Hey everyone, welcome to my site. Just talk about anythin u want. Enjoy yourselves! You should always feel at home here kay? Oh and leave a post or GB sign if u have any opinions or thoughts on your mind.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
cute manga!!!
Any1 ever hear of a manga called Absolute Boyfriend? its about a grl who has completely bad luck w/ boys, and she meets a salesman who ends up giving her android? cyborg? DUNNO!!! bottome line is that he's really good looking and...haven't gotten past that, but they kiss, and its cute because its a dream come true sorta for the grl but she cant believe it...and now im rambling. I'll shut up now!
Question Poll of the Day
How many manga do you own? (How many seperate, single books, not series)
 You are SAKI HANAJIMA!! Also known as Hana, she is
very protective of her friends, especially
Tohru. Hana has an electromagnetic power that
allows her to sense the good and evil in
people as well as the ability to see their
auras. On top of this strange ability, her
rather gothic demeanor scares many of the
students at her school.
Which Fruits Basket Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Hmmm...Good News! And...Bad News....
Well...I got my computer back!!! THANK GOD!!!!!! I missed this thing so much HAHAHA. It's really true. You don't appreciate what you have until it is finally gone. Soooo, now that i gave you the good news, wanna hear the bad news? I took my first, EVER high school final. Dear Kami, those things are big. You know, those big tests that they give you at the end of each semester. And I have 2 more days comin up. ouch!!! Sooo, here's the poll for today.
Question Poll of the Day
Have you ever taken finals? If you have, what are your thoughts on it?
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Tuesday, January 3, 2006
sorry sorry *sweatdrop*
Sorry for having been gone so long. My computer seems to have caught a virus and needed to be reprogrammed...or something along those lines, and the end result is!!! my computer had everything deleted and was gone for awhile. T_T *sniff* my computer!!! Anyway, nothing really going on. Happy New Year!!! Didja get any money???
Question Poll of the Day
Hmmmm...what's...your favorite flavor!?!?! HAHAHAHA...*sweatdrop* erhm...calming down...
It relates to what happened to my computer. Any1 ever hear of a program called Bittorent(basically a file sharing program)? Can you get viruses through it?
 What do you breathe? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
very....uneventful day...
Today was a bit boring. Nothing really happened except that im at my friends house right now. Hmmmm, is any1 a fan of fanfiction ^_^. if you are, wat kind of ff do you read? and for u anime ff readers(i no there should be at least a few out there) what r ur fav pairings?
Question Poll of the Day
What is your personality like? (kinda of a random, on-the-spot question.)
M.P.I.N.H.S.F.T. probs for today...
 ...What Picture Should Be On Your Homepage?...(With Anime Pix) (Girls Mostly) brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry X-Mas
Well, every1, its Christmas! Hope everyone is having a good time, had a good time, or planning to have a good time. Anyways, just have a Christmas, it's the least we can get rite?
Poll of the Day
What did you get for Christmas?
Hmmmm...where do you think would be the best place to go to take lessons for learning a language(excluding high school of course)
You, my friend, are a lazy sleeper! As far as you are concerned, sleeping and lounging about are the most incredible things on earth. You love just sitting back and watching everyone buzzing around with their busy lives. Its not that youre stupid or dont care, on the contrary, you are quite intelligent when you want to be. But why waste the effort?
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