Thursday, February 21, 2008
Mood:Ticked the hell out of
Song: Loveholic-Sylvia

I am seriously ticked off man.I've never been this angry.Well actually I have but this is my first time being angry with out a tantrum.(I'm one for tantrums)
Instead of saying there names aloud for the lack of embarassement,Person A and Person B we'll call them.And I guess I'll be person C.
Well school starts and person A and B know extactly nothing of eachother.2 months later Person A and B ARE GOING OUT!
Person C is fine,oh so perfectly fine.Until 1 day Person A and B get into a fight.Person C is enjoying this.She never approved of that relationship.Never.1 day later Person A and B are making everything go on as if nothing ever occured.
Person C ignores it and moves on with her life.Until 2nd recess where a dare was brought up forcing Person A and B to kiss.Person C is disgusted and again, moves on with her life.
Now before I continue I'd like to say a quick "UGH".Okay, I'm done.Anywho back to the story.
Person C doesn't want to see this happen she she stops hanging out with the group and finds another one where awkward moments like that wont happen.But somebody likely screamed "THEY'RE KISSING,THEY'RE KISSING" and everyone in group 2 starts running off to the comotion.
Well you can predict what happens next.Person C gets pissed off,but I won't tell you why.That fate is in your hands at the moment. Well now that I screamed all of my fury out I'm as calm as a rattle snake. :D.Well I'm off to do other things now.Bye!
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