect anything? If so what? i collect pins. mostly with sayings on them, or 'I heart something or other' What is a weekly ritual for you? tidy my room, watch SVU, the original L&O and sometimes CI. What beverage is a daily consumable for you? water What store or shop do you frequent the most? Hot Topic and Spencer's when I'm at the mall. Otherwise, Target or kohl's. Are you a creature of habit? depends on the habit i guess. sometimes. What is your favorite animal? kitties :D Who is your favorite actress/actor? Actor: Chris Meloni(Det. Elliot Stabler, L&O:SVU), Shia Lebouf(Transformers, Even Stevens), and Oliver and James Phelps(Fred and George Weasley, hp films) Actress: Mariska Hargitay(Det. Olivia Benson, L&O:SVU) and Anne Hathaway (Devil Wears Prada) Are you obsessed with pink? NO.
More surveys @ MySpaceBulletins.comSchool Day
Period One
What time does it start?: 7:45 is when class starts. What is it?: Green day: Gym and white day: World History honors Whos the teacher?: Gym: Mrs. Erockson and mr. Gallant. i think. WHH: Mrs. Camire Who do you sit by?: gym: casey lord. its alphabetical order, too. WHH: tay-chan, tony, and casey What time do you get out?: 8:59
Period Two
What time does it start?: 9:05 What is it?: green: choices white: algebra Whos the teacher?: choices: Ms. Ryder alg: Mr. Broad Who do you talk to?: Choices: Jeff <3, Evan, Cody Alg: Casey, Ed-chan, Alura, Raymond, Ben Do you like it?: yeah, it's alright. Hottest person in the class?: Moi. lol just kidding!!!
Period Three
What time does it start?: 10:22, about. What is it?: green: science White: English honors Whos the teacher?: sci: Mrs. Potter EH: Ms. Modisette Any one annoy you?: sometimes the girl sitting behind me talks to much in science, but that's all. and sometimes curtis annoys me. D< Teacher ever get mad?: not really. What time does it end?: 11:40
Period Four
What time does it start?: 12: something like, 12:10 What is it?: green: german <3 white: study hall Whos the teacher?: german: Frau(Mrs.) Peters, study hall: mr. bowers and mr. stockholm Ever fallen asleep during it?: study hall, yeah. Do you like anyone in it?: only as friends. D:< What time does it end?: 1:25
Period Five
What time does it start?: well I guess it starts at 1:30. What class is it?: it's not really a class, just a 20 minute SSR. Whos the teacher?: Mrs. Camire. Do you like him/her?: yeah, she's nice. Is the class fun?: it's the same everyday, so not really. unless the book is awesome. What time does it end?: 1:50
Period Six
What time does it start?: we dont have one D: What is it?: RIDING HOME ON THE BUS Whos the teacher?: RALPH Anything funny ever happen?: fuck YEAH. it's too long of a description, let me tell ya. Do you get yelled at often?: nevah. xD What time do you get out?: im usually dropped off around 2:45
Period Seven
What time does it start?: 2:45 What is it?: OUT of school now, mister. Whos the teacher?: myself. D: Ever received a detention?: i'm too rebellious to give myself a detention. << Do you do your work?: YOUR MOM Do you get along with the people in it?: it's only me myself and I, What time do you get out?: GIMME FOOD.
What time do you go?: 11:40 Who do you sit with?: Taychan, edchan, E, jeff, steve and casey Does your best friend have it with you?: yep ^^ Do you eat lunch?: somewhat Ever had lunch detention?: nope. Has there ever been a fight during it?: in middle school but last i checked not here. WAIT, i just found out someone was punched in the nose today. Thanks, Kayla ^ ~
What time do you arrive?: usually 7:15 Who do you talk to?: the grand emperor of china. >> my friends, der. Do you listen to an iPOD or MP3?: mp3 Do you make fun of people?: only if their being jackasses to us. Do you ride a bus?: yep If so, who do you sit with?: brittany Are you glad when the day is over?: YES.
More surveys @
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Sunday, September 30, 2007
comment responses:
Alphonse122: ^^ Thank you! Ours is semi-formal I believe, I just hope my dress isn't too fancy OO''
Sasu Naru: Why thank you, on both accounts! ^_^
edchan: Yeah, I'd love too! When are you guys going?
HelenaValentine: ^w^ Yeah, our dance is the 13th. of october that is. Wow sounds like prom is exciting o.O Thank you! I'll put a pic up when I can. I'll go find my dads camera...
Gruesome Heart: Yeah, he lives about 20 minutes from me, even though we live in the same town. Why thank you. ^^
Ok, so I can't find my dad's camera right now, and I think he said he had to charge the batteries, so I'll probably take one later tonight or tomorrow. Soez what's up with all of you guys? I'm not doing much, just hanging out on ze computer.
mood: happy :D
listening to: Better Than Me, Hinder. GOD I LOVE THIS SONG
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Saturday, September 29, 2007
sooez I'm dating Jeff again. ^^ I had a relationship with E, too, and I regret forgetting to post about that. D: I'm sowwy.
homecoming is coming up and I have a dress :D I'll put a pic on here at some point. And i got new shoes. yaaay.
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