Saturday, March 1, 2008
Mood: Neh...
Song:Nami Tamaki-Destiny

I'm tired an bored.Since I have to wait 5 months until Breaking Dawn comes out,I'm creating my own version.Cocomo did the preface.I'll think about allowing her to do the Epilogue.I'm not very good when it comes to prefaces and epilogues.
And,since Version Vibrant is gonna have a fan fiction place,I'm gonna think about uploading.
Coco's is funny.You have to read it though(I don't have her persmission to give you guys a summary).
Yesterday my day was pretty good.Not alot of drama.Well except for the fact that my teacher was being pretty hard on my friend.
We're having this dance project that we get to do with a group (I already have my group.Yumi,Coco,Hikari and Sayu).
Anyways,my friend already chose her group.But another classmate was absent for 15 mins.So my teacher was worrying about where she would be put.So then my teacher asked my friend "Will you be willing to put _______ in your group?" my friend said "No.I have my group of 3 and I would like it to stay that way.And it would be really hard to think about dance moves for 4 when I already have dance moves for 3.Sorry"
Then my teacher got upset at her and then he goes "Is there some sort of dram issue going around?" my friend responded "yes" (why would she lie?It would cause more problems right?)
So then my teacher said that they'd have
a little chat with the principal.She got fustrated and threw a tantrum.I don't blame her.If it were me I would start throwing things and screming.
So then she said "I hate school".Then my teacher got even more upset and said that she could have detention for a couple of weeks.I think.
So she started to cry and while I tried to comfort her the teacher called her and then I don't know what happend.
But I started to cry 2nd recess (when she was little he brother died a week after her was born)
because she missed him and she really needed to talk to he brother.T_T.I was really crying and Coco saw me.
Well gonna go take a nap now.*yawn*Or just stay on the computer.Bye~
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