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The Sunshine State...unfortunately
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I haven't been completely drained of a conscience
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Sailor Moon
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To become a great author
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Thursday, June 22, 2006
Hi. I finally got to a computer. I can't believe it's been over a week since I posted last. I missed you guys.
Did you know that in South Dakota, you can have a job and a permit at 14. That's preety cool. In reality, I'm probably not responsible enough for a job yet.
I love seeing my friends again. Coming back to NY,NY made me realize how much I missed them. A good friend of mine told me a few things that made me think about my life.
I'm different from everyone I know. My religion makes me different. I'm supposed to be completely selfless and devoted to God. It's very hard and so far I've been doing poorly at it. The guilt is pretty bad.
Next year is high school. It's going to be crazy. I'm either going to stumble through it, hurt, but okay...or I'm going to crash and burn. I'm excited and terified. I can't wait to see my friends again and make new friends.
Ummm, I though I was going to talk about something else, but I guess I forgot.
I'll see you guys later.
Who knows when I'll get the chance to post again.
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Sunday, June 11, 2006
I'm leaving tommorow. I'll be in New York for a month. I probably won't be able to post, but I will try to as often as I can.
So how are you guys?
On my last post, all of you said that a girlfriend would just complicate my troubles. I know that's true, but it doesn't help ease the pain. Hopefully, hanging with my old friends will help.
I guess I'll see you guys later.
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Friday, June 9, 2006
I don't know what's wrong with me, but something is up. I hardly eat. I sleep constantly, yet I don't feel sick. And I'm not that depressed. I feel cold. But no matter how long I spend in the sun, I always feel cold and empty inside.
*sigh* I need a grilfriend.
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Wednesday, June 7, 2006
One is the lonliness number that you'll ever knoooooow!
Twooooooo can be as bad as one, but the lonliness number is the number one.....
*sigh* How are you guys?
Summer is taking it's toll. I need school! It's not that I don't like summer, it's that school is better.
That must sound really wierd. )o_0(
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Monday, June 5, 2006
My creative inspiration has come! I haven't ffelt one like this in a while. But I have so much of it to develop. First I need to draw the character, figure out what he wears, his weapon*sigh* Who knows when I'll be done. But when I'm finished, I'll make sure to show you guys.
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Saturday, June 3, 2006
Summer is okay. I keep getting bored and then want to go back to school, but then I remember. I tell myself, "You have freedom now. Do something creative." As of now I'm quite bored. I basically live with my ipod.
I'm not quite depressed anymore. Even though my annoying, blond haired, best-friend Josh, practically ruined my life. Well, maybe not ruined, but he definetly made things more complex, even though the were already to complex. Actually. he knows so much about me that he could wreck my life if he wanted.
I'm pretty content now.
How are you guys?
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Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Hmmmm....You know, I watched Spiderman the other day and it reminded me of myself. I'm basically in the same boat. I know what I should do. I should put others in front of myself. I've been doing that for as long as a I can remember. But what about me? Am I never to be happy? What about my wants and needs?
I'll ask this question again.
Is it better to cry doing what you know is right, or to feel guilt having fun doing what you know you shouldn't?
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
I've dubbed myself emo.
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Monday, May 29, 2006
This represents me perfectly

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How do you make a banner? I seriously want to start a writers club.
Anyway...I screwed up...Badly.
Let's just say I jumped to conclusions, made the wrong assumption and screwed up. I plan to fix it tomorrow though. I hope she's understanding.
Wish me luck.
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