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I was burying dead bodies, my shovel broke...
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Icabod Crane
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gundam wing, sailor moon, dbz, dragon ball, rurouni kenshin, candidate for goddess, yu yu hakusho, card captor sakura, inuyasha, tenchi muyo, princess mononoke, trigun
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Tuesday, September 14, 2004
I'M BACK!!!! I'M ALIVE!!!!!! WAHOOOOOOOO!!!!! (plus, I'm using IE and not opera!!! so comment away!!)
HEY!!! I've missed everyone on here! It's good to be back at last. So much has happened since I talked last, it's hard to believe it!
First off, we moved. Well, everyone already KNEW that, but I wanted to say we're in our own little place and I have a computer all to myself... with a cable modem so I can be on almost all the time! I've made a few friends, which is good. I've mostly made friends with a boy who drives me insane named Bryant (he's my closest friend here becausehe's the only one I'm able to talk to on a regular basis, not that I open up to him and tell him my dark secrets or anything... he's not that close).
I miss my bestfriend a lot. We've talked a lot though, so I'm happy. I've started TaeKwonDo and I'm doing okay. I'm testing for yellow belt in October (hopefully), and I already have my first two stripes! I have a sort-of friendship with a guy named Matt who cracks me up... he tried to use me as a human shield when we played dodgeball one day and everytime I talk to him I laugh... if you're thinking "her mother is SO going to read into that", you're right. She reads into any attention I get from guys. Figures.
I'm changing highschool programs from American School to an online highschool within the week. I also kinda emailed my ex-bestfriend last night, I don't know why... I haven't talked to her in over three years. I stopped because we moved and she had tried to take over my entire life. I usually felt all in knots around her, but it doesn't seem to matter anymore. Why do I feel that way? Maybe I've moved on. I dunno. Well, I'll go for now... maybe go say hi to all the people I haven't been able to talk to in a while... CYA!!!
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Friday, July 9, 2004
Hello once again... long time no talking. We finally got an internet connection a couple days ago and I am back to wreck havoc upon the world.
Um, new news... Well, we moved into our own apartment and I'm making at least one friend. It's amazing how many people here I have nothing in common with.....
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Tuesday, June 8, 2004
long time no chat, right? My friend Ryan said that. He was like, I thought you hated or something!
anyway, no news from my bestfriend. She was banned from the internet for bad grades. Even though school's out, I'm still studying since I have some to catch because I wasn't able to do it while we were moving.
I don't know when I'll be on again, so I'm sorry if I don't get to people's posts right now. Everything is so hectic. I miss all you guys and despretely want to get an internet connection at where we're staying instead of checking my mail everytime we go over to someone's house. I especially wanna be back on aim and msn. I don't know when that'll happen, but hopefully it'll be soon. I better go. I just wanted to write and say, yes, I am STILL alive and kicking...
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Wednesday, April 28, 2004
hello my freaky darlings!!!
heh, I've been wanting to say that ALL WEEK!!!
okay, I'm finally back on the internet (yes, I'm VERY happy), and we've finally moved! Yep, and so far, I have NOOOOOOO friends. I guess I'm just an oddball or something. There aren't any anime fans that I've met, I miss my bestfriend, and everything just seems to be entirely screwed up.
It feels different. I dunno how. It's like my mom said I guess, everything seems surreal. Every other time we've moved it's felt like an adventure and like we belonged there. But this time, I don't feel anything.
And in other news, I'm gonna be attending a psychologist. Apparently I have social phobia or something... HA! I think I'm just screwed up beyond repair. The military initials SNAFU seem to fit my life so completely that it really isn't funny. SITUATION NORMAL: ALL FOULED UP.
I read a new book. Ender's Shadow is one of the best books I've ever read. Unlike Ender's Game, Bean ends up happy! Where as Ender just keeps scouring the universe. I haven't read any of the sequals to Ender's Game, I know they'll be sad. Ender's Shadow was sad in the beginning too, but it turned out okay. I'm rereading it because I can't seem to find any other good books that we didn't put in storage when we decided to check into motel 6 until we could find an apartment.
Uh... new anime!!! if anyone can tell me anything about Code Lyoko, it would be greatly appreciated! I can't find anything! I'm also nuts about Gundam Seed. Why did they take Witch Hunter Robin off the air? I liked that show!
Well, news news news... I guess I don't really have anything exciting... EXCEPT THAT I'M BACK ON AIM!!! yes! but my bestfriend won't be on, she got busted for bad grades... no computer for a coupla weeks, I think her two weeks are almost up though...
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Wednesday, March 31, 2004
welcome to my little world... all my own. Lately I've been thinking, I'm gonna miss my friends... the few I have. We move this Saturday, leaving early in the morning, so tonight was my last church activity to see all the people who've been leaders and role models for me for the past few months, REALLY great people who I've become good friends with. Tonight seemed so different.
Tonight seemed like the end, obviously it was, but it felt unusual. I'm (hopefully) going to take my bestfriend out for pizza on Friday, but I don't know if I can because she got a part in the play she helped write for Diversity Day, and she might have practice, or her parents may say no.
I talked to her for a short time on aim tonight. Getting off aim is like walking into a tree on purpose, stumbling down the road, and falling off a cliff. When I finally get off aim, or trillian (which I use mostly), and disconnect, I finally hit the ground and die a painful death.
I've been spontainious lately, go me! But lately, more than usual. See, it all started when I was on neopets the other day and I imed someone on aim and we become really good friends. All of the sudden, on Sundays I'm reading scriptures in class and answering questions... man, my world is going nutty. Anyway, I've made a couple really cool friends who I look forward to talking to everytime I get on the computer, but they aren't on now.
I gave a presant to my Sunday School teacher, because her birthday is on April 1st. It was so much fun to see her face. I owed her that much at least, and besides I wanted to do it for her. She wrote me a really great letter a month back, and I know without it I wouldn't be getting out of this whole "anti-social" phase of mine... er, not that I'm anti-social... but I hate crowds, and I don't do anything except hide. I was amazed when I got the letter, I'm gonna keep it all my life.
Tonight's activity was a camp meeting; I'm not gonna be here for Girl's Camp. If I go down where we're moving to, it'll be the first time I've ever been to camp in my life. I don't know if I want to, I just hope people won't start trying to convince me that I MUST go... People here were doing that, until we decided we were moving. I said goodbye to the Bishop, although I still like the Bishop who was released only two weeks ago better (I'm used to him, and he made me laugh).
Now I look around this place and everything seems so distant. It's like I'm here, but really I'm so far gone from this place that it's faded into the distance and all I can do now is watch as it slowly disappears into the haze. I'm gonna try to keep in touch with everyone who I've grown to love here, I'm going to be online everyday at 3:00pm waiting for my bestfriend to come on.
lol It's amazing, she's the only other girl who I've met who's my religion that I can actually relate to. We have stuff in common, a lot of stuff, and that's more unusual than anything I've ever known. I'm going to miss her a lot, and we'll be coming back to visit people every year here (I think). It's up to my mom really, but she's got friends at the VA hospital she wants to come back and visit, so I think it's pretty much a done deal.
My history notes you guys hear me talking about every now were read and commented on tonight. My bestfriend, who's nickname is Ashana by the way, said I have to type them up and post them on a site for others to read.
I've been searching for a good layout for my site, everything I find is a deadend, and ten minutes later I decide I hate it and it has to go. Maybe I'll never get my site up, maybe it's just one of those things I'll always have but no one will ever really know or care or be able to help with. All I know is I wish I could just decide on something, and I doubt I ever will, but it sure would be motivational.
Let's see, my room is completely bare. Five months ago I couldn't find spare on my shelves to put all my little knicknacks... now it's just so empty.
I'm rambling, so I guess I should go. Wanna talk to me? I don't know why you would, I guess a comment would be nice. We've moved every couple of years since I was a year old, so I don't need any moving advice, but comfort would be good... *hint* and Ashana, if you happen to see this, give me a comment and I'm REALLY gonna miss you!!!
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Monday, March 22, 2004
ah, yes....
ah yes.... I'm back again... cower in PH34R!!!!! heh, anyway..
news... well, does anyone remember I mentioned that personal progress thing a while back? probably not. Anyway, it's a church that I'm really working hard on. Since we're moving next week, I'm really cracking down on it. I've gotten two value projects checked off, all of which have to be at least ten hours long, and I've gotten four value expieriences down. I'll have another done on Wednesday (I have to wait because my young women's leader & my friend are going to make a list of positive qualities I have). In the meantime, I'm going to get done two a day, except for the ones that take two to three weeks, sometimes even a month. My mom's helping me with it.
In the news of my schoolwork (ugh) I'm sending in my tests on Friday, and I need to look into colleges and what high school courses I need to take to go into chemistry. I'm also taking writing classes when I go to college, because I want to become a writer. I just like chemistry - as long as I don't have to run into too many fractions.
Oh, I haven't heard anything from that graphics site I applied to. Just as well that I more than likely didn't get the position, my life is fairly nutty right now. I checked the site statistics and at least five people have viewed from there, so whatever. I think it turned out fairly well, and it's the first time I've applied to a graphics site. if you wanna see it (why I wouldn't know) go to - it'll open in a new window, and people who like it can let me know... if you want... oh well, I'm forever working on my site. I guess I'll just compile my many aliases and stuff and post it at cuz it'll be too big for freewebs... I think... oh who cares!
I got Samurai X: the motion picture, completely unedited. It's the sequal to the series Rurouni Kenshin. Okay, the series was good, but I hated the movie. It was quick to action, but it was also a bit slow to the plot. Not to mention the scenes where they showed Kenshin as the Batosai were extremely lame - you can tell just how the animation had changed from the original Samurai X mini-series to the sequal Rurouni Kenshin. Not to mention the mood of the show changed extremely quickly. I was really disappointed.
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Wednesday, March 10, 2004
food... I NEED FOOD!!!! ugh, anyway... I figured I'd update, since I was on. I think I'm gonna use geocities to host my website. My friend's getting hers up soon. She's been on hiatus for a while... anyway....
Well, my chess book came in, I read about five chapters of it, and I made my first checkmate this morning! figures, I didn't know what I was doing. ^__^ I learned some GOOD moves, like castling (which I haven't tried yet) and the en passant (I think that's how it's spelled) for pawns... I tested it out on the computer too. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I beat it twice, being careful not to get another stalemate.
OH! I'm playing Diablo 2. My brother keeps teasing me cuz I've started a game about 50 times and I'm only JUST starting to like it. I have to tell you, there's something very therapudic about killing demons. in fact, I FEEL like killing some right now. *picks up a butcher knife and goes after the cat*
Oh, I found a new book series I want to read. Anybody ever heard of the Alex Rider adventure series by Anthony Horowitz? I read about it from the artemis fowl fun site and looked it up on A 14 year old boy living in England with his Uncle. One day his uncle is killed and weird things start happening. Apparently Alex's was supposed to be killed in a car crash, but he sneaks in to get a look at the car and sees it full of bullet holes... anyway, he's supposed to be recruited by M16. Now doesn't that sound like fun???? 0.0 maybe I just have a weird sense of what's fun and not... hmmmm.....
Oh, a new book by Eoin Colfer is out. It's called 'The Seventh Dwarf'. From what I've heard it takes place in between the first and second books in the Artemis Fowl series - and they have no current plans to bring it to the US, so I might not read it unless I find it in a ebook. Also, I'm still waiting for the fourth book!!! *cries* It says on Eoin Colfer's site that it's coming out in the UK sometime this year, and my friend's have heard it's called 'The Opal Deception'...
He wrote another one coming to the US in, I think it said May this year, 'The Supernaturlist', which looks REALLY good.
My mother started reading Demons Don't Dream by Piers Anthony, which is the 16th book in the Xanth series. It's hilarious. She especially liked the part about the censorship named Bigotry, and when they doused the censors the two censors were called HATRED and IGNORANCE. Of course, she's a bit feminist and a bit of lobbyist (yes, I know I spelled the stupid word wrong) so she WOULD like those types of things... now anyone can see where I get my slightly feminist side... which part of the reason I hate my brothers from time to time - they're just so.... teenage boyish, if you catch my meaning.
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Sunday, February 29, 2004
hello all, nice to chat with you again! not really, because it seems sort of one way - considering few people actually respond to what I write... but as they say in 'Demons Don't Dream' it may be an illusion, but it's pretty real. ^__^ I've been reading it since about 7 last night and I'm to the part where Nada Naga and Dug have gotten to the village and picked up that guy Sherlock and Dug ends up in the Stream of Conciousness so he starts spilling his guts to Nada. Ah, I just finished that chapter actually. The next chapter goes back to Kim's story. I like Kim and Jenny Elf, they're pretty cool.
Oh, today my friend brought a manga to church and I sat reading it. I didn't get really far into since we had to go to sunday school, but it's pretty good. It's about this guy Shurichi who saves this angel from a crow - which I guess is supposed to be a servant of the devil... anyway, Kohaku is the little angel, and she showed me a picture of the other guy (the servant guy who works for the devil) who, during the day, is this little chibi (who's SO incredibly adorable), but turns into this (as she described) REALLY hot guy during the night.
Same with the angel, only during the night she's chibi, and during she's a full grown angel... amazing how I've led you off-topic, ne? anyway, the manga is called 'Wish' and I think she's bringing it to the young women's meeting on Wednesday. I guess I'm gonna go, since we're going to read a bunch of manga. The meeting's about the girl's camp this summer - which I won't be here for because we're moving April 1 (no, I'm not joking) to... *DUM DUM DUM* Florida! YAY!!! *does a little happy dance* after all, everyone loves Florida! We're going to Orlando, so we'll be what, two blocks away from DisneyWorld? heh, just kidding...
Anyway, I have to post a picture of the chibi people from wish....
if I can find one... I'm searching now... I WANT CHIBI PICTURES PEOPLES!!!
grumble grumble grumble... I only found a picture of kohaku as chibi... and my dumb image hosting service ( no longer allows me to put in a url and actually have the image show up... if you want to see it, go to
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Friday, February 27, 2004
ah, I'm feeling terribly evil tonight! my mother is convinced that the son of one of our friends has a crush on me - only she keeps mentioning it 'cuz it annoys me...
oh, my copy of fantasy chess has defects - today i was playing diffacultly 4 and one of my rooks just disappeared! yes, I checked where my pieces go when the computer takes them - and it wasn't there!!!
ugh, I need a new chess program.
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Thursday, February 26, 2004
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