Birthday 1993-08-21 Gender
Female Location west hartford Member Since 2006-11-01 Occupation to stay on honnor role Real Name moriah
Achievements qualities of leadership award Anime Fan Since 2003 Favorite Anime naruto,and i cant think of any other im kinda watching my cousin jackson and watching toy storie on the computer with him Goals to be sponcered Hobbies skateboarding, snowboarding, bmx, basketball, ddr, motor cross Talents everything above kplib
wat is up evreyone i hope you had a great christmas and a happy new year. I got the best christmas presant ever a snowboar it is a burton light.And a toy machine skateboard.I just got finished up snowboarding at ski sundown in new hartford. I am to siked to go back to school and see my friends and my best friend bishop.Bishop lopez for kids.
Wednesday, November 1, 2006
watz op peoples i am so tierd after snow boarding @ ski sun down i cant write that much!! Permalink