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myOtaku.com: kotoROX

Sunday, February 26, 2006

summary: We first see King Bradley's house and inside, he is giving his son, Selim, his present for his tenth birthday; it's an electric train. Then we see Envy and Al inside a bedroom and tells Al that it is the place of the person who is search of the Philosopher's Stone, the one who finds the homunculi, brings them together and raises them. Envy explains that he doesn't care if he's being deceived to obtaining the Philosopher's Stone for someone else, just as long as there's human suffering, he's happy. He then tells Al how many lives are inside him right now: the 7,000 people in Liore and thousands more when Ishbal was destroyed and resided in Scar's right arm. Al then wonder's why he's still alive; for he was supposed to die numerous times before: the failed human transmutation, Lust almost scratching off his blood seal, and Kimblee turning him into a bomb. Inside a church, the Tringham brother's are waiting as Ed walks in. Russell has a diary from his father with information about the red water, the 5th laboratory, and to successfully transmute the red water into the Philosopher's Stone, human lives was necessary to use, and the true entrance to the human transmutation facility. Ed enters alone, just as Russell explained why he let him see the diary. It's not to create to Philosopher's Stone, but to prevent its creation. Ed already decided not to make it. According to Nash Tringham's diary, if you enter this temple, a relic from an ancient religion, under Central City, you find another city, about 400 years old. There is a legend, that in the past, a city existed where Central City currently stands, which disappeared in one night. Ed suddenly realized that the people on the city were used to make the Philosopher's Stone, and to deceive other people and hide the disappearance of the population, make the city disappear. We see Rose with her baby, Gluttony, and Dante in a dining room. Gluttony is wondering where is Lust and Dante is preparing for an arrival. Walking with Envy, Dante is interrupted by Wrath, trying to get back "mommy," or Sloth. To contain Wrath, Envy proceeds to beat him up. Back the Headquarters, Col. Archer is still attacking Izumi, informing her that the military is attacking the North, West and South. After a valiant attempt, Archer defeats Izumi, but before he can kill her, Lt. Ross and Sgt. Brosh barge in and attack Archer. Back underground, Ed is walking around the upper corridor, surveying the city, until he sees a large church. Inside is a great hall with Rose dancing. We see Winry and Sheska back at home. Winry says that we don't remember unless we get hurt. At that point, Sheska finally understands something that Hughes told her, that nothing is plainly negative. She had been thinking that humans were trying to get the homunculi to make the Philosopher's Stone. She's now beginning to think the opposite. If it were stolen right after its completion, and anyone who could serve as evidence disappeared; only a rumor would remain, that if people get close to the stone, they will die. As a result, people will fear the stone. But that would make the homunculi almost good people because they wouldn't want us to get close to danger. Back at the church, Ed is dancing with Rose. They are interrupted by Rose's baby, being held by Layla. Ed realizes that Dante's death by Greed was a lie, explaining that Greed couldn't have attacked her. Greed's bones were nearby and a transmutation circle used to paralyze a homunculus was on the floor. Ed becomes aware that the Philosopher's Stone could transfer the soul of one body into another, allowing that soul to live hundreds of years. Ed transmutes a spear and attacks Layla/Dante, but she transmutes the spear into dust, without a circle. Layla/Dante explains that this is not even the tenth body she has used, but she wasn't the culprit behind the disappearance of this underground city. Ed realizes that it was his father, Hohenheim of Light, who is also living like Dante, transferring his soul from body to body. Dante explains that by keeping human away from the Philosopher's Stone, she is preventing foolish humans from destroying it. Gluttony busts in, still looking for Lust. Dante now informs Ed that her plan is to transfer her soul to Rose, so Hohenhiem will love her again, and that she has obtained the Philosopher's Stone again. Gluttony approaches Ed again wondering what happened to Lust. Ed tells him that he killed her, but it was Wrath that sealed her in the array. Dante attacks Ed by transmuting a stone snake from the ground. Ed counters and slices Dante's dress, revealing her decaying body. Ed realizes that transferring the soul from body to body has its side effects, which is a result from the Law of Conservation. Dante says that that rule doesn't exist, that it's only something children believe in. If you pay a price, you won't always get the same thing in return. Therefore, people's live do not have the same value. Dante revives the stone snake and snatches Rose's baby in its mouth. She threatens to kill it, wondering if it was born to die. That it is doing everything to survive, paying the price. But what will it gain? Death. On the other hand, other people continue on living after killing other people. No matter how much to pay to survive, you will die when your time comes. The Law of Conservation cannot exist, for nothing is equal. The circle Dante uses to control the Gate appears on the baby and Ed is transported to the Gate; then awakens in a strange room. In a mirror, Ed does not recognize himself. Just then, Hohemhiem barges in, warning him that an air raid is coming. Ed tries to understand what is going on but Hohemhiem grabs him and runs for cover. Zeppelins are coming, Ed is in our world, during World War 1!

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