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2000 It got serious when GundamW made it to the states
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For now: Full Metal Alchemist
Many Things
Welcome all to my world were no one will be turned away at the gates. The Icy chill of winter is here to stay and never leaves at the edge of the world. So come on in, the town welcomes all travelors. Find a room and grab a drink and enjoy your stay!
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_A FullMetal Fan_

My band friends and me

give Travis more *HUGS*
Site: Visits- 109 Rank- 3838
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Another Weekend gone. They go way too fast T_T .
Although I posted on Friday, I forgot to mention that I hade volunteered at the local senior center to help serve food during a dance for the old folk. I actually had a good time. I didn't have to do much work and most of the 4 hours was either spent hanging out with the other volunteers, whom I already knew, or dancing :P Plus it adds to my very (none) low number of volunteer jobs that I need for NHS.
Yesterday, Saturday, I dropped by the DMV for about 2 hours and got a Motorcycle permit ^_^ I don't have a bike yet because my father wants me to take a training coarse first before I get my bike, but I have yet to actually try for and earlier date.
And by the way, Thank you all for my first 100 visits. ^_^ I'll try to do a drawing for the event real soon.
That's all for now I'll try to stop back sometime soon and drop another post, hopefully one with a little more interest to it.
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Friday, March 11, 2005
Wow it's been so long since I last post, almost 2 weeks. I should have posted the two weeks ago too. I guess I'll try to catch up with every thing.
As I had said in the last post, that Saterday I was going to a Magic tournament the next day. I had a good time with my friend Jesse but didn't win anything, and also didn't even win a game T_T. I lost about 30 bucks there. I should have saved my money for other things that I can acually stay in for more than the first few matches :P
I also am finally done with the huge Genealogy and its presentation that has been hanging over my head for weeks.
The week after (last week) I was invited to one of my friends "Board game extravagansa" parties on Saterday. She lives down the street so I just walked over. I had a good time and got home at 11:30, just in time for FMA ^_^. Although I did miss that new show, which at this time I can't remember the name of o_O I was wonder if it was any good. It looked funny but those kind of things can fool you. So I'm sticking with the safe bet and asking you people.
Other than those few things, weeks have been really dull but at least it is Friday and another week is over and another week closer to April 28.
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
Today was a good day. First, this morning I woke up and found out that we had a 2-hour delay. So I missed Biology, Geometry, and English. Missing English was really the best part of the day. Because we didn't have English, the people schedualed to give their presentations today will be giving theirs tomorrow and I was to give mine tomorrow. That means mine is moved and I have another weekend to work on my genealogy presentation. The other good point of the day was I got a World Cultures test back and I finally got an 'A' on one of tests.
I also have some plans for Sunday. They're finally having another Magic tournament in my area. I went to one about a year ago and haven't heard of one till lately. It's going to be at the local university and I'm going with at least one of my friends.
That's all for now. ttyl
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