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can sound exactly like Haku on Naruto
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Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patricks Day...
I'm sick again... *sigh* My ears are acting up again. That's what I get for not taking my pills..................... I took them, but not ALL of them. I have 5 left and my mom is pissed because I didn't take them all like the doctor said. Whopdee-fucking-doo! I stopped taking them when I started feeling better. I should have never done that...
Song: From Yesterday
Artist: 30 Seconds to Mars
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Sunday, March 16, 2008
No one on my friends list has updated yet!
I downloaded that song on the MacBook Air commercial! It's called New Soul by Yael Naļm and it is really uplifting on a bad day.
HowI's Moving Castle is tonight at 7/6c on Cartoon Network.
Not much else to remark about.
Song: There She Goes
Artist: Sixpence None the Richer
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Saturday, March 15, 2008
I am thinking about my project, and it's not looking any easier... TT_TT
I have no clue how to show some of this stuff as an illustration. I am going to start on this tonight and try to get it done this weekend. I am having so many things happening in this project!
Well enough depressing myself. I may pop in a Miyazaki movie 'till I feel better about this whole thing. I might watch Howl's Moving Castle. It's on Cartoon Network tomorrow at 7 so watch it!
Song: New Soul
Artist: Yael Naim
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Friday, March 14, 2008
Freee day!!!!!!!!!
I have a free day in computers and such so I am posting early!
I am trying to type this the right way and I hope you can read this. My teacher said I have to tylpe with out looking at the keyboard and with my monitor screen off. I a m also trying to improve my gwam speed while doing this. That is how fast I caan key letters!
Today I:
Science- I took a harsh test on Physics!
Study Hall- i went to the health fair!!!! i learned aboutt nasty diseases and STD's!
Social Studies- I learned about the Trail of Tears. The Native Americans were treated so badly thanks to Andrew Jackson. I hate him for treating Indians so badly!
Reading- FREE DAY!!!!!
Computers- FREE DAY!!!! I am here.
So that was my day.
Wow! I just looked at my screen and I did very well with a few errors!
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Thursday, March 13, 2008
Tired of school...
I have a physics project due next Thursday that I just heard about today... I have way too much work in school. It may not look it, but 8th grade is tough!
I may (I said may!) not comment you all for a while starting Monday. I just have way too much shit to do and I can't do MyO with school. It's just too much. I'll still post though!
Song: Tatoo
Artist: Jordan Sparks
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tyra Banks!
Thanks for the NINE comments I got yesterday! You guys rock! This is the most I've recieved in a month!
Anyways, today in school, this girl named Emily was talking to me in study hall and then, the teacher tells us to be quiet. So Emily gets up to play Polyvor (a girls style site) and asks if she could go on the compy. The teach then asks "What for?" and Emily says "For English." So the teach lets her and after 5 minutes the teach asks "Having fun, young lady?" and Emily got busted. V_V
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Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Where is everbuddy??????????????
Welllllllll, I got done in Computers early with my sloth typing, so here is my post.
Why has everyone gone to the dark side of theO? I will not leave Evereverevereverever!
I got kicked out of a store yesterday for annoying the boss of the store! It was the funniest thing! I kept saying "Peaches and Cream!" and then he must have gotten fed up cuz he kicked me out! lol
I got my Copic markers yesterday. I bought nine new colors and I can now draw Tenten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I'm bored so go get you education on here
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Monday, March 10, 2008
2 hr. delay!
I am posting early because of a 2 hour delay! All of my classes are shortened and such! I even get to do nothing in Social Studies! Wootness!
That was a bit much... lol
For some reason, my mouth tastes funny. Like a bitter taste in the back of my mouth. *gasp* Do I have AIDS? lol Just joking! I brushed my teeth a shizload too! Ewwwwwwwwwies........
Todays song: Smile
Artist: Lilly Allen
I love her "in your face! Fuck you!" attitude! She's British and cool! Emmah, have you heard of her?
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Sunday, March 9, 2008
More snow.....................
Tonight... I. Am. Going. To. Kill. Myself. If. Anymore. Snow. Comes...
Anyways, I got six comments yesterday! Thanks guys!
Today, I am packing up all of my Ancient Egyptian stuff from when I liked it 100 years ago. Anime and manga replaced my love for Egypt drastically! My aunt still gives me Egyptian stuff and I act like I like it... but I don't. God! I sound so damn spoiled!
Copic manga markers are ON SALE this week at Hobby Lobby! I may go in tomorrow and buy 10 since they are regularly $6.00 for 1.
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Saturday, March 8, 2008
I hate snow! *stabs wall with icicle* This is the most snow we've had since 1978 (so I've heard... I'm not ancient or anything....)
For those who are wondering how my Tenten book is going, it's going pretty good! I am on chap. 3 (they are very long so don't freak and call meh lazy!) and it's been going good. There has been a lot of fight scenes and stuff so it's all good! Soon, there will be a hella drama! lol
Todays song: snow reports... T_T
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