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myOtaku.com: kradlover1222

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

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Hey ppl! whats up? I'm sorta depressed....It sucks! My parnets just got pissed off at me cause my ob spazzed! My life sucks!!!! well, anyway, my new school is awesome and I have alot of friends! OO!! wanna hear something weird????? okay, It was raining really hard and I was walking with my friend, well my other friend was under this covered spot and we said hi to him. Well, he jumped out of the covered spot....and you know what? IT STOPPED!! just right then...STOP!! My and my friend were like WHOA!! So he walked us to my friends car and it was pouring everywhere except us! when he saw that it was pouring on the tennis court he jumped out to see if it would rain on him, and soon as he moved, it rained on us!! we asked him if.....gotta go! tell you the rest later!!!

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