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Friday, December 23, 2005
Well, not much to talk about. Does any1 here play fun lil online game called Gunz??? Its not bad considering it's free.
Question Poll of the Day:
What is your favorite anime?
My Problem I Need Help Solving For Today: (M.P.I.N.H.S.F.T.)
For some unknown reason, i cant hear the midi song i posted upon my site. Any1 have a solution? If u could give me 1, you'd have my endless thanks and praise!!!
 Your first kiss will be like a fairy tale kiss. Isn't that lovely? You're a true dreamer and a romantic. So hopefully, someone will be able to make you happy someday.
What will your first kiss look like? (beautiful pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Wooooow...back from a huge-uncalled-for, mysterious hiatus
Hi ppl! anyways,(has any1 even noticed that i just about went out and died) its been quite awhile hasnt it? anyways, im bak and i even...more diff than b4 mayb...lets talk and c, k? anyways, let me throw off some random topics and pick one u wanna comment about so that u can hear more about it or if u just wanna go out and comment. so here goes nothing-
1. Neon Genesis Evangelion (possibly THE MOST AMAZING, OUTSTANDING ANIME i have EVER seen. how could u NOT want to talk bout it????)
2. Love Hina (the anime only im afraid. sry)
3. Fruits Basket (the anime only)
4. Chobits (just started watchin and its hilarious!! and Clamp really outdid themselves with their spectacular artwork)
5. Full Metal Panic (curious to see if anybody watches this. oh and soooooo sry but now Fumoufuu)
6. Guitar (any players out there?)
7. Anime and Manga in general?
8. Or anything u wanna contribute basically
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
omg omg!!! im soooo sry! i didnt mean 2 be gone 4 such a long time. i no this is a sure sign that im gonna be a horrible parent (gives depressed sigh) oh well i guess i can still hope 4 the best...anyways i hope that the new song i brought is enough to make up 4 my long abscence...and once again...GOMEN NASAI!!!!
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
i neeeeeed somethin 2 do!!!! im sooo bored. DEAR GOD! i've been stuck in my home doing possibly nothing productive at all. the only thing thats been keepin me alive is!!!! ty SO MUCH mikki, ur the 1 who mentioned this site. cause of it, i havent passed out from boredom yet. i owe u one! by the way, u should check this site if u ever have the time 2...4 naruto fans, i suggest a story called two halves. 4 love hina fans, check out a story called Love Hina Next. both r excellent. k then bb
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Monday, August 15, 2005
i was just resting on my couch 2day, when i realized i hadnt updated my otaku in awhile. so, here i am! has any1 seen the naruto movie about the snow country yet? its really good, u should check it out. and if u have seen it, u should've seen the ending. hilarious huh? hahaha k
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
wsup!!! not much 2day, just saw a new subbed naruto, aside from that pretty unevenful day...hmmmmm...i had my first unfried ramen!!! ^_^ yay. its pretty good, better than the instant stuff, i have 2 say. by the way, update!!!! now!!! this place is no fun w/o updates!!!!
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hey all. its been a long time hasnt it??? hehe. gomen(sry). ive been watchin alotta anime and readin lotsa fanfics on anime(luv it soooooo much, uve gotta check out and ive picked up a few words, its quite fun actually. anyways just got back from korea, actually got back earlier but was 2 lazy 2 update so sry bout that, anyways its good 2 be back, hope uve all been well ^_^ k then sayonara(hope i spelt that rite)
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
ten day absence
hey all, leavin 4 korea like,*looks at clock* rite now. as i speak, my parents r makin final preparations 2 leave. my mom is screamin at me 2 turn off the com...LOLZ!!! i g2g now...dont expect me 2 be around 4 awhile, and farewell 4 now
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
hmmmm...anythin happen?...hmmmm
well, this hasnt been one of the most exciting of weeks that i've ever experienced, but it hasn't been hell at least, i can be thankful at least that much. actually, something good did happen, i did finish the sixth Harry Potter book, and i have 2 say, i'm impressed. if u r a fan of the series and havent read it as of yet, do as so as soon as time permits. ^_^ ROFL!!! not a command or anythin...hehe...sry if u feel a bit shaken...anyways, bb!!!
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Monday, July 25, 2005
love hina!!!
wow, just finished watchin love hina, every episode and the christmas and spring movies(just missin Love Hina Again!! darnit!), and i have to say, it really good. its really romantic, in my opinion at least(dunno wat others might think), and its hilarious!!! i was laughing a whole lot, Keitaro's a klutz and almost all the grls in the story are able to beat him up when he does something perverted(its almost always on accident) anyways, u have sooooo got 2 c it, its a comic masterpiece!!! and its been out so long its gotten pretty cheap(no at the company site where they officially sell it of course. somewhere else like amazon). Love Hina is funnnnny. k then bye now
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