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somewhere only I know. or do I ? Maybe you know? STOP STALKING ME!!!.....but seriously, I'm in my mind...Kooland.yep.
Member Since
town idiot? no, not quite fitting. um, green team idiot? no,no....ah! The FAMILY idiot. MHM. I'm not putting my self down, just poking fun at me. There ain' nothing wrong with that. Right?...RIGHT?
Real Name
Lauren but seriously you can call me Koo or Koo-chan instead. Lauren only means laurel bush. Koo means koolaid. and in koo's opinion, koolaid tis better than flowers. *nods*
hm. Actually getting through singing in the talent show without fainting. ^^ and making the honor roll and stuff.
Anime Fan Since
eh,5th grade is when i learned what it was called but i have liked it since kindergarten or first grade.
Favorite Anime
BLEACH!!!Fruits Basket,FullMetal Alchemist,Naruto,D.N.Angel,several others i like.
learn how to cook more than just PASTA AND FROZEN DINNERS.and toast. ><
Figure skating,drawing,singing,writing,internetting(woot).
uh...see above.(yesh,internetting.seriously)
| Koolaid-chan
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
hey everyone! What's up?I finally got some more contacts, and it's definitely aboutt time if you ask me. Oh and guess what else? I have strep throat. :P greeeat. they gave me huge pills but i can;t take them. I'm gouing to haev to take liquid instead. *shudder* That's all I guess. Woo! I'm bored. do. xD
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Tin Tin!
My friend Brittany and I got to go to Tin Tin Buffet :D Twas yummy. That's about it. oh! You know my flower baby? from camp? Britt and I dumped it everywhere and we were snow white!!! xD How convenient that she lives down the road, no? lol it was fun though.
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Sunday, August 19, 2007
omfg. xD
check this out.

Get Your Sexy Name that's hot. xD
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Friday, August 17, 2007
hey guys
^^ What's up? Sorry I hadn't replied to any mail prior to this, I havent gotten around to it i'm afraid. But I've replied to all my messages now ^^. I'm feeling much much better now that the dang stomach flu is gone. Oh, and I went to a doctor about my goose hiccups and he is referring me to a throat specialist ^^'' oh boy. He said it was a little red. That's...well, I guess that's it. Talk to you laterz! Have a great day!
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007
here's a disturbing little survey for y'all ^ _ ^ courtesy of Koo.Rated R Survey
Take this survey
How often do you play with yourself? ...excuse me? Which hand do you use? this one! *slaps you with it* Are you a switch hitter? hawotewha? Does anybody really need to hear that? NO. What is your biggest vice? XD Have you ever thought about raping someone else? pfft no. ok.....maybe.....Kyooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! But, he's already my hubby and the farther of my chitlins. What if I showed you a source which says that rape fantasies are healthy? i never asked you to....-.- What do you think about these questions so far? they are.......odd. Is this survey bound to be deleted? by several angry parents and disturbed law officials, yes. ^^ What do you consider your most traumatic moment from your childhood? there was a whoooole lot. either my brother, "C", or sixth grade. i consider the past 14 years my childhood. What did you do to overcome that event, if there was one? i havent overcom eany of them yet... Do you prefer to sleep clothed or naked? uhm....both? What are you wearing right now? pajama pants and a striped tshirt. Do you have to write notes to yourself to remember stuff? occasionally Which brand of deoderant do you use? secret and teen strength (?) Are you a part of the Internet Hate Machine? the who? Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? not at the moment, I like being single ^^ Do you hate it when people abbreviate the word girlfriend as gf? nah, How many people have you had sex with? let's see, you , your mom, Kyo Sohma, Axel (h2) Yuki Sohma, your - let's stop while your traumatized. Were you drunk on any of those occasions? only in your memories. Have you read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows yet? *twitch* no. I have it, but i have to rea d to books for school first. How many video game systems do you own? 2. What time do you usually go to bed each night? it really varies.
Your thoughts on...
Gay marriage? it should be allowed Gays in general? they rock ^^ *hugs* Christianity? i don know, im not a christian Chocolate Rain? OMG WHERE?! Buttsex? no thanks. Abortion? i am mostly against it...but people have their own choices to make..... Mormons? what? Cable television? 80% crap, 15% soft porn, 5% entertainment.
Final questions
Scariest dream you ever had? i had a dream where i was nearly raped... Your deepest desire? world peace and tranquility Where do you see yourself in 10 years? married w/kids and working perhaps, if not still in college If you could say anything to anybody, what would you say? be gentle to those who may whine or talk alot. everyone has their own battle to fight.
More surveys @
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007
hi everyone ^^
I wasn't on lately because I've been sick. stomach flu. anyhoo.
in some ways, I can't wait for school to start, but in some ways I can. due to previous posts, you probably know why. mr.c there. two of my friends and i greed to meet on the first day of school. if i get there first and then he gets there i'll find someone else to talk to or a read a boo. I hope I don't sound's just, the way he treated me last year. sometimes it was horrible. Amanda/Gothy-chan and Ed-chan especially probably know. Especially since gothy-chan usually sat at the same table as mr c and i. he liked to sexually harass people but I was too stupid to go to the principal about him. -.-' one day we were talking about him sexualy harassing people and i flat out said "C, you sexually harass yourself!" xD It made me happay.....yeah. the onmly guys i trust at school now are the following:
Phillip, Evan (E-123 ^^), Jeff, Steve, Tony, Raymond. Yes these two are nimrods. but they are my nimrods. and I trust them. anyhoo, new subject. How are all of you guys? ^^ I haven't talked to you guys lately! I'm sorry T.T hope to hear back from everybody ^^
have a great day!
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Saturday, August 4, 2007
Woot! i'm so happy to be back! I'm not ever going again! We had to carry 5 pound sacks of flour as "babies" and I'm gonna now rip mine open and throw flour everywhere. It'll be snowing! Woo! Everything was going well until I kind high. NO, I was NOT doing drugs! I love the smell of sharpie so I sniffed it and I guess I sniffed it too much so my friend and I ended up high and we skipped up the road. o.0
So this girl in our tent, this FATASS 11 YEAR OLD!!!!! called us fucking druggies!!! WHAT THE HELL??????? She thought we were going to friggin kill her in her sleep. It made me so depressed and...I nearly cut again. There was a little bit of blood but I won't go into detail. I houldn't have done it. It's not noticeable now though. I won't do it again. OH! And this other girl scout camp had to be evacuated and moved in with us because a guy escaped from a nearby correctional facility and went into their camp. The creepier patr? He has no legs so he drags himself around. *shudders* I'll talk about it more later....I MISSED YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!
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Saturday, July 28, 2007
I won't be seeing you guys for awhile, I have babysitting camp this week. :P
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Sunday, July 22, 2007
*doubles over* Too...much...caaake.....
It's meh birthday toooday! WOOT!I'm 14 now. My friend Brittany and I stayed over at my other friend Alyssa's house last night and we stayed up late and at 12:52 I looked at the clock and said "Oh, I'm 14 now" (I was born at 12:32). xD lol
My party yesterday was lots of fun, and I gots to see all my friends again! And the gifts were great, I love them all *hugs gifts and friends* I will remember to send out thank you cards this year. ^^' The only bad part is that I forgot to take my prozac that morning so I kinda got overwhelmed and a bit sad. o.o
My friend Ed'chan's party was today and Gothy-chan and my friend Lindsay were there too and we playde limbo, water twister, water limbo, a memory game andand guess what?? I won a couple times at twister and limbo! ^^'' yay
Ed-chan's bday is tomorrow so happy early birthday to her!! ^w^
Have a great sunday!
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Friday, July 20, 2007
plz help!
I need some help!!! See, my friend on here Silent Reveries, deleted her site and I think she created a new one, but I don't remember!!! If any of you could tell me if she's still on MyO and what her name is, I'd greatly appreciate it!!! Please help me find my friend!!
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