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The Sunshine State...unfortunately
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I haven't been completely drained of a conscience
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Sailor Moon
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What ever's on adult swim
To become a great author
writing, drawing, singing, reading, walking
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Saturday, May 27, 2006
I've got a question
How do you start a club?
I love writing and I would love to start a club where writers could share their ideas, stories, and poems with each other.
How are you guys?
I feel different. I'm not sure why.
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Thursday, May 25, 2006
It came to me today. The idea for a story. It started small but it developed into a large idea. I love writing. I love getting new ideas. I can tell when I story idea will be huge becuase I'll see it initianlly as a painting. I've written two pages already. I expect great things from this one.
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Wednesday, May 24, 2006
The last day of school was yesterday. It was awesome. After every one stepped out of the classrooms, I swear a cloud moved and the rain cleared up and I'm sure I heard singing. I actually saw a guy take off his shirt...Wierd huh.
Me and a few friends went to a going away party for Zakura Rose. It was really fun. Actually I was the happiest I've been in a while. Something feels different. I'm not depressed today. Imagine that. I dressed emo on the last day. I liked the look. I think I'm keeping it.
Hope you guys have an awesome day!
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Monday, May 22, 2006
I want to stop crying.
But there is sorrow that I can't escape.
It's like a drug, taking hold of my life.
It's like I'am addicted to depression.
I want to stop crying.
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Saturday, May 20, 2006
Guilt Trip
Is it better to sulk in the sorrow of my tears, knowing that I made the right choice...Or to have fun with friends that do seem to care about you, but know that you made the wrong choice and that the guilt would rip you apart.
My conscience is strong thanx to my religion. I'm supposed to be different then everyone else, and I am. I know what I should and should not do, but...
I'm tired of crying.
I don't want to cry anymore.
I'm tired of being depressed.
I shouldn't have a gf(don't ask). But I do.
The guilt is terrible.
I hate it.
Am I never to have what I want?
What is wrong with that?
It's a guilt trip.
I hate living...But I love life.
I try my best.
But it's not good enough,
And I can't erase 10 years worth of hardwiring.
She has cured me of my depression.
Can she cure me of my guilt,
Before it pushes me off the edge.
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Friday, May 19, 2006
Two words,
First Kiss.
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Wednesday, May 17, 2006
100 HITS!!!!!!
100 HITS!!!!!!!
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Hi. I have my first girlfriend! YAY! She is my best friends friends ex. He seems pretty okay with it though.
I am 1 person away to finally having 100 guestbook signings! If you are here the first time please sign my guestbook. Please and thankyou.
So, how are all of you?
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Sunday, May 14, 2006
26hr day
Hi. It's exactly 12 am. There aren't enough hours in a day, so I stay up about 19hrs and sleep about 7hrs. I know it's probably unhealthy, but I could care less.
Horaa! For not caring!
I need sleep.
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Saturday, May 13, 2006
What Is Your Role In A Relationship? (Male and Female, detailed results with Anime Pics!)
You are InsecureYou often find it hard to believe you are worthy of the love and attention given to you by your partner, and always worry he/she could do much better than you. Your insecurity sometimes leads you to pushing people away, or holding on too tightly. Either way, your relationships often end in tears. Maybe you had your heart broken in the past, or have a low self-esteem - whatever the reasons are, you struggle to see what other people see in you. Some people will find this frustrating, but there will be someone out there who will delight in telling you just how fab you really are until you start to believe it yourself. Most compatible with: The Hopeless Romantic The Romantic will never tire of telling you how much they love you, and you will never tire of hearing it! You need someone who will give you constant reassurance, who will be prepared to make grand romantic gestures whenever you are feeling particularly insecure and will stand by you if you push or pull on them. The Romantic will do all these things and some, always making sure you know that you are the only one they could ever want. Least compatible with: The Free Spirit The Free Spirit won't ever show you their affection in ways obvious enough for you. You would feel constantly on edge as they flitted from one place to the next, not really caring if you followed or not. They would give you enough of a taste to tempt you, but none of the follow through and security you desire. Your song is: Let That Be Enough, Switchfoot  Take this quiz!
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