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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
I"M STILL ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi!!! I just got back from skool and I AM HUNGREY!!!!!!! didnt eat lunch.......DONT ASK Y NOT!!!!!!! its one of those OMG how cute issues!!!!!!! welll what up w/ you ppl?
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Monday, January 8, 2007

Which Nana Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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HELLO!!!!!! tired....
hey ppl!!! i am here today and i am typing. I go to skool 2morrow!!!!! woot woot! i am so bored!!!!! really bored!!!! it is evil!!!! I am going crazy!!!! and my hasnt been to the store so there is nothing to eat!!!!!!*spazz* well I have to be honest that I wont be on for a while cause of skool! but if you want my e mail just ask me and I'll chat through that. My mom doesnt like the my space and stuff like yeah.. random questions of the day!!!!
1.a rooster lays an egg on a roof. the wind is coming from the north and east. which way will the egg fall?
2.what has roots as nobody can see
is taller than trees
up up it goes
yet it never grows?
3.52 or 45?
4.there is ten men standing on a hill, 5 are fat, 4 are skiiny(like really skinny) and one is just stupid. they all fall off the hill at the same time! who lands first?
5. how is your prison?*skool*
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Friday, January 5, 2007
Hey ppl...
yeah..Im kinda depressed... dont no why...just am. you ppl? seems like alot of you started skool. How is it? boring? as usual? right? hope it has nt been that bad..well done. See ya!
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hey ppl.....*snuggles in blanket*
GOOD MORNING!!! it's about 9:40 right what up in your lives?...I'm hungry.....but.....dont feel like making any thing.....well...random question time if any one wants to try it... YOU WILL NEVER GET THEM MWA HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! okay lets go 4 it!!!
1. where did you go 4 your break?
2.was it any good?(no...hee hee) can a piggy bank be a cow?(it's not a thinking question I swear!!just opinion.)
4.alive without breath
As cold as death:
Never thirsty, always drinking
All in mail never clinking(like chain mail worn under armor back then)
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Thursday, January 4, 2007
hello! and good morning!(it's morning here..) how is all zee ppl!? I'm so sleepy..*yawns and rubs eyes* today is just another boring day in my life....oh well...let's see.. let me think of some random questions that I feel like asking for no apparent reason(well just too waste your time! mwa hahahahahahahaha!...ha)....okay!!!!! here they are!!!!
1. who will dominate the world? Flying Pigs or The sinister Banana???!!!
2.If you start with the letter Q in the alphabet and go 18 letters up 25 back and make a 360 loop what letter do you land on?????
3.It cannot be seen,cannot be felt,
Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt,
It lies behind stars and under hills,
And empty holes it fills
It comes and follows after,
Ends life, kills laughter
whats the answer???
(hint: 4 all you book lovers and LOTR gurus check the hobbit in chapter5...hee hee)
4. would you take a bullet 4 your friends or rather sell them out for.....10 million dollars?
would you rather eat a chocolate cake in a river full of croccidiles upside down tied up to a half broken branch on fire OR eat your MOST hated food in front of millions of snobby, rude,(and definatly evil*shutters* but not all of 'em) PREPPY GIRLS!!!!!!!...that r ugly...
THAT IS THE RANDOM QUESTIONS OF THE DAY!!! answer at your own risk!
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Wednesday, January 3, 2007
How do you know if a guy likes you????
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Tuesday, January 2, 2007
An apollogy surely owed!!!!
Sorry 4 not being in like..........5 months I think???? NE WAY! it was a long time! so I am sorry!!! FIND IT IN YOUR MORBID DARK EVIL(but hopefully forgiving) HEARTS TO FORGIVE AN IDIOT BLONDE LIKE ME!!!!!(please dont hit me!!!!-_-.....) um.......lets is all the delayed thingys!!!!
Happy Halloween!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Merry Christmas!
Happy Hannahkah!(srry if I spelt wrong)
Happy Quanza!(I no I spelt that wrong!)
Happy New Years!
and to all I surely missed!
So ne way me so sowwy! for not being on!!! I blame Chickens!!!!!!!
okay! see ya peoples and true friends!!!!(forgive me!T.T)
Kradlover1222!!!!!!!!!!! IS BACK AND NOT SURE HOW LONG IS STAYING!!!!!
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Sunday, November 12, 2006
Post that has no vowels starting..........NOW!
hy ppl! ths s pst wth n vwls!!!!!!!!stpd....n...........ll! bt y cnt d t lke ths! s bt yr btt whn t cms wth stpdty! ds t nny y???????????? n t ds! wll gv $55.00 2 n n wh cn trnslt ths!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dr y t ty!!!!!!!!ttyl!!!!
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