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Member Since
• 2006-09-28
• none currently, but I want to be a voice actor
Real Name
• Sakura
• um, I was student of the month at school? (I know it's lame, but I got a Barnes and Noble gift card.)
Anime Fan Since
• about a year ago, i guess
Favorite Anime
• Naruto
• to be a voice actor
• reading, listening to music, singing, and drawing sometimes, although i'm not all that great
• singing, and if being a clutz is considered a talent, then that too
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Ok, my sister's been on the internet for like 2 hours, so i've only got a minute. My dad called today. I'm kinda mad at him, but he's coming over tomorrow, so i guess i'll have to get over it. We were talking about my big sister on the phone and he got mad at her, which made me happy. Now, before you think i'm a terrible person for thinking that, especially since she's pregnant, let me explain. She was supposed to call me about a month ago and never did. When she was little, my mom called her the "Golden Child" cause no matter what she did my dad never got mad at her, but he was always upset with me and my little sis for no reason. So it felt kinda good for her to be the one in trouble instead of us. Oh, she's gonna have her baby on Wednesday, i think. Her name's gonna be Kaylin Brooke.
Today's Random Thought: If practice makes perfect and nobody's perfect, then why practice?
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