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• krustyknuckles
• 1986-03-21
• Texas
Member Since
• 2006-06-27
• lonely desk jockey
Real Name
• Sam
• Eagle Scout, watched Excel Saga and Eva and didn't go insane (well... more insane)
Anime Fan Since
• ...not entirely sure... (I do remember speed racer on Cartoon Network)
Favorite Anime
• Last Exile (drama) / Naruto (action)/ Magical Shoppong Arcade Abenobashi or FLCL (comedy)/ BECK (awesome)
• Make my mark(s), I would love to be a manga artist someday
• Drawing / DnD
• Jack of some trades (not all)
| Krustyknuckles
Friday, April 13, 2007
Hooray for Firefox!

I cant believe I hadn't downloaded it before, Its like a dream come true compared to the old decrepit internet explorer I used before. Its even got a spell-checker! Telling me when to add hyphens where words aren't compounded and when to check a dictionary when I think a word exists and doesn't! This is the best thing thats happened in my office since I got paid (its too long a wait between checks)!
"Ninja Kai"?

I'm sorry, but this week has been too hectic for me to write another chapter of "Ninja Kai", so it will have to wait for Monday. I'm planning on starting a new story as soon as classes are out too, a science fiction seems appropriate with all the books I've read lately. A short story or two, that may or may not be posted, will set up the universe as I see it, and then I'll get down to business. I'll have to make sure I get plenty of sleep too, because I have shown my inability to write on five hours sleep (yesterdays post). Today, my excuse is noteworthy in how it will surely make you think less of me: "I don't want to" :p. Sorry, but as I said yesterday, the details of the story get hazy here. I'm not sure where its going until I find my idea sheet again
*Sam rummages through his car's backseat*
I've also gotta clean my car... Its getting unruly, and I'm lucky I don't keep important documents underneath the ever-growing pile (well, its supposed to seat four - now its a cozy two, at least). I'll have to wait for this weather to clear up too before I take the vacuum outside to destroy my wonderful mess.
A Short Story of Gloating

I've been getting better at GO, the strategy game of ancient China. I even surprised myself when I not only pwned, but trounced my friend Drew in two separate games. I even managed to survive what I thought might have been a kamikaze attack on his largest territory. I told him I wouldn't post it in my blog, but so far as I know, he doesn't read my blog. If he complains, either someone told him about my blog, or he read it himself and surprised me indeed.
Losing... ability... to draw... slightly...

I've GOT to do some drawing this weekend or I just might lose my visual creativity mojo... There's a joke I came up with and I'm figuring out in my head a way to draw it, If I tell you now, it'll ruin the joke, so I will show it - not tell it - to you if I have it on Monday.
Thanks for reading!
Krusty K
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