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Somewhere, Someplace, USA
Member Since
Otaku/Student/Krazy kid/Fanfiction writer/
Real Name
Brittany C. But I like to be called Lynn-chan, Krazy-chan and Lime-chan. ^^
Got to the Top 500, got over 1,000 visits and 100 gb signings,made some quizzes, and most likely other stuff.
Anime Fan Since
For a very very long time. O.o
Favorite Anime
My top five are: Tokyo Mew Mew, FullMetal Alchemist, Shaman King (uncut), One Piece (uncut), and Princess Tutu
Well, I want to go to "The Land of Anime" atleast once in my lifetime, I'd also like to be an anime VA, and then there's that endangered predator reserve/no-kill animal shelter that I want to make. Seeing more anime would also be nice.
Anime, manga, video games, internet, writing, drawing, hugging, sending e-cards, 4Kids bashing, and annoying annoying people! ^.^
Making people laugh, some people have said that I'm good at writing stories, and then someone else said that I have a good taste in anime once...But maybe that's it. O.o
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 03/18/05:
She's my favorite Pita Ten character! ^_^
Result Posted on 03/18/05:
^_^ No wonder I've started talking weird, su!
 You are Misha-San! The only thing you care about is making everybody's lives better! You don't have any worries in life! You love everybody, and don't care what anybody says about you! You are childlike, cheerful, friendly, and a bit naive. You get so caught up in things, you don't even pay attention to reality! You're the type of person who befriends everyone. You're an absolute angel!
Which Pita-Ten character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/11/05:
Result Posted on 03/11/05:
Result Posted on 02/20/05:
Result Posted on 02/08/05:
What kind of Cat are you! Hunter Your soul echoes with the claws and paws of the old hunters. They understand the world around them, knowing how to catch your prey. You are not overly aggressive to that which isn't hunted.
Result Posted on 02/08/05:
You're a sunflower in a bed of roses. There's just something sunny about you that makes you stick out and lends warmth to everyone around you. You could be the youngest in your family or an only child.
Though you can be serious when you need to be, your friends and family probably think of you as a comedian, because you like to joke, tease, have fun, and play a practical joke every now and then.
You love to meet new and interesting people from all walks of life, but you're not comfortable around people who never smile.
You have a tendency to greet bad news with humor and you have a very optimistic viewpoint on life.
Strengths: You take bad news and failure in stride and look for the good in everything. There's not much in the world that could shake your optimistic vision of life or your belief in yourself. In addition, you're warm, friendly, outgoing, and a loyal friend, and these qualities alone could take you far.
There are so many great things to do in life that it's hard for you to stick to one thing. You have an endless amount of energy, but having the motivation to stick to something long enough to make progress may be one of your greatest challenges.
Suggestions: Let people see your serious side as well as your fun and humorous side, and they'll always want you around. And remember to respect other's feelings. Unfortunately, not everyone can be as sunny as you are. And though it's hard to do, find something you like and stick to it; look for new challenges in the realm of your interests instead of moving on to something else.
What kind of a flower are you? |
Result Posted on 02/04/05:
Result Posted on 02/04/05:
 The Truth Your angel seeks for the truth. Your angel is part of you. Thus, you are the kind of person who values honesty more than most things in this world. You are strong-willed, and a bit stubborn at times. In love, you seek for someone who will understand you, and never cheat on you. This would probably hurt you a lot, as it would to a lot of people. But it would probably hurt you the most. You are brutally honest, and you voice your opinions a lot. Go you! Please Rate and Message!
What's Your Angel Seeking For? .:BEAUTIFUL Anime Pics AND Music!:. brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 02/04/05:
 Your attitude, that what makes you special, you like to break rules and habits, you are very angry inside, you are not very good at expressing your feelings that makes you tend to be a little violent or just stay away from everybody, you always say that you don't care about what people think of you, but inside you, you feel hurted by what they say, try not to get in the dark mood for too long so you don't stuck, probably you like dark colours.
What makes you unique? brought to you by Quizilla
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