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Quiz Results
A planet not of this galaxy
Member Since
none currently, but I want to be a voice actor
Real Name
um, I was student of the month at school? (I know it's lame, but I got a Barnes and Noble gift card.)
Anime Fan Since
about a year ago, i guess
Favorite Anime
to be a voice actor
reading, listening to music, singing, and drawing sometimes, although i'm not all that great
singing, and if being a clutz is considered a talent, then that too
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 10/20/06:
that's so pretty!
 | You scored as Water. You are the Aqua Goddess. Controlling water is your thing. You can comunicate with the fish and water mammals. You are nice to your friends and are cautionate to others. You hate your enimes and would love to crush them with a 50ft wave.
Water | | 80% | Fire | | 75% | Light | | 60% | Nature | | 60% | Air | | 55% | Dark | | 45% |
What type of anime goddess are you? created with | |
Result Posted on 10/20/06:
that sounds alot like me
What Warrior were you in a Past Life? (great anime pics)
Result Posted on 10/20/06:
WEIRD AL?!?!? weird al's cool and all, but MARRY HIM?!? EEEWWWWWW!!!!
Result Posted on 10/20/06:
that's weird, cause the first quiz i ever took was who my anime boyfriend would be, and it was sesshomeru.
Would you get along with Sesshomaru?
Result Posted on 10/20/06:
b-chan would know who this is, but i don't have a clue. sounds like me though.
Whats your Personality And what anime character do you relate to? With Pics!!! Girlz Only, Sorry Boyz.
 You are Like Kairi From Kingdom Hearts, a sweetheart and daydreamer. You are the kind of person that always sees the good in people no matter what. You are a sweet, kind and innocent girl. You hate to see people fighting and you hate to fight, but if people ever try to change who you are or what you believe in watch out. You have many friends but only a few close friends that you have opened up to, no one else really knows you that well You spend a lot of your time in dreamland try and come back to reality and pull down a few walls you put up over the years.Colour-Blue(kindness, strength of mind)Animal-Swan (sweet, loving, caring)Power-RainQuote-This must be a dream...Memories tend to fade. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/20/06:
that's depressing
What can people see in your eyes?(great ANIME pics)((IMPROVED!!!))
 People see sadness in your eyes. You seem to be hurt deeply. You may be unhappy because you are alone or feel like no one cares about you. Or it may be because something very awful has happened to you. Whatever the cause, you go through each day just waiting for night to come with sweet relief in the form of your dreams. But you may have even lost hope in your dreams. Chin up. Things should get better for you and there is always at least one person who cares about you. Have hope.(Image copyrighted to Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/20/06:
"sweet like cotton candy"? oo-kaay. That picture kinda scares me....
What Kind Of Dreamer Are You? (Anime Picz)
Result Posted on 10/19/06:
What is the angel form of your spirit?
 ~Solitary Angel~ You like to be alone. Away from people you have time to your self, and time to think things over. You hate crowds, the heat, the confinitey, you want open space, a way to let go to be free. Freedom is truly what you seek. Freedom is something gained, never to be let go of. But alos something to share. Weapon:Katana " Freedom, a gift of the greatest value...wat i crave... wat i need" Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/19/06:
S |
is for |
Stylish |
A |
is for |
Adaptable |
K |
is for |
Kinky |
U |
is for |
Unreal |
R |
is for |
Revolutionary |
A |
is for |
Amorous |
Result Posted on 10/19/06:
um, ok?
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