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myOtaku.com: Krustyknuckles

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Another Day Another Post
The more you do something, the better you get at it. I'm going to write like I mean it, so that I can "level up" my writing abilities. One thing I've wanted to do for a long while now is become a manga-ka writer and illustrator. While I lack the time to practice drawing, writing doesn't take as long.

Seeing as how I have no readers, I'll just go ahead and put down my ideas for a ninja story that could only be written by myself:

My main character, Kai (I may choose another name), is in his late teens (maybe 17 or 18), and his parents want him to go to an Ivy League College when he graduates from High School. One problem is that his grades are not good enough to make the cut and he runs away because he really fears his parent's reaction will be overly bad for him as it was before in another case.

Not knowing where to go, he drives miles and miles into the middle of nowhere. With no money and no place to go, he stops his car on the side of the road for the night. Kai awakens the next morning to find trees moving past his car and he gets the slight sensation that it is flying through the air about six feet from the ground. As he sidles against the window, a tree branch clips the antennae (or something that would scare the 5H17 out of somebody in this situation). He tries again and cant see anything beneath the car, so he rolls down the window to get a better look. He finds underneath the car nearly a dozen men clad in black holding up his car and walking through the woods. As he rolls the window back up and sits back in his seat, he feels a prescence behind him. He turns to find another ninja wearing a fedora over his hood in the back seat.

"Hi!" the strange ninja surprises him with.
"What is going on here?" Kai returned the most acceptable response.
"We are headed to our hidden village."
Kai takes a second to piece together the information. "Our hidden village? We are in the middle of Nowhere, USA and there's even a hidden village existing?!"
"Ninja are from Japan, right?"
"how the... what the..." Kai fumbles his words.
"I'll tell you when we get there," the mysterious and strange ninja said as he pointed ahead into the deepening forest.

After a small clearing, there stands two large carved doors surrounded by two walls of enormous trees that appear to shoot from the ground and end in spiny tips. The doors open to reveal a village that has buildings that rise up toward the center where a larger dome sits atop what looks like a town hall type of building.

"Welcome home," says the ninja in the fedora.

That isn't all of what I've written, but I might as well rewrite it while I can lest it be lost to memory and my piece of 5H17 computer as well.

I try to base the architecture on Naruto, but everything else (abilities, etc. I'm basing off of a book I found titled "Ninja Mind Control". There is a book before it by the same author, but I have all the writing material I need with the one book. If the Energy is going to even have a name I'll call it Ki, like in Dragonball Z, otherwise I'll just try to call it energy or ninja power.

I'll try to write the next episode in about a week on this blog, but I really feel it slipping slowly away - no thanks to the crappy assembly of my previous computer's power supply.

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