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A planet not of this galaxy
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none currently, but I want to be a voice actor
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um, I was student of the month at school? (I know it's lame, but I got a Barnes and Noble gift card.)
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about a year ago, i guess
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to be a voice actor
reading, listening to music, singing, and drawing sometimes, although i'm not all that great
singing, and if being a clutz is considered a talent, then that too
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I figured i'd better say that first since the rest of this post is gonna be depressing. Well, to me, anyway. I didn't have to go to school today. My gym teacher was gonna make our gym class play volleyball against 3 guys at school during extended lunch. Last time we played them, it was our entire gym class (about 9 people) at once against the 3 of them. They beat us. Badly. Since this time it was gonna be in front of the entire high school. I was so freaked out i almost made myself sick. I cried and my mom felt bad for me and let me stay home. What really upset me yesterday, though, is that one little thing (the game, in this case) gets me thinking about everything else that's going wrong in my life, this time my dad. (I never let my feelings out, so when one little thing bugs me, i'm depressed for about a week.) My dad's a loser, and that's really all i want to say about him right now. I'd better get off the internet, my mom's supposed to call.
Today's Random Thought: "A zebra does not change its spots." -Al Gore (He actually said this twice. don't u think he would've figured out the first time that zebras have stripes?)
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Monday, October 9, 2006
TODAY'S MY MOM'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's i-can't-tell-u-or-i'll-get-killed years old. ^_^ We went to cracker barrel for lunch. i'm so full. it was so much fun. i want it to be the 16th so my sister can hurry up and have her baby already. we've got babies popping out everywhere. My sister's pregnant, my friend, my mom's friend, my cousin, and my friend's mom. i think that's all. OMG!! My bunny just jumped off my lap onto the floor!! He's ok. *breathes sigh of relief* this bunny's gonna kill me someday.
Today's Random Thought: Americans, it's better to do something the hard way and screw it up than it is to do it the easy way and get it right the first time.
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Sunday, October 8, 2006
I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: Sakura-chan
Likes: Sasuke
Dislikes: Naruto,Ino
Owner: Sakura Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi!
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ok, my dad's gone now. i'm kinda pissed at him, cause he saw my grade sheet and wants me to bring up my C in algebra. At least i'm passing!! i thought i was gonna flunk. i guess i shouldn't be too mad, though, since he's buying cookie dough from me for the school fundraiser.
Oh my gosh!! I just found out my big sister went into labor last week!! the doctor had to stop it because it's too early, but he's gonna try to have her go through the week of the 16th and then induce her. I can't wait! I'm gonna have another little niece! They're naming her Kaley Brooke, i think. i'm probably way off, i'll let you know exactly when i find the card she sent me.
Today's Random Thought: Crying is for women, babies, and men who just got their ears ripped off. (yeah, this one's from J-chan ^_^)
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My bunny is feeling much better. he's back to his very hyper self. the other day he tried to eat my socks. while i was wearing them. he has very sharp little teeth.
uh-oh. i have to go for now, my dad's here. i'll write more later.
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
Kentucky was fun. We went to the Kentucky Horse Park. My favorite horse was the Gypsy Cob, but i can't remember his name. We saw 2 yearlings. One was hungry and ignored us, and the other was tired and took a nap. We thought the other one was going to step on her.
Anyway, I tried to go on your site and add you as a friend, Mrs.Hyuga, but it wouldn't load. I will try again, though, I promise! I finally found another Naruto fan! My sister thinks it's weird. Which i guess it is, but that's what makes it fun, right? ^_^ Neji kinda creeps me out, though, ever since he tried to kill Hinata in the prelims... I can't wait for Naruto to come on tonight! I'm totally addicted to it!
Today's Random Thought: Why do the people at fast food restaraunts tell you to have a nice day when they know you're going to get sick from all the grease in their food?
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Friday, October 6, 2006
Ok, the whole "trailor coming before a movie" thing, i meant that when you see a trailor being pulled by a car or truck or whatever, it comes after the car. So why are they called trailors if they come before the movie?
Now that that's cleared up, yes my bunny's name is Honey, and no, it's not influenced by Ouran High School Host Club. Honestly, I have no idea what that is (Please don't hurt me!! ^_^) His name's Honey because he's honey-colored. He's the cutest bunny i've ever seen.
I sereously (I cant's spell worth crap) doubt that I'm gonna see Grudge 2, laMonstaGirl. I'd probably get so scared i'd pee my pants or something. I can't even watch Signs, that's how much of a wimp I am! You see it and tell me how it is, ok?
I get to go to Kentucky tomorrow, since B-chan's sleepover got canceled. It should be fun.
Today's Random Thought:
B-chan: (says something i can't remember)
V-chan: Ooh, band-aids!!
B-chan: Attention span of a goldfish!
Me: *laughs histaricaly*
(this is an actual conversation my friends and i had at our lunch table. if you don't think it's funny, you had to be there)
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Thursday, October 5, 2006
My bunny's very ok now. The anesthetic wore off completely and he's very hyper. He's on my lap right now.
This week has sucked big time. The worst thing besides Honey having surgery was my friend B-chan's sleepover was canceled. Well, technically postponed, but whatever. Since it's gonna be next Fri. (the 13, there's great planning ^_^)i probably won't be able to post that day unless she lets me go on the internet at her house.
I have to go do math homework now. WAAAAAAHHH!!
Today's Random Thought: Why do trailors come before a movie?
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Wednesday, October 4, 2006
Thank you, Elvesatemyramen and Lamonstagirl, for being concerned about my poor bunny. He's doing ok. My mom has to clean his wound twice a day (if i did it, i'd pass out, puke, or both), and we're giving him shots, poor thing. He likes his oral medicine, though, apparently it tastes good. He wouldn't swallow it this morning, though, and almost made us late for school. Yesterday the anesthesia made him very sleepy. He looked stoned. Every time we laid him on his back, he went right to sleep. He twitches when he sleeps, and my mom said one time he twitched so big that he woke himself up and scared himself and my mom both! I'll keep you updated on how he's doing.
Today's Random Thought: One thing I learned from being a thief: never steal a knight's sword. They can get angry pretty fast. (I got this from my friend B-chan. It's from a book she was writing.)
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Tuesday, October 3, 2006
I just want to let everyone know, my rabbit had surgury today. He got home not to long ago. He had to have an absess drained. The vet had to leave the wound open, and we have to clean it out every day. He should be ok, though. Write now he's sleeping cause the anesthetic caught up with him.
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