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Ninja tool master
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A-B Honor Roll
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Naruto, Blood+, Witch Hunter Robin, Miyazaki films, Samurai X, Yu-Gi-Oh! (manga), Rurouni Kenshin, Kingdom Hearts, Legend of Chun Hyang, Blood: the Last Vampire, Paprika, Tekkonkinkreet, Street Fighter, The Story of Saiunkoku, Perfect Blue, The Girl Who L
To go to an anime convention of any kind
drawing manga and anime, chilling out, eating Pocky =D, drinking Ramunč =), watching anime, reading manga, playing video games, watching T.V, annoying people about anime and manga, making friends, going to Anime club, shopping at FYE
can sound exactly like Haku on Naruto
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Friday, March 28, 2008
We got to go to the computer lab for reading today! I guess we have a two hour early release and such so yep!!!!!!!! I have a test in English today about Robert Frost. Wish me luck!
My schedule is all screwed up from the early release and I go to 6th period instead of 5th. Weird, I know!
People make me so mad sometimes. Today, this girl put on a pair of sunglasses and a teacher walked by and told her to to take them off because she looked high! It was really stupid. The teacher spazzes about the littlest things and has to get in other peoples' life and such. It makes all of us mad. I hope she loosens up one day.
*talks to the person next to me* Sorry! Got a bit dis tracted there!!!!! :) Do you get the feeling you are being watched? I am. Oh, that's because the girl that is beside me is watching me. Creepy!
Ha! The girl was just like "How dare you call me creepy?" lol I love her!
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Thursday, March 27, 2008
Rejoyce! I shall continue working on my Tenten novel after a 2 week hiatus! Go meh!
Thanks to MyO, I have 5 new friends on MySpace! ^.-
Pshah! I am quite random today!
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z! I can say my ABC's! Sex!
Song: Nine In the Afternoon
Artist: Panic! At the Disco
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Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Friends who update and comment often
shizayum xx
Twists of Rain
Wow........... a lot of people have left......... I only got 6 comments. I am sad now...... T÷T
O.o Ten boxes of Pocky from Wally-World! *o* Yays!!!! *munches Pocky* Yummy! *hands people on list a box*
Oh dear. I is tired... My head hurt all day from tests in school and such. I recited a 20 line poem from memory (got a 48/50).
Emmah is my babe! Her post made me laugh! It was funny at the beginning with "I got 10 comments!"
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Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Cavities filled..........................
I got my cavities filled that weren't even my fault. Long story...
Ultimate Ninja 3 is not out till tomorrow!
Anime club was fun! We watched Cowboy Bebop and two guys were doing it, and Jackie said "Hentai yaoi moment!!!!" So random!
Well, I'm done....... bye.....
Song: my screams of pain!
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Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!
The easter bunny raped me last night! He thought my balls were eggs and took them and hid them! Now I gotta go find em'!
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Saturday, March 22, 2008
ANIME CLUB MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep! I got Anime Club at the library on Monday! I'm pumped as hell! I'll try to make a super long post that day and I'll start changing my site around too. I will probably use a Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3 theme and go from there. The character(s) will be a surprise! I may start now.
I can't wait! I'll get to see everyone again and we'll party in the Kool Korner with a K! I started that name cuz that's where all of us major otakus sit. We are:
creator: Jay-san
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Friday, March 21, 2008
Still sick...
I went back to FYE to tell that cashier lady I would be coming there early because of dental work. I told her "I preordered Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3 for PS2 and I get a figure with it. There is one I want in particular (Haku) and you don't know what you get till you open the box. Can I look through the boxes until I get the one I want?" She said "Sure!" and hugged me and cried.
Me: What's wrong?
Her: No one else trusts me here!
Me: Ok.
Her: I'm happy you do.
Me: You're one of the nicest workers here!
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Thursday, March 20, 2008
I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It turns out I don't have an ear infection! But don't get happy, because my ears are screwed up. A tube in my ear has collapsed! So I take Sudafed to make it better.
I went to FYE yesterday and bought:
Naruto Froggie keychain
Naruto's sleeping cap
Naruto Vol. 22
Then, I asked the creepiest question a guy could ask a cashier lady. "Are you working Tuesday?" Then I told her my situation (I'll post it on Tuesday!)
Song: Clumsy
Artist: Fergie
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Doctor today!
I'll get more meds! And yes... I'll take them all and follow the docs' instructions. But I hope these don't make me sick like the last ones did. If you are already sick and you get sicker, not fun... You get tired easily.
Which reminds me, I got no sleep last night cause of my ears. I feel tired and I woke up at 3:30 AM! AM!
Song: GO!!! (Fighting Dreamers)
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Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Major sicky.................................
I took the rest of my pills! I am so glad you guys cared about me! You didn't have to do that, but I used that as a motivator.
I was browsing the net, and I found a great Naruto downloading site! It made my day! It had a lot of songs that I just had to download!
I am gonna get off here. My ears hurt too bad!
Song: wind
Artist: Akeboshi
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