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Member Since
lonely desk jockey
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Eagle Scout, watched Excel Saga and Eva and didn't go insane (well... more insane)
Anime Fan Since
...not entirely sure... (I do remember speed racer on Cartoon Network)
Favorite Anime
Last Exile (drama) / Naruto (action)/ Magical Shoppong Arcade Abenobashi or FLCL (comedy)/ BECK (awesome)
Make my mark(s), I would love to be a manga artist someday
Drawing / DnD
Jack of some trades (not all)
| Krustyknuckles
Friday, March 9, 2007
Upping the Pizzaz? Pizzaz doesn't seem to be the right word...
Well, my site seems to need more of that "something" that others have (eg music, videos, comic strips), and less of the problems it has for the smaller res viewers that I realize is quite a problem.
The music is an easy fix, even though there's not too much that I like, I can probably get a playlist of a single genre up. Pictures themselves are a problem, because they are the reason my site is "hard to read" in the first place. Html is my new sworn enemy, so I'll try my best to defeat it in a timely manner, although the tutorial wont be of much assistance for the problems I've caused.
I'll try a smaller image today, and see if it will fix the problem:

I get really bored in Physics class, so I really have no reason as to why I drew this. I've never seen a truck in this specific condition, and I never anticipated that I could do this from memory of what an old Chevy looks like. I like to surprise myself though, and it seems this is the only way I know that I can.
Recent Occurences
Well, this is a blog, so I intend to make use of it that way. I'll start by mentioning the movie I was going to see so early this morning. I didn't see it. My friend with minor health problems decided not to go b/c of said problems, and then the rest decided they were too tired to go to a midnight showing. That left me no longer playing spades, but listening to a conversation that involved a threat to our group, not a threat of physical injury, but a threat of change that would also threaten the existence of our group. Most of my closest and dearest friends are my friends because of this group, and the group will not likely continue to exist if there is no way around these changes. My church is undergoing renovations and our meeting times have to be moved to accomodate the major changes of the church building. The group is already a shadow of its former self, which was kind of a shadow to begin with, and the church is not willing to accomodate us with all the changes its going through. I'm afraid I might lose my college group. -_-;;
In Other News
Well, yesterday and the day before (I forgot to mention), I went up to Borders Books and Read 5 volumes of Ai Yori Aoshi (Ai-Ao). I dont know why I keep reading it, it took about 5 volumes before I started reading volume 8 to have any plot development at all (then again, its got really nice pictures :3). I read 8-11 the first night in which I walked in at about 8:30 and read until 11:00 on the largely uncomfortable carpet they have. My posterior fell asleep a number of times, but at least I didn't have to buy the books.
I finally bought "Ender's Game" yesterday, and I know it's odd, but I owned the last three parts of the saga before I ever bought the first. Its one of my favorite stories of all time, and if its possible, I would want to be the one to first draw the characters from it in the form of a graphic novel (which is very hard to do because of the lack of physical descriptions in the book). Here is my initial sketch of Ender:

Its kinda rough, but there's no getting around that right now since I just thought to post that a second ago. I've come across some strange ideas for how the characters would look too, so if you have anything to suggest, please leave it in a comment for me.
Ooh, more Questions:
1) Where you are, is it warm enough to wear sandals today?
2) Have you ever worn socks with your sandals?
3) What do you want to be as far as profession is concerned? (yes, a mommy does count...)
4) What is the number one song stuck in your head recently? mine is "Message in a bottle", followed closely by "All my exes live in Texas" (I'm glad that's not number one...), and sadly, last is "Black Parade" by MCR.
(Insert salutatory expression here)
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