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Otaku/Student/Krazy kid/Fanfiction writer/
Real Name
Brittany C. But I like to be called Lynn-chan, Krazy-chan and Lime-chan. ^^
Got to the Top 500, got over 1,000 visits and 100 gb signings,made some quizzes, and most likely other stuff.
Anime Fan Since
For a very very long time. O.o
Favorite Anime
My top five are: Tokyo Mew Mew, FullMetal Alchemist, Shaman King (uncut), One Piece (uncut), and Princess Tutu
Well, I want to go to "The Land of Anime" atleast once in my lifetime, I'd also like to be an anime VA, and then there's that endangered predator reserve/no-kill animal shelter that I want to make. Seeing more anime would also be nice.
Anime, manga, video games, internet, writing, drawing, hugging, sending e-cards, 4Kids bashing, and annoying annoying people! ^.^
Making people laugh, some people have said that I'm good at writing stories, and then someone else said that I have a good taste in anime once...But maybe that's it. O.o
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Random Chatter 3!!
Well....yeah! I'm just going to babble on this post! XD
A little while ago (maybe two weeks), I got a Momiji plush. It's so cute! ^.^ On the same day, I also got Kodocha vol.2 (I'm now collecting Kodocha. It's really neat. Highly recomended!)I got Pite-Ten vol.2 yesterday.
Well, how are you guys doing? I'm good...Though I miss talking to you guys! I've been talking with Inukid-chan via e-mail, along with another one of my friends on another site.
Oh, and today's Ichigo's birthday! (from Tokyo Mew Mew) O_o
Me:That's it for today! Ja ne!
Comments (2) |
Friday, March 11, 2005
Nothing much...(yet again)
Me: Well, we had profencey (sp?!) tests two day ago, and I got the Slayers movie yesterday (Good stuff :D) but other then that, yeah.
Luna: Sorry we haven't been here often.....again. Lynn-chan's just been busy posting on the Mew Mew Alliance Forums and Forums. >_>
Me: Gotta love forums! XD
Purin: Picture time, na no da! ^o^
Me:That's it for today! Ja ne!
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Monday, March 7, 2005
Me: Nothing much......
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Wednesday, March 2, 2005
It's March!
Me: The march theme is up!
Luna: This month's theme is.....: Chibis!!
Me: Yay chibis! *hugs Manta*
Manta: x.x
inukid- O.o Darn, sorry about that.
sailor firestar- ^^ Hehehe
Shamangirl6593- Sorry! ^^;;;
Me:That's it for today! Ja ne!
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Monday, February 28, 2005
Febuary's done already??!?
Me: man, that was quick! O_o
Luna: Anyway, here's inukid's requests!!
Manta: Rei Kon and Kai Hiwatari from Beyblde!!
Me:That's it for today! Ja ne!
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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Nothing much......(yet again.)
Me: The party went okay, but there could've been more people there. Oh well, there's always next Saturday!
Luna: T_T......
Me: <_< Lu-chan, I just said we'llhave another one on Saturday!
Luna: Yay!
Me: Eh, any way......we need more rquests!! Febuary's almost over, so on the last day, I'll put up about five bishounens, so tell people about this!!
Manta: So that means no picture today..?
Me: Yeah. That's it for today! Ja ne!
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Friday, February 18, 2005
PARTY TIME!!!!! It's time for the V-day party! ^_^
Party from 6:00 PM, Friday, to 10:0 PM, Monday
Me: BOOYEAH!! Party! XD
Luna: YYEEEEEEEESS!!! XDD I've been waitng SO LONG for today!!
Me: Anyway, the 5 Golden Party Rules are:
#1 NO drinking!!
Lu-chan got sick because of expired beer. That, and it's bad!! Oh, and no other drugs, either!!
#2 NO beating people up!
One time, Inu-kun got beat up by Kouga-kun, and fainted! And we definitely don't want that to happen again! Besides, we're here to party, not to fight!
#3 NO stealing the food!
There's enough for everyone, so don't be greedy! No one likes to be hungry.
#4 NO brain washing!
Lu-chan also once got brain washed. We never did find out who did it, though.
#5 NO strong cursing
Most of us here are arond the ages of 12-14, so just don't do it! Some cursing is okay, but not much!
Luna: You gave them a name?
Me:Yeah, it needed one!
Luna: We might as well put up the menu, too.:
* ice cream (Flavors: vinilla, chocolate, strawberry, superman, mint chocolate chip, cookies 'n cream, and cotton candy; Toppings: cherries, whip cream, nuts, syrup [choice between chocolate and strawberry], spirikles. [choice between chocolate and rainbow] )
* sherbet (Flavors: lime, orange, lemon, cherry)
* cupcakes (Flavors: vinilla, chocolate, and strawberry; Icing: vinilla, chocolate, strawberry.)
* cakes (flavors: vinilla, chocolate, and strawberry)
* pies (flavors: apple, cherry, blueberry, chocolate, and bouston cream. Quiche and tarts available by request.)
* cookies (Flavors: chocolate chip [choice betwwen milk chocolate, white chocolate, and dark chocolate], peanut buter, sugar, oatmeal)
* parfait (Flavors: strawberry, banana, blueberry, orange, chocolate )
* pudding (Flavors: chocolate, vinilla, strawberry, banana, cookie)
* brownies
* pizza (Toppings:peproni, extra cheese. Others are available by request.)
* Coke (Flavors: diet, caffine free, cherry, vinilla)
* Pepsi (Flavors: diet, caffine free, cherry, vinilla, holiday spice)
* Moutain Dew (Flavors: diet, caffine free, green, red, orange)
* Root Beer (Root Beer Float also available.)
* tea
* juice (Flavors: apple, orange, grape, assorted fruit. Others available by request.)
All food and drinks are provided by Cafe Mew Mew.
Me: Yum!
Luna: They sure are!
Manta: Is it okay if I list the activities?
Me: Sure, go ahead.
* wacthing anime movies (Movies are requested.)
* reading manga (Manga are requested)
* swimming (Pool is in the backyard.)
* trampoline (Also in the backyard.)
* playing video games (Video games are requested.)
* Hide 'n Seek (Be on the lookout for suspicious folk, 'kay?
* Rock, Paper, Scissors. (Or Jon, Ken, Pon in Japanese.)
* Karoke (Songs are requested.)
* Any other requested activity
Me: Well, that's pretty much all I have to say, though I might put up a list of karoke songs and a list of the guests.
Luna: Have fun!! And please bring bishounens!!!
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Thursday, February 17, 2005
O_o I smell beef jerky....
Me: Haha, just wanted to start this post with randomness. ^_^
Luna: Jeez, Lynn-chan must break the habit of neglacting her MyO. O_o
Me: >_> Look, I almost hardly ever get time to update, you got that?
Luna: Yeah, yeah. *rolls her eyes*
Me: Well, the party will be tomorrow, as promised.
Luna: YES!!
Me: And on Saturday, we'll continue it, after I wacth and record Mew Mew Powe and compare it to the original, of course.
Luna: ^________________________^
Me: And, what the heck, I'll even continue it on Sunday!!
Luna: ^_________________________________________________________________________^
Me: O.o Calm down, Lu-chan!
Manta: Picture time!
Ed (FMA): Ryou Shirogane of Tokyo Mew Mew!
Purin: Shirogane-oniichan, na no da!! ^o^ Oh, and comments time, na no da!
AlisaL- Yays furs premires and Kurama-san!
inukid- Me too!
sailor firestar - Actually, Iheard that off of a funny flash I've wacthed. I've put up the link to it before. I hope you can come!!
Me:That's it for today! Ja ne!
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Sunday, February 13, 2005
Me: Well, MyOtaku was down yesterday, so no party, I guess. -_-
Luna: *curses*
Me: O_O Lu-chan!
Luna: But I really wanted to have the party....T_T
Luffy:Don't worry, Lynn-chan'll have the party this Friday, and a continuation on Saturday, and maybe Sunday. That will make it up!!
Ed (FMA): Oh, and speaking of Saturday, Mew Mew Power is premiring this Saturaday. I repeat:This Saturday!
Me:-_- About time! I want to see how much 4Shame bucthered my favorite anime.
Luna: Yeah...
Me: Anyway, my fieldtrip is tomorrow!
Manta: Well, since no one else requested.....
Luna: I'll pick!
Me:O_o I never knew you liked Kurama....
Luna: Eh, he's cool, but he's not really one I'd really glomp. I just picked just for the heck of it.
Manta: Here's the comments!!
inukid- ^_^
cardcaptorryoko- Actually, I wasn't really sure myself. O.o I've only seen one episode of Gad Guard, so I don't really know it's characters...^^;;
Me:That's it for today! Ja ne!
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Tuesday, February 8, 2005
I stayed home today....
Me: I have a cold. >.< *cough,cough*
Luna: Poor Lynn-chan's been coughing alot. I hope she doesn't have anything really bad....
Me: Me either. >.>
cowboy Edward: Here's CCRyouko's request...
Purin: Hijiki, na no da!!
Me:I'll do the comments tomorrow, 'cause I have to get off soon.
Me:That's it for today! Ja ne!
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