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myOtaku.com: kooriyasha

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Hey! I'm kooriyasha and I'm friends with Naota and hockeyfreak71! Feel free to look around and make yourself at home. If your wondering about my username, it translates to "Ice Demon" in english. Laterzzz!

Blog from Gpetz.com

Adopt your own useless blob!I love useless blobs! I am one! lol

Animation from Gpetz.com

Animation from Gpetz.com

You are Nandaba Naota. You try hiding you feelings
to everyone and try to keep to yourself. That

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Hey everybody! I'm finally back! I really have got to tell someone this joke I heard on King of Queens the other night so here it goes. Doug, the fat guy, is training these people to be delivery people and he says, "Any package between one and seventy pounds can be delivered normally, but anything over seventy pounds must be equipped with a heavy package sticker. Do not be the one to put a heavy package sticker on my back. It has been done before. I'm heavy, we get it, ha ha." I was laughing so hard it was an awesome joke. Well I'm going over to Naota's today so maybe I'll post again later. Laterzzz!
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Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Hello everybody! I finally beat that part on Metroid Fusion! Yay! I'm not stuck anymore so I'll stop posting about it. Anyway, I'm going to Orlando tomorrow for a few days so I won't be posting untill I get back. So if you have anything to say to me, get it to me before 4:00 today. I'll post next week. Laterzzz!
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Monday, June 21, 2004

As I said in my previous post, I've become obsessed with Metroid Fusion. I'm at this one place where I have to lay power bombs to get through this wall. Sounds easy right? Wrong! I have to do it in like two seconds or this X parasite that's mimicking (hope I spelled that right) me at full strength comes to kill me and I die fast. If anyone knows how to beat that part please comment here! Thank you! Laterzzz!
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Sunday, June 20, 2004

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've just been hooked on Metroid Fusion! I've been playing it for days and I'm so close to being done. Anyway, I'm sorry again that I haven't posted. :( I'll try to be better about it in the future! Oh and my computer's up again so feel free to AIM me! Laterzzz!
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Tuesday, June 1, 2004

Hey guys! Sorry I've been forgetting to post lately. Anyway, I've got a story to tell so listen up. I ahd to go to my dad's house last weekend and we didn't really do anything but that's beside the point. We went to another kid's house and played video games all freakin' day! I finally found a bigger video game freak than me! Hooray! His name is Eric and I can't tell you his last name or where he lives because there are a lot of freaks on the internet... lol That's all I have to say right now. So I'll post tomorrow (if I remember) lol Laterzzz!
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