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Monday, November 28, 2005
***From LJ***
It took me 4 months to get from 62 to 63.
It took me a week to get from 63 to 64
It took me a couple hours to get from 64 to 65.
Yes, I hit 65 with DRG. Saturday night actually. So I fulfilled my promise to hit 65 this weekend. Heh. Got in a damn good party. Started at like 1 or 2, I finally left at 1am, and they were still going. Yeah, we had a couple switches, but when I left, there were 3 of the original 6 still there. (2 after I left) Can't go wrong with a 40k exp party. ^^
So now what. Well, I was told that when I hit 65, I could join that LS that Jessica is in. So shortly after I dinged, I sent a tell to the leader letting him know. What did I get back as a response? {That's nice.}
Ok, so now I'm pissed off. Seriously, WTF..... I mean, not to rag on them or anything, but if they'll let Jess at 63, and her mom at 56!!! in the LS, then why not me at 65?? And fuck, they were gonna let this other guy in at 56 or something too, but appearently I'm not good enough.
And yesterday, I seriously sat around watching Jess level DRG, in a party with 2 other members of that LS. And.........I couldn't get a pearl???
Then last night, I was asking Jess if she had ideas on how I'm gonna get all this rare/ex equip I'm gonna need soon, like the Assualt Jerkin, the Gae Bog, the Optical Hat..... She says "Well, you ARE 65 now." I tell her what Fleury said, and she comes back saying "Well tbh, I don't think you should join the LS."
WHAT THE FUCK?!???????????
So if anyone knows any good high level type LS's that are accepting 65DRG's, that don't have Sky access cause they're stuck at ZM4, and don't have Sea access cause they're stuck at 2-5, and don't have a ton of money, and still need to level subs and all that other bullshit......
I'm seriously gonna get nowhere in the game... =/ It's seriously become more "who you know" than "what you can do". And I know hardly anyone. That's why I walk around with no LS on. Cause I don't have one!
***End LJ***
So yeah, sorry to post the nerd talk, but it's got me pretty upset. =( I hate feeling like I don't belong, but...... That's pretty much how I feel when I play these days. Not wanted, not welcomed. No love.
Had a rough start to my day... Forgot I still had my alarm set for 1am from last week when I had to be at work at 2. So my alarm goes off at 1 today.... Takes me 30 minutes before I realize it's 1, not 4... x.x;;; Then some really nasty storms pop up around 2:30, which woke me up. So I didn't get much sleep today. Not to mention I was having this extremely weird dream/feeling/sensation that I was being struck by lightning.... I can't explain it.... And actually, as I sit here at work typing this, I still have that feeling.... Like a bolt of lightning is just gonna crash thru the building and strike me down.... That's probably not normal, is it?
Here's to another crappy day. =/
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