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Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Version Vibrant and More
Mood: Happy and irritated
Song:Boys like girls-Hero Heroine

We otaku's have been waiting forever for this moment to come.Well, fellow otaku's,we need not wait any longer.
Version Vibrant IS HERE TO STAY!w00t!
I will miss all those treasured moments with Spikey.T_T
Okay moment over! Anywho today I actualy have nothing much to talk about.No drama or new songs...nothing.
Todays post will be a short one...Yepp...
I'll post later if anything big comes up...
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Saturday, March 1, 2008
Mood: Neh...
Song:Nami Tamaki-Destiny

I'm tired an bored.Since I have to wait 5 months until Breaking Dawn comes out,I'm creating my own version.Cocomo did the preface.I'll think about allowing her to do the Epilogue.I'm not very good when it comes to prefaces and epilogues.
And,since Version Vibrant is gonna have a fan fiction place,I'm gonna think about uploading.
Coco's is funny.You have to read it though(I don't have her persmission to give you guys a summary).
Yesterday my day was pretty good.Not alot of drama.Well except for the fact that my teacher was being pretty hard on my friend.
We're having this dance project that we get to do with a group (I already have my group.Yumi,Coco,Hikari and Sayu).
Anyways,my friend already chose her group.But another classmate was absent for 15 mins.So my teacher was worrying about where she would be put.So then my teacher asked my friend "Will you be willing to put _______ in your group?" my friend said "No.I have my group of 3 and I would like it to stay that way.And it would be really hard to think about dance moves for 4 when I already have dance moves for 3.Sorry"
Then my teacher got upset at her and then he goes "Is there some sort of dram issue going around?" my friend responded "yes" (why would she lie?It would cause more problems right?)
So then my teacher said that they'd have
a little chat with the principal.She got fustrated and threw a tantrum.I don't blame her.If it were me I would start throwing things and screming.
So then she said "I hate school".Then my teacher got even more upset and said that she could have detention for a couple of weeks.I think.
So she started to cry and while I tried to comfort her the teacher called her and then I don't know what happend.
But I started to cry 2nd recess (when she was little he brother died a week after her was born)
because she missed him and she really needed to talk to he brother.T_T.I was really crying and Coco saw me.
Well gonna go take a nap now.*yawn*Or just stay on the computer.Bye~
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Thursday, February 28, 2008
Mood: Furious
Song:Melodies of Life-Final Fantasy

Well I am furious right now.Secrets are very dangerous.Like,very,very,very dangerous.Sometimes you can't trust others.Depending on who it is.
No Yumi,I'm not talking about you or leo.So drop it.I can't believe that both of their secrets were said aloud.And mine too.But I can't let that feeling for him continue.Not when to many people already know.
So I'm going to act like he never existed and eat vanilla icecream while I sob myself to death.
In other news,today I got excepted to move on to the boards for speeches.My speech was on vampires, of course.
My friend said that after I was done everybody was like "WOOOH-WOO-EEE" and the other canidate's appaluse was like *Claps lowly*.After the speeches everyone came and hugged and congragulated me.People high-5ed me and I kinda got glomped by Coco! He he! XD
Subtract all the drama from today,It was overlall pretty good.Well I have to study for a make-up test and do some of my homework! Bye~
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Thursday, February 21, 2008
Mood:Ticked the hell out of
Song: Loveholic-Sylvia

I am seriously ticked off man.I've never been this angry.Well actually I have but this is my first time being angry with out a tantrum.(I'm one for tantrums)
Instead of saying there names aloud for the lack of embarassement,Person A and Person B we'll call them.And I guess I'll be person C.
Well school starts and person A and B know extactly nothing of eachother.2 months later Person A and B ARE GOING OUT!
Person C is fine,oh so perfectly fine.Until 1 day Person A and B get into a fight.Person C is enjoying this.She never approved of that relationship.Never.1 day later Person A and B are making everything go on as if nothing ever occured.
Person C ignores it and moves on with her life.Until 2nd recess where a dare was brought up forcing Person A and B to kiss.Person C is disgusted and again, moves on with her life.
Now before I continue I'd like to say a quick "UGH".Okay, I'm done.Anywho back to the story.
Person C doesn't want to see this happen she she stops hanging out with the group and finds another one where awkward moments like that wont happen.But somebody likely screamed "THEY'RE KISSING,THEY'RE KISSING" and everyone in group 2 starts running off to the comotion.
Well you can predict what happens next.Person C gets pissed off,but I won't tell you why.That fate is in your hands at the moment. Well now that I screamed all of my fury out I'm as calm as a rattle snake. :D.Well I'm off to do other things now.Bye!
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Song:Loveholic-Sad Story

I am sorry but that picutre just cracks me up.I was gonna put this other picture but it used innapropriate words so yea.Nothing much to talk about today.But I am laughing alot.LMAO the stickman is so horrible to the girl.He just kicks a flower in her eye! We had a presentation today about Quincy Mack, and it was good util something happened.Well it was as if he were doing something wrong to little kids.
He was infront of them and his legs apart and h was juggling and then his "area" started to...yea..so then me and Coco were laughing our heads off to the point that people could hear.
Lmao...I'm hyper.I didn't have chocolate though.Okay now all the hyperness washed away.Well I'll go finsih what's left of my homework now! Bye~
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Sunday, February 17, 2008
End of the road for Boredem!
Song:SNSD-Girls' Generation

Hi! My hand hurts still but I'm still alive!w00t.Today I'm going to Hikari's house for a project.This should be fun ^^.What am I saying?! Hikari's house is ALWAYS fun.Don't worry Cocomo your house is fun too! And so is Yumis'!
OMC! Look what I found! It's chibi Itachi with FOOD! LMAO!
The road for boredem will be ending soon! >:D .Oh to all you Twilighters, I feel the pain!I really want Breaking Dawn to come out next week but it'll be coming out in 166 days from today.TT_TT. I wonder what really happens.Is the marriage between Bella and Edward still on?What will Jacob Black to to win Bella' love?Speaking of Bella and Jacob...wait, what just sounded totally wrong "Bella and Jacob".Such a horrible sentence.Anywho, Bella's starting to piss me off.That whole little "kissy-goo-goo-ga-ga" thing.She deserves EDWARD.Do I need to spell his name out?! E-D-W-A-R-D! Jeez..I hope Jacob Dies...
Tonight I might draw some stuff and see if I really wanna post it up! I did a fan manga but it was taking a while to load so I aborted the mission!
Anywho, I'm going to go do randomness like watch tv and listen to music.Bye^^
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Saturday, February 16, 2008
Mood: In pain
Song:Shimauma no Yoru-Ouran High School Host Club

I'm back! YAY! It was fun, the trip.My sisters and I actually had fun and noone got hurt.I usually get punched in the face or get thrown down the stairs...Anywho, I hurt myself today..Like seriously hurt myself.I was gonna make the croissant's fromthe Pillsberry can, but it didn't open.So I got knif and then it plunged into the gap between my thumb and index finger.TT_TT.I took me 3 whole mins to realize where the dripping blood was coming from.I almost fainted! (I have a phobia against blood) And then when I started to panic, the pain began to rush through my viens.It hurt so myuch, I jumped on the couch and my little brother broke out in laughter.TT_TT, It's not funny! When my grandma came home, we went to the doctor.He said the cut was small but it was really deep.So he said I had to get stitches, but I said no! I told him that if he layed 1 finger on me, I'd cheerfully wack him with a steel bat in his eye! >:D.I don't like people fidgeting with me.I seriously dont..bad memories...Poor guy,it was his first day at the walk in clinic and he just got threatend by a kid.Well you can't blame me actually.He mistakened me for a 9 year old, and I'm nowhere near 9.Now for the questions for the day!!
1)If you cut your hand like me, what would you do?
2)you buy a really nice top but you can't touch it because your hand was bleeding from a accident and you never got a chance to clean your hands up.What do you do?! (there are no people to help you in the store because they're occupied)
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Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I Feel EVIL....
Mood: Evil
Song:Ohh La-La SNSD

MUAAHAHAH!I FEEL SO EVIL TODAY.Or well right now.I feel like saying a put-down and actually mean it.But don't worry, I won't! WTF! NOO!I just lost my fav manga! BULL-SHNITZEL!Aww...I wanted to read it..Well I guess I'll watch somemore Ouran High School Host Club! LMAO! It was funny! Tamaki was like "So what type do you like? Curious? Wild? Or romantic?" Or it was something along those lines. I really like this anime!THANK YOU Sayu for bringing this anime to my attention! *JASPERS* I forgot to sign a bunch of people's gb's! I must go sign! Oh wait...I forgot the questions of the day!
1)Are you excited about Valentines Day?
2)If you could tell that someone something really cheesy and sweet, what would it be?
3)Are you feeling the love or magic yet?
My Answers:
1)NO! I seriously don't like V-day!
2)I would tell them that, that day nobody or nothing would come between us because that day is ours!
3)I'm feeling no love or magic.I'm feeling panicky!
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Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Pretty Happy
Song:SNSD-Girl Generation
HAPPY...don't know why though...Oh did I mention in those 5 words that I'll be singing with...*drumroll* JASMINE TRIAS! WOOOOT! I'm flying to Miami on Friday! Oh wait...I forgot...I'm having my "Peuple Du Bison" (Bison People) test on Thursday!Beter start craming!But I'm to excited!TEE HEE! Anywho,thank Jesus I'm missing the dance because really, what so exciting about it? All I'll be doing is sitting down Anti-Socialy giving dirty looks at kids who dance.Other than that I have no reason why to not miss it!JASPERS!I gotta go, I have a plate reserved with my name on it, and I got whole Coconut Cream Pie waiting in the fridge for me! Byee!
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Monday, February 11, 2008
Pissed Off
Mood: Don't piss me off even more!
Song:Into the New World (remix) SNSD
Yea,as you guessed it, I'm pretty mad and sad.And it all falls on Coco.She ticked me off in school!And if your reading this coco! Well now I'm seriously pissed off.First of all,she said something that she wasn't even suppost to blurt out.And then she told people she called my "friends".Yea kenji and kasji or w/e really need to know about these things.I thought she was my best friend.Well I was 100% wrong,because if I wasn't then she would't have to Kobe, and they wouldn't be laughing about it.And that seriously hurt me.I don't even remember why I told her.How would you like it if someone told another person, "She has a boyfriend!*points* And his name is blank" then you see those people bursting out with laughter.And you know what? I have no symapthy if this makes Coco feel bad! I really have no sympathy at all! You maybe thinking.. "What a mean person Kumi is!" No, I'm not the bad guy here.Noone is! But you weren't there when that thing happend.Now where you?NO!So now shut up about it.Because God knows when my grudge on Coco will end...Only God has fate in his hands at the moment because I can't control my anger at the moment! I had to go to a anger-control class because I was so aggressive.I punched a kid in the nose in kindergarten when he called me "stupid".*5 mins later* Okay Coco apologized.And since I'm not aggressive I've decided to forgive her.*HUGS COCO!* Okay, now if you people tell anyone about this day I'll cheerfully beat you to death! Bye! :D
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