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myOtaku.com: krillin1001

Thursday, March 31, 2005

hope this isn't pointless.. as you can see, im just a normal member.. everybody else has become a senior member.. all of my friends, and im still here... down the scales, even though i was on this site 5 months before most of them... hope you dont see me as a loser... well... whatever...

anyways, today was a boring day, usual, and i was down, but right now, im kindda hyper, so im gonna try out a random fan fiction!

-----Random day in the Ginyu force headquarters-----


Burter: *sleeping* ZzZzZ...

Ginyu: HEY IM THE ONE IN COMMAND HERE, AND I COMMAND... that we make the perfect day?? WAKE UP GINYU!!!

Burter: *wakes up* did you notice you named yourself in your last sentense? the perfect day is screwed , so go back to sleep, loser! *gets back to sleep*

Recoome: don't bother me!

Jeece: why...?

REcoome: Because Sailer moon is on, BUG OOOOOOFFFFFFF!!!! *blows the room* woopsy....(weird giggle) Guldo, can you get me the other television please?

Guldo: always me always me... why?

Jeece: because you're the lil toad that... Hey ginyu, aren't you supposed to be a toad?? *freaks out and wreck the whole "Spice Girls" CD collection that Burter bought on earth on an auction.*

*everybody looks at him because they are sure he will choke and cough, like in alll the funny stories*

*Ginyu stops laughing*: what?

*ginyu goons*: Oo...

Ginyu: IM NOT GINYU!!!!!!!

*random villager from West city appears and makes a loud *gasp* *

*gets killed by freeza that comes in*

Freeza: mouahahhhahaha IM GINYU!!!!


Jeece: YAY IM JEECE!!!

Recoome : YAy im a Barbie!

Pikatchu: pika??

*everybody jumps on pikatchu to kill him, he just goes real fast and steals a space ship pod to escape , grinning evely to the G.F. head quarters*

*Ginyu Glaring to Freeza*
*Freeza Glaring to Ginyu**Ginyu Glaring to Freeza*
*Freeza Glaring to Ginyu**Ginyu Glaring to Freeza*
*Freeza Glaring to Ginyu**Ginyu Glaring to Freeza*
*Freeza Glaring to Ginyu**Ginyu Glaring to Freeza*
*Freeza Glaring to Ginyu*
*Burter glaring at jeece* : YOU WRECKED MY SPICE GIRLS COLLECTION I SHALL KILL YOU!!!!! *blows the planet up...*

*Random head floating in the middle of the universe

The end


hahah i love to do those!

random french word of the day: rapide (quick)

song of the day: When love and death embrace, H.I.M.

Thing to do: homework.. dammit!

well ill be going

see ya later!!


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