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myOtaku.com: Krustyknuckles

Friday, May 11, 2007

Finally free! And Some Foreshadowing!

I'm so glad it's over!! Classes and whatnot all behind me, at least for now. I don't know my grades, but If they're all D's (except for Trig) I can truly graduate. I have an almost guaranteed A in that Inventor class, so all the others except Trig I have cause to worry about. Now I can play Pokemon and write stories and draw to my heart's content.
I couldn't beat the Elite four last night when I ran out of revives against number four. I can't believe the elite four is that difficult for the level you can get to them with. At the end I was up against five Pokemon, all ten or more levels ahead of mine. Good thing I saved before fighting them and not once in-between, It saved me thousands in game $.

My story finally got a page added to it, please enjoy!

Chapter 3: Part 2

Kai reluctantly trudged over to the academy. There was no one stand in front of the school, just as he expected. When he entered the class, the teacher Mister Ayasugi merely looked at the intrusion and went on with the lesson. Kai reached his seat next to Yoshi and sat down.

“What happened?” Yoshi whispered softly.

“I don’t want to talk about it right now.”

“The story has gone around and many of the students are scared of you. I heard that you attacked Konsetsuo.”

“No, it wasn’t me who attacked him. He was definitely the one who attacked me, him and his baseless honor.”

“Are you two quite done?” Ayasugi, had an irritated look in his eye, the one you could see, anyway.

“Yes sir!” Kai said back in military form.

No student in this class would ever be able to find a good enough reason to get on Ayasugi’s bad side. He was too much of a ruthless looking person. His left eye was heavily bandaged all the time, and some came to guess that it was to cover up that he had lost his eye.

Kai dared not to disturb the class again, and neither did Yoshi, so the two of them sat in silence for the rest of class.

“Class is dismissed!” Ayasugi finally said ten minutes later than the lesson was planned to end.
“Kai, I’ll need to see you for a minute,” Ayasugi said as he was about to walk out of the door. Some of the students turned and looked at Kai with a look of fear in their eyes. Kai heard someone murmur, “no one’s ever had a talk with sensei after class before… I wonder what he’ll do to him.”
“Come here Kai,” Mr. Ayasugi beckoned.

“What do you want, sir?”

“I’ve heard stories of you attacking a student of mine, I have to confirm it.”

“I attacked nobody, and the conflict was resolved without bodily harm.”

“Good, but the absence of Konsetsuo today has me worried. Tell me exactly what happened.”

Kai went over the details of the previous day’s misadventure.

“You broke his sword?! That’s bound to get Konsetsuo punished severely. I hope you can return it today. I’m excusing you from physical training so you can return the sword, but be careful. That family has had its fair share of demons and you may encounter a particularly edgy member. Whatever you do, don’t give the sword back to Konsetsuo or his uncle. Ask for his mother or his father.”

“I think I understand.”

“That’s good enough.”



1) Do you think English grammar is too complex?
2) Don't you just love suspense?

HAGS as they say (HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!!) Don't worry! I'll still be here, but I'm happy there's no school.

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