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Somewhere, Someplace, USA
Member Since
Otaku/Student/Krazy kid/Fanfiction writer/
Real Name
Brittany C. But I like to be called Lynn-chan, Krazy-chan and Lime-chan. ^^
Got to the Top 500, got over 1,000 visits and 100 gb signings,made some quizzes, and most likely other stuff.
Anime Fan Since
For a very very long time. O.o
Favorite Anime
My top five are: Tokyo Mew Mew, FullMetal Alchemist, Shaman King (uncut), One Piece (uncut), and Princess Tutu
Well, I want to go to "The Land of Anime" atleast once in my lifetime, I'd also like to be an anime VA, and then there's that endangered predator reserve/no-kill animal shelter that I want to make. Seeing more anime would also be nice.
Anime, manga, video games, internet, writing, drawing, hugging, sending e-cards, 4Kids bashing, and annoying annoying people! ^.^
Making people laugh, some people have said that I'm good at writing stories, and then someone else said that I have a good taste in anime once...But maybe that's it. O.o
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 10/31/04:
^_^ True.
Result Posted on 10/30/04:
yay! My favorite character! Weird, Stewie's pancake obsessed, while i'm waffle obsessed...O_o
 Stewie - Yes, you are everyone's favorite evil one year old! You're best friend is your slightly gay teddy bear, Rupert, whom you enjoy hitting. Stewie has many times attempted to kill his mother. And he has major plans for world domination. His email adress(on the show) is He hates to wallow aroudn in his own feces. He is a master mind, and can be slightly crazy. So can you. He also has an odd obbssesion with pancakes and the tellitubbies. Famous quote:
Chris: Happy Birthday! You want soem ice cream?
Stewie: Yes, but no sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find I shall kill you!!
What 'Family Guy' Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/30/04:
Ano....nani?! (Um....what?!)
 Christianity - Congrats! Christianity is the largest religion in the world. You are Christianity. Christians believe that God is three, the Father, Spirit, and the Son (Jesus). You are a very caring and considerate person, a little naive but overrall you have a good heart. You have faith in yourself and in many things. Good job!
What Religion Best Fits Your Personality? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/30/04:
 Heart - You are heart. Though life has it's ups and downs, you remain optimistic, and always learn to live to the fullest. You don't complain much and you have a heart of gold. You are the sweetheart, very caring and considerate. You brighten peoples days just by your attitude, but you often let things bottle up, not wanting to offend anyone. This may not always be a good thing, yet you always seem to pull through somehow...
What Symbolizes You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/30/04:
Hmm...I've always liked the clothes they wear. ^_^
A gentle people that value harmony above all.
Many of Tipa's residents belong to this tribe or unity and friendship. They are gentle by nature and dislike conflict. When disputes arise, they do whatever they can to resolve them. It is said that an air of tranquility follows them wherever they go.
Which Race From Final Fantasy Christal Chronicles are you?[with pix!!!] brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/30/04:
I think it's very true.
Result Posted on 10/30/04:
Hmm...Every time I take this quiz, I get Horohoro...O_o
He may come from the snowy mountains, but he has a warm heart. True love often starts from a good friendship, and he knows how to make you laugh and have a good time. He's also very concerned with ecologic problems, let's take care of Nature together.
What Shaman King boy is your perfect match? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/29/04:
My second quiz! ^_^ It's very popular!
Result Posted on 10/29/04:
But....I'm a Taurus. O_o
Result Posted on 10/29/04:
Neat! ^-^
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