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somewhere only I know. or do I ? Maybe you know? STOP STALKING ME!!!.....but seriously, I'm in my mind...Kooland.yep.
Member Since
town idiot? no, not quite fitting. um, green team idiot? no,no....ah! The FAMILY idiot. MHM. I'm not putting my self down, just poking fun at me. There ain' nothing wrong with that. Right?...RIGHT?
Real Name
Lauren but seriously you can call me Koo or Koo-chan instead. Lauren only means laurel bush. Koo means koolaid. and in koo's opinion, koolaid tis better than flowers. *nods*
hm. Actually getting through singing in the talent show without fainting. ^^ and making the honor roll and stuff.
Anime Fan Since
eh,5th grade is when i learned what it was called but i have liked it since kindergarten or first grade.
Favorite Anime
BLEACH!!!Fruits Basket,FullMetal Alchemist,Naruto,D.N.Angel,several others i like.
learn how to cook more than just PASTA AND FROZEN DINNERS.and toast. ><
Figure skating,drawing,singing,writing,internetting(woot).
uh...see above.(yesh,internetting.seriously)
| Koolaid-chan
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Monday, March 24, 2008
How is it I always seem to fuck things up? I completely wrecked my friendship with someone on here and I didn't want to. but as usual I opened my mouth and ruined it. I hope you can forigve me someday. I made a mistake, and I regret it.
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Thursday, March 13, 2008
Hello, everybody.....Not too much goinjg on over here....I'm just...really, really tired.....emotinoally, and pysically. I'm in major denial, and I'm getting horrible grades. I hope you guys are doing well though. ^^
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Tuesday, March 4, 2008
~You guys can message me now, I cleared up some space.~
So.....not too much new, I guess.....Seth knows that I like him, cept he only likes me as a friend, and we kinda avoided each other today but we worked it our, so yay. ^^ Hm......I'm really...bored...oh! That show New Amsterdam is on! It's been looking cool on the promos, so unless my mom changes it, I am WATCHING it. xD
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Saturday, March 1, 2008
Happy March 1st everybody!! Alright this is just a brief post to say that I still can't comment and it is pissing me off big time. No offense to the admins, but I think this whole version vibrant thing is kind of stupid, I mean, what was wrong with the way it was before? And it's screwing everytihng up and I can't even upload my new avatar!!!

I was thinking of one of these two. Which one should I choose? Obviously I'm going for a bleach theme xD. Particularly Ichiruki.
Britty-Froggy-chan: I'm so happy you got to go the concert it sounded really fricking awesome!!
Adri-kun: Your boss sounds like he needs to chillax. D: ...Strip poker? xDDD Oh my
Coco: I'm confused, what's VV? Do you mean version vibrant? I'm doin alright, except for all this blasted snow T^T.
Have an awesome day guys!
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Friday, February 29, 2008
Thing from deviantart.
1. If Raymond were to be mistaken for a celebrity, who would it be? Erm....Uh.....Mike Myers with glasses? NO Danny Devito, but taller. ^^
2. Who does Paris hilton like? Her self
3. What song could be Dubya's theme song? Dear Mr. President, by Pink. look at what you've done, Dubya.
4. Ever slept in the same room with William Hung? *jumps on table and dances to Shebangs* Nah. That would be awkward.
5. Have you ever been in Kayla's house? Quite possibly 1 million times.
6. Would you love to read KOO's very personal diary? Lol, I already have >D
7. What musical instrument would Raymond most likely play? He looks to me like he'd play trumpet.
8. Will Dubya eat those green eggs and ham? Only if it has weapons of mass destruction hidden inside.
9. If URparentilunit. and Demyx were locked in the same (really small) room for longer than a day, what would most likely happen? *aigh* DAMNIT. Dubya's gone and invaded a foriegn country AGAIN. *oooh burn*
10. Super fun fun adventure amusement park marathon with you, Joel McHale and Dubya! How will it go? I'll probably get sugar high off fried dough and then barf it off on a coaster, Joel will probably make fun of everyboy who goes by, and Dubya will tackle the first guy that doesn't speak English. Just copy and paste into the search bar. Have fun, kiddies.
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Tuesday, February 26, 2008
No excuses.
I've been neglectful the last few days, and slightly rude. I have no excuses for it, but I'm really sorry. I just try to remmeber to do too many things and then I brood over emotional shit and it's really selfish of me. I truly hope you guys forgive me...
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Monday, February 25, 2008
Quickie update on my life
Hallo! I realize I neglected to post or comment over vacation D: Sorry about that! And for whatever reason I now cannot comment again. Damn site seperation.
I have a couple pics to put up, once I get hold of my parent's camera. I never put one up from homecoming, so that, and my new dress. In other news, I bought five manga over the course of the weekend, and I finished each within a half hour resultingin me going to border's the next day and buying more. O.O I bought Bleach 8-12, it's such a good series, if you don't read it you must START TO. Plz? ^^'''
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Saturday, February 16, 2008
I can comment again!!!! x3 Here's a survey~
6th Grade Survey

Take this survey
Who was your teacher? a bastard
Did you kiss someone? mommy?
Did you have a boy/girl friend? nahp.
Who was your best friend? Taylor, Kayla
Did you beleive in cotties? what the February is a cottie? OH do you mean cootie? No, I stopped after third grade xD
Did you bring or buy your lunch? brought it usually
What was your school name? Lyman "Craptastic" elementary
Who was your math teacher? one teacher taught all the main subjects
Who was your science teacher? see above
Who was your social studies class? ditto
What teacher did you have the most? Mr. Bastard.
Did you play any sports? cheerleading *audience laughs and then stares as they realize she's serious*
Were you in the band? No, but in fifth grade I was.
Did you take the bus to school? No, I flew, using my magical fanciful wings.
Who did you like? some kid named Matt. I think we called him Gerbil...
What was your favorite memory? a sleepover party taylor, my friend Amanda and I had. Ahhhh good times.
Where did you sit at lunch time? the lunch room
Did you ever get sent to the principals office? only when I was caught dealing drugs to kindergartners. No, only kidding, I wasn't sent at all.
Did you do your homework daily? in class the next day x3
Would you ever go back if you could to sixth grade? fuck no
More MySpace Surveys @
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Friday, February 15, 2008
HE'S SINGLE. HOLYCOW. I was off the moon when I found out. My friends want to set us up now because supposedly he was looking at me longingly today and everyone also thinks he is a great guy xD Maybe I'll get lucky, eh? Maybe I'll have a good relationship......As opposed to my ex who was known for his video game worship. But anyway. It's vacation!!!!! YEAH!! x3 How are you guyzes?
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Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Cupid day :3
Still not letting me comment D:
Edchan1116.2: I love you too, happy valentine's day!!! <3
Past Time girl/Froggy:) : Awr I'm pretty sure I'm not one of those four people but they sound like meanies for not talking to you D< I WANNA YELL AT 'EM.Congratulations on two awesome months for you two, and many many more!! ^^ Happy Valentine's dy! Yeah people should show love all around the year. In my opinion it's just an excuse to give your friends/family/lover EVEN MORE attention. And candy. xD
LarienVardamir: I'm sure she'll be on to talk to you tonight. ^^ You guys are just so damn sweet and cute together!!!Happy V Day!
Happy V day to ALL! Love ya's!
OH! I finally revealed my possible crush to my close friend Tay today, and then Emily, and somehow half of my friends ended up finding out xD. But....he has a girlfriend T^T *sniff* Plus I'm afraid as much as I think I may like him, I don't think we'll ever be more than friends....But that won't get me down!!!! We're kinda friend so that's good. ^-^
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