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Somewhere, Someplace, USA
Member Since
Otaku/Student/Krazy kid/Fanfiction writer/
Real Name
Brittany C. But I like to be called Lynn-chan, Krazy-chan and Lime-chan. ^^
Got to the Top 500, got over 1,000 visits and 100 gb signings,made some quizzes, and most likely other stuff.
Anime Fan Since
For a very very long time. O.o
Favorite Anime
My top five are: Tokyo Mew Mew, FullMetal Alchemist, Shaman King (uncut), One Piece (uncut), and Princess Tutu
Well, I want to go to "The Land of Anime" atleast once in my lifetime, I'd also like to be an anime VA, and then there's that endangered predator reserve/no-kill animal shelter that I want to make. Seeing more anime would also be nice.
Anime, manga, video games, internet, writing, drawing, hugging, sending e-cards, 4Kids bashing, and annoying annoying people! ^.^
Making people laugh, some people have said that I'm good at writing stories, and then someone else said that I have a good taste in anime once...But maybe that's it. O.o
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 11/24/04:
Hahaha! What a funny pic. ^_^
Result Posted on 11/24/04:
I haven't got Kirune-ra in a while. Hmm..
Result Posted on 11/24/04:
Man, do I get Ih'kuaren lot.
Result Posted on 11/24/04:
Result Posted on 11/24/04:
Result Posted on 11/24/04:
 The day you went back to your house was the day you made you final decision.. the on you want to be with.. And you chose Ih'Kuaren. Although you let Kirune-ra and Haiiro down, you still remained close friends. Haiiro was recently dubbed King og Hell (Satan was re-elected) and is having a great time. Kirune-ra is attending your school, but for some reason, they don't seem to mind him being a demon.. Ih'kuaren, however, was turned back into an angel as soon as you were given permission by God himself to ask to. Ih'kuaren recently became a guardian angel, and who is it he guards? You. The two of you couldn't be happier.
would an angel, demon, or pure evil fall for you 10 (final chapter) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/24/04:
 Something horrible has happened to both you and Ih'kuaren. I'm sure if he was completely aware of what he was doing, he would probably kill himself for ever trying to hurt you. Right now, he needs you to remain faithful to him, especially now that he's lost in darkness.
would an angel, demon, or pure evil fall for you 9 (new pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/24/04:
Result Posted on 11/24/04:
 Dogs with dogs, and cats with cats.. yeah right! You, Ms. Kitty, and Mr. Dog are breaking the rules! You can care less if you and Kirune-ra are of a different species! There's definitely some chemistry between you two, and besides, rules are MEANT to be broken! ;P
would an angel, demon, or pure evil fall for you 7 (pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/24/04:
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