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Wednesday, February 11, 2004

   Ohhh Boy!
Well, I'm not doin' so great. I've got only 7 friends and 47 visits. Oh well, It'll probably get better eventually. By the way, Century Gothic Font rules! If you've got any ideas on how to make my site better plz post them here. So until next time, Laterzzz!
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Tuesday, February 10, 2004

I'm sorry I haven't been on in so long! I've just had a lot of other s*** on my hands lately. I'll try to be on more often and be a better person! *sob* Dramatic music playing...)
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Tuesday, December 9, 2003

Hey everybody! I'm sorry I hav'nt been on in a while. If anyone has any topic ideas please post them here! With that said' I'm endin' the post.
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Monday, December 1, 2003

So my best friend Naota is coming home with me after school.Ya he stay at my house after school till his mom comes to pick him up.Today it was realy fun we stoled my little bros cd collection and he chased us down the street.Y it was realy fun.Well i guess ill go now.Bye!:)
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Wednesday, November 26, 2003

   More Idiots!!!
Naota along with everyone in my school hates the person I'm posting about...Kelly McGlynn! She thinks that I'm her boyfriend or something because she won't get off my back!(Figuratively speaking of course...) And she has the worst case of acne I've ever seen! I just wanna knock her on her a**! She keeps hitting me but I'm being a gentleman and restraining my anger...for now.. WHAHAHA!!!
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It appears Tyler is not a good name for a kid. Because I also know another kid in the 5th Grade who looks like a kidnergartener! His name is Tyler Puth! The 1st time I mentioned his name my mom thought I was talkin' about s***! The problem with him other than his height, is that he's just a little b******! That's the only thing I can think of now, I'll post more later!
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Tuesday, November 25, 2003

I'd like to tell you about someone with a HUGE HEAD! Naota knows who I'm talkin' about, Tyler Overvold! He also has the most annoying voice along with a frikin' retarted personality! But the worst part is iI haveto pretend to be freinds with him!!! GOD HELP ME!!!!!
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   Hey does anyone want to be my freind? I've got candy...
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Thursday, November 20, 2003

Hey everyone. As you can tell I'm really hyper tonight!
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Is my smiley thingy here supposed to to be an a**?
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