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somewhere only I know. or do I ? Maybe you know? STOP STALKING ME!!!.....but seriously, I'm in my mind...Kooland.yep.
Member Since
town idiot? no, not quite fitting. um, green team idiot? no,no....ah! The FAMILY idiot. MHM. I'm not putting my self down, just poking fun at me. There ain' nothing wrong with that. Right?...RIGHT?
Real Name
Lauren but seriously you can call me Koo or Koo-chan instead. Lauren only means laurel bush. Koo means koolaid. and in koo's opinion, koolaid tis better than flowers. *nods*
hm. Actually getting through singing in the talent show without fainting. ^^ and making the honor roll and stuff.
Anime Fan Since
eh,5th grade is when i learned what it was called but i have liked it since kindergarten or first grade.
Favorite Anime
BLEACH!!!Fruits Basket,FullMetal Alchemist,Naruto,D.N.Angel,several others i like.
learn how to cook more than just PASTA AND FROZEN DINNERS.and toast. ><
Figure skating,drawing,singing,writing,internetting(woot).
uh...see above.(yesh,internetting.seriously)
| Koolaid-chan
Monday, May 5, 2008
2 seconds
Wow. 2's like an eternity.....*happy giggle*
here's a survey
Total Top 8 Survey
Take this survey
1. Taylor
2. Kayla
3. Casey
4. Evan
5. Jeff
6. Emily
7. Tony
8. Curtis
How did you meet 1. 2nd grade on the playground, we said hi to each other and decided to become friends. xD
How did you meet 2. In third grade we had the same shirt except hers was in pink and mine in blue.
How did you meet 3. We were in the same gym class, so we introduced ourselves to each other. ^^
How did you meet 4. MyO actually. Well, formally. I met him at the lunch table in seventh grade.
How did you meet 5. On the first day of school in second grade, we were two of the kids who had moved over the summer.
How did you meet 6. In seventh grade we were partners for Tennis in gym, and she mentioned an anime I liked.^^
How did you meet 7. Well, our first meeting was kinda funny. We were arguing about a scene in Avatar.
How did you meet 8. chorus in eighth grade, but we weren't friends till 3 months later.
Each Person...
What was your first impression of one? She had the most awesome laugh ever. She still does. lol xD
How long did you know two before you were friends? Ummm...about 2 minutes.
Could you have lived without three? No, there would be a gaping hole from the past year :<
What is four's favorite hobby? LOL! Hugging Tay.
Is five related to you? not by blood, but he's my ex.
What was the first thing you said when you met six? Wanna be my partner?
How were you introduced to seven? My friends on blue team from 7th grade.
What is your favorite thing about eight? I can absolutely be me around him.
Pick a Friend...
Who is the best looking? That's not fair >: They're all smexeh
Who would do the biggest favour for you? Hrm....hehehe......Evan. *the face, it works every time*
Who can you trust the most? Taylor
Who is the funniest? They're all funny!
Who have you done the stupidest/craziest thing with? Probably Kayla. xD Pumpkins...
Who would you marry if you had to choose? Tony
Are any of them related to you? Theoretically :3
Do any of them smoke? hell no
Have you ever been jealous of any of them? yep
What would you do if...
Number one told you they loved you? She has so...yeah xD
Number two got pregnant? I'd help her any way I can.
Number three hated you? I'd cry, and ask her to forgive me for whatever I did.
Number four moved? I'd be like NOOOO
Number five didn't see you for a year? I'd ask him how he was
Number six left the country? I'd make sure it wasn't anything illegal, and leave with her xD
Number seven stopped being your friend? I'd be really sad, he's a good friend.
Number 8 had to move to the other side of the world? I'd whine until I could visit him
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