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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Wow.. I haven't had a visit here since the 16th... =(
I hope everyone is ok, and having fun times, and yeah.
I'm not, but what else is new. Heh.
So yeah. Cheer the hell up Tala before I release the rabid monkeys to poke you nonstop. And I don't mean poke you in the arm or leg... =P
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Monday, December 19, 2005
Ok, this is an odd story, and it kinda needs to be told... I'm actually a bit shocked myself that it's going down like this...
So on Friday, I get an IM from a person I don't know. No clue at all who they are. They indentify themself as a friend of Marzgurl's. He then asks if I'm still single, and still looking for someone. Well, yes....yes I am. He then says he might have someone for me... O_O;;; He linked me to a picture, but then had to get going before I could find out more information.
Our conversation continued yesterday, with me finding out a lot about this girl. Appearently, her name is Nikki, she's 20, lives in the Dallas area, and actually is interested in seeing where this could go....
So.... I guess I have a blind date at Ushi or something.... x.x;;;;;;
It's weird tho... I've yet to actually talk to her, just this guy. And the only picture of her he had was one in a costume taken at Ushi04. And it was kinda hard to tell what she looked like in that pic, but he's all "oh no, she's very cute dude".
I dunno if I should be scared, excited, freaked out, or what.... x.x;;;
For now, I guess I'll just let it ride, and see where this goes.
Now as far as Ushicon itself goes... I'm gonna be a very very busy man it seems... There's the Naruto/ParaPara skit that Marzgurl is putting on that I'm in, there's dinner at Buca's that Alora is putting on, pizza in a room that the Raver Nin's are having, all the RN get togethers and meetings and whatnot, the Para Para Panel that I think Mint is running that I'm DEFINETLY gonna be there for, and then this.
And not to mention, I still need to redo Karasu. Plus, Andrew is gonna cosplay as Karasu in ep 21, so we'll FINALLY be able to have some fun with that. (tho, if I'm doing the para para skit, I won't be able to do the bathroom skit.... maybe at shiokaze, if i go)
So yeah... I guess you can say this is a happy post... ^_^;;
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
Last couple days haven't been too kind to me. It's like everything is collapsing around me.
Works been work. Nothing new or special going on. Same bullshit as always. Tho I think they finally understand that I'm not happy, and I'm leaving this summer. For a while, I said I was gonna move, and they thought I was full of shit. But now I think they see I'm not. (tho i very much could be)
Family is fucking driving me INSANE....
Ok, first off, my grandma. ALL she does is talk. Yap yap yap yap yap. The most meaningless bullshit too. If you're talking, she feels she HAS to interject her opinion and thoughts on the matter, and often says a lot of stuff that's wrong. But you can't correct her, because she's old, and then she gets defensive and talks more. So yeah. My parents are humoring her, I'm not. I can't stand her shit.
So we're at dinner the other night, and I've had my fill of her. I don't wanna talk. But they keep trying to talk to me. Keep trying to pry information out of me. "What do you think Kris?" "What's wrong?" Etc. and I want nothing to do with it. So I just sit to myself and work on this Sudoku book I got the other day.
Then yesterday... Oh god did yesterday suck... I'm at work, and they're calling me on my cell phone to pick stuff up from the store for them, so they can do their baking stuff. Not a problem, minus the cell phone part. But we changed how outside calls are taken at work, and they didn't know. So that's ok. It's just a good thing I wasn't around a boss or anything... I was just sitting in my office doing jack shit. But then I go to leave. Get to my car, car won't start.. WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!! Call home, ask my dad to please come out and give me a jump. So I'm sitting in my car with it like 10 degrees outside, waiting for him to show up. Lovely, huh?
But he didn't know where I parked... So he circled the lot, didn't find me, and went back home.... And he didn't take his cell phone with him, so when I tried to call him, it went to no avail. So my mom calls me while I'm sitting there. I'm listening to the radio, since I could get that to work, just couldn't get it to turn over. She asks me to get something else that she needed... -_-;;; Ok, I'm sitting in a freezing ass car with my windows iced up on the INSIDE, and you want me to get you some chestnuts cause you burned the ones you had... Ok, fine. -_-;;;
Dad finally shows up, we jump the car, and it starts just fine. Take it over to the battery place, 100 bucks to get a new battery.. -_-;;;;;;;; Get home, and I'm rather pissed off. "Here you go Kris, here's all the stuff you need to make the Chex Mix." Ok, I am NOT fucking doing this today. Not with how I feel right now. I get some lunch, grab a beer, and go to my room. I mean hell, I'm so anti-social right now, I don't even log on FFXI. (which is a different story)
So I'm in my room watching football and shit. My mom comes in, wondering if the thing I'm getting my dad had come in yet. I say yes. She wants to see it. I pull out the bag it came in, and she starts whigging out...
The deal with this... We have this phone at home, and it can have multiple handsets connected to the same base station. And she wanted to get a new handset and charger for their room. So I got one off EBay for 60 bucks after shipping. But they didn't send it in a box, just the parts and whatnot. Which I'm cool with that... Not a big deal... But to her, it is.
Plus, the case is a different color than the one's we already have. "Our phones are black, this one is gray. I don't think it's the right model." Ok, lovely. But yanno what? To prove her wrong, I opened it, started charging it, and connected it to the base station. Works just FINE. She makes a big fuckin deal over nothing.
Then, just cause I want to be left alone, I stay in my room the rest of the day, and fall asleep around 4. I get woken up at 7 for dinner. Go down, get my food, and go back to my room. While I'm eating, I can clearly hear them yelling and screaming downstairs, about me. And they were sure to do it loud enough so I could hear.
I swear to god, I hate my damn family....
At this point, I just go to bed. Stayed up to watch Naruto, and was out at 8:30.
Odds are, I'll have to do this all over again today. They just can't understand that I don't like talking. I'm not a talkative person. (just cause I type novels on these updates doesn't mean anything. there's a difference between on online persona and a RL persona. plus, anyone that reads these things actually KNOWS who I am... i really feel like my family doesn't understand me. and that's why i choose to have minimal interaction with them)
At times, I wish they would just give up, because it ain't gonna happen. I'm not open about my life with them, because I know they don't understand. I can't talk about games, or anime, or cons, or anything like that. They're so close-minded that it proves pointless. Seriously, when they ask me about my friends, they say "the crazy one" or "the black one". I only tolerate this because I can't move out quite yet. (and if someone gets this job, it might be sooner. i would SO move to ft worth with them. they're one of the few people out there that "get me", if that makes any sense.)
Just yet another reason why X-Mas makes me so miserable. =/
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Friday, December 16, 2005
how was your 2005?
1. What did you do in 2005 that you'd never done before?
can't think of anything
2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
didn't make em last year, won't this year
3. Did someone close to you give birth?
4. Did anyone close to you die?
5. What countries did you visit?
6. What would you like to have in 2006 that you lacked in 2005?
a g/f would be nice.... so would money
7. What dates from 2005 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
i dunno....
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
didn't have one
9. What was your biggest failure?
trying to get a new job i guess
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
nothing massive, just the flu
11. What was the best thing you bought?
my compy
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
noones =P
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
my own
14. Where did most of your money go?
going to texas
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
goin to ochibi to meet tala and stuff... yeah, that didn't work out at the time.. =/
16. What song will always remind you of 2005?
boulevard of broken dreams
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or hardened? Hardened
ii. thinner or fatter? fatter
iii. richer or poorer? poorer
18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
spend less money
20. How will you be spending Christmas?
playing ffxi, then going to work
22. Did you fall in love in 2005?
dunno if it was love... had lots of crushes, all of them leaving me crushed.
23. Any one-night stands?
24. What was your favorite television program?
big brother
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
hmmm.. don't think there is...
26. What was the best book you read?
potter, half blood prince
27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
relearning guitar
28. What did you want and get?
29. What did you want and not get?
g/f, money, new job, etc
30. Favorite film of this year?
hp goblet, rent
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
worked, 24
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
gee guess. =(
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2005?
whatever i felt like and junk?
34. What kept you sane?
ffxi i guess
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
36. What political issue stirred you the most?
nothing i guess
37. Who do you miss?
all muh homies down in tejas
38. Who was the best new person you met?
tala, danzig, mint, levi, phlinx
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2005:
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
can't think of anything
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t - 5:40am @ work
My hands are killing me from the over dryness they're suffering from right now... And I hate the feel/smell of lotion, so I don't use any... >>;;;; What can I say, I'm a guy. =/
For someone that knows nothing about love and relationships, I sure do try to impart a lot of wisdom and advice on the topic... >>;;; For my own selfish reasons? Maybe. But ultimately, I just want others to be happy, even when I can't.
So not much going on really. If you haven't already, go check out the Chuck Norris thread I posted over at the Ushicon forums for some classic comedy gold. I'll prolly post it on my LJ later today since most of those guys don't even know what Ushicon is. Heh.
I guess I'm gonna go...
There's gotta be a light somewhere in this damn tunnel.. =/
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
t - 5:47am @work
Responses to yesterday's comments, since there was a lot of em. Heh.
Seth - When I finally get around to posting these pictures, you won't envy snow.. x.x;;
Kayoubi - It's starting to be strep. I lack tonsils (i think), so it's kind of hard to get tonsilitis. =P
Miss Shun - I'll fedex some over right now. XD
Zappa - Yeah....funny you mention that... I haven't done shit to work on Kanky. I mean, really all I need to do is redo the shirt and make the new karasu, which I don't think will take that long with the idea that Phlinx gave me. But I'm just lazy. Even tho I work next to a damn hardware store, I'm too lazy to actually stop there and get the pvc pipe I need. And then I work at a place that sells all the other crap I need, yet laziness continues.
Speaking of which, I need a new stash of glowsticks for Ushi... I'll check ebay when I get home. b^^ I can't stand those 4 inchers... See if I can't find any 6 or 8's.
And no, I wasn't talking about penis's there. Frickin pervs =P
My hands hurt... Like, my knuckles are starting to get all dry and shit. It's not fun. =(
Ok, so vacation plans!! =D
January 25th: Leave here.
26th: Get to SA, stay with Marzgurl
27th: Drive up to Austin for Ushi
28th: Ushi
29th: Ushi, then back to SA.
30th: Drive to Austin for Main Event gathering
31st: dunno yet
February 1st: dunno yet
2nd: dunno yet
3rd: dunno, maybe head to Austin to hang out with Tala and cheer her up
4th: Yoko Ishida thing in SA
5th: Super Bowl party at Marzgurl's!!! (that i'm throwing. XD)
6th: Leave the wonderfulness of Texas =(
7th: Get home
8th: Back to work. Plus it's also my 25th birthday. ;;_;;
Things to bring:
One BIG suitcase for over a week's worth of clothes.
One smaller suitcase for cosplay stuff (kanky, banana, maracas, maybe SB, other Ushi-only type stuff)
Another smaller suitcase for gaing goodness (ps2, xbox?, wires/controllers)
Muh compy
Pillow and comforter, for those long nights in the car. x.x;;
Yeah, I'm bringing a LOT of shit... Heh. ^^;;
Maybe I could have it so just that costume bag is for con only, so I don't have to lug the bigger bag everywhere. Leave it at Kaylyn's. One less thing to carry in and out. ^^;;;
And now I work. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*headexplode*
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Hurray for more snow falling..... -_-;;;
Hurray for grandma coming to town.... -_-;;;
Hurray for my throat hurting, and a lot of strep has been going around at work the last week or so.... -_-;;;;;;
Was up til midnight working on a mission in FFXI, and now it's 5:38, and I'm at work. Dead tired, but at work. ^^;;; It was worth it tho. ^_^
And that's about it I guess. Gotta work for a bit, then go home, shovel snow, then go to the mall if the roads are too bad. If they are, stay home, do laundry, play FFXI. Seems simple enough, eh? ^^
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Monday, December 12, 2005
t - 5:37am @work
Still depressed. Worse today than it was yesterday, for both the same and different reasons.
I fail at life. =/
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Sunday, December 11, 2005
t - 9:46am still at work
Ok, so maybe there is something to talk about.....
The usual holiday lonliness and depression has finally kicked in. =/
Why must I be cursed to always be alone in life? Why can't I find that special someone out there just for me?
Maybe I should just give up. The only girls I seem to be meeting these days are still in high school, and that would only lead to big trouble if anything were to happen.... But then, I'm not the best at meeting people... One look at me, and people go running for the door.
Maybe that's why I spend so much time playing FFXI. Trying to get away from life, and the unpleasantness it brings me. There, I can escape everything. Granted, it leaves me feeling more lonely, but still.
Both of my sisters are spending X-Mas with their boyfriends' familes. I'm stuck at home with the parents, and grandma, who I have to pick up on Tuesday. Let me tell you how much fun THAT'S gonna be. (tho i'll probably just spend it watching football and loading songs and porn into my ipod)
I wish I knew what to do about all this... But I don't.
And I know noone can help me, and I have to figure it out for myself. But I can't.
And that I really should just give up, call it a lost cause, and try to move on. But I won't.
Instead, I let it bother me to the point where times like this, which are supposed to be happy ones, just make me miserable.
Misery loves company, but there's noone home anymore.
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t - 5:25am @work
yeah..... I got nothing.
Twould be why I didn't say anything yesterday.
Just nothing going on, so nothing to report.
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