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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Wheee.... Nothing really going on, no reason to update.
I leave for Oni next week... W00T!!!
I'm talked a guy into trading me a brand new X-Box.. XDXD
See, about a month ago, I bought a DS from work for I think either 70 or 100 bucks. I forget how much we had them on sale for. (probably 100) Then I went to GameStop to buy a couple games. So I think I spent like 60 on the games.
Well yesterday, he's like "hey, I'll buy your DS for 50 bucks." I'm like "well, i bought some games too..." So he's like "ok, 100 for all of it." So I started thinking about it...
Then I talked to Angie, and she gave me an uber idea.
I went back to him and said.... "Tell ya what. I'll give you the DS and 3 games.... If you get me an X-Box. I don't care where you get it, how you get it. So long as it works, there's wires, and a controller." This sparked his interest.... SCORE!!!!
So today, he was talking to his brother about it. I mentioned to them how at work this week, we get 14% instead of our normal employee discount of 10%. So he could buy a new X-Box for 138, and still be saving more money than if he went and bought the DS and games. Then he was saying how he had some stuff he was gonna sell to gamestop and such, and I said I'd prefer not to get a used one...more like a refurb would be nice... But new is awesome. Then they talked some more about it.....
Later this morning, I had to go to another store to drop something off and pick something up. But before I go, they're all "OK, we're gonna go buy a refurbished X-Box from EB during a break. Go home and get your DS." So I stop at home on the way to the other store, come back, and what do ya know... They didn't go to EB, they got it from here brand new.. XDXD So I scored a brand spankin new XBox today. W00T!
So I'm kinda getting dicked by work right now...but it's of my own doing really. My last day off was on Thursday, ok? So this week, my days off would be Tuesday and Thursday. But the other guy that works in my department needed Tuesday off. So we switched Monday and Tuesday. So I was supposed to have Monday off... But this guy is relatively new, and doesn't know how to do the Monday morning paperwork. So I had to go in Monday morning to do that. Granted, it was only for a couple hours, but to me, if I have to wake up to get to work at 5, then it's not considered a day off.
And basically the same thing is happening tomorrow... I'm supposed to be off, but they're having an upgrade to the registers at 5am, and I need to be here for that... So I don't get a single day off this week.. x.x;;;
Then next week, I'm working Sun/Mon/Tues/Wed, so I can leave town on Wednesday.
So in reality.... I'm working 2 straight weeks without a day off.... x.x;;;;;;;;;;;;
But then I'll be in Texas for a week... So it's ok... XD
Plus the sheer amount of overtime I'm planning on racking up this week, which I'll get paid next Friday, which conveinently is when I'll be in Texas... ^_~
And.....yeah... That's it really... I seriously have nothing going on right now. It's the usual calm before the con. Next week is when the fun begins. =D
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